Humanizing the lannister soldiers?
Was there a point to the Ed Sheeran scene other than to have a scene with Ed Sheeran in it?
They were Lannister soldiers? I was thinking that but I wasn't sure because it didn't look like they had the banners for it
Master Assassin Arya really drives home the fact that I'm watching D&D writing
They were Lannister soldiers? I was thinking that but I wasn't sure because it didn't look like they had the banners for it
I wonder if Cersei will just kill Euron when she doesn't need him anymore or if someone else will.
Just makin sure.they were wearing Lannister armor
Then they laughed and presumably got along with her.C'mon. The show has been driving it down for years that the Kong's soldiers keep the peace all along the kingsroad.
They were wearing red. They got quiet when told Cersei is going to die.
I haven't seen one, but surely there's someone doing it? There's been a few "gee, these are nicely framed shots" articles in the past.
I don't know how much of a market there is for that sort of thing (so much clickbait, so little actual analysis/discussion these days), but I'd be interested in listening/watching something about it. The size of the production is staggering and they certainly have some stories to tell.I'll keep an eye out. We've all been spoiled by the Better Call Saul Insider Podcast.
Yup. She's an invincible master assassin now that she's been trained at the House of Black & White. (Nevermind the fact that she failed in her training at every step and it was never demonstrated on-screen that she actually learned anything beyond how to wash a corpse... )
"Hey, look over here, it's a CGI dragon, motherfuckers!!!"
What are those chains on the bookshelves for? I'd assume they were for locking up the books each night but you don't need that many chains for that.
Archmaester Dewey devised his chain cataloguing system to ensure books dealing with the same subject were placed together in the library
It was fucking disgusting.
Anyways, I know a lot of people call Sam & Gilly's arcs boring, but, also while I was thinking of the episode, I realized that they never really delve that deep on the life of a maester; or the making of one.
I guess maesters are the equivalent of PhDs or M.Ds in Westeros? So, they have to learn like...everything? Except other than plot device shit I don't really get why Sam is doing dogsbody work. It'd make more sense to see him in a classroom reading a stack of books; it would make more sense to see the maesters make him read shit and take tests and what not.
How does it work? Do the chains have writing on them to identify where the book goes?
What are those chains on the bookshelves for? I'd assume they were for locking up the books each night but you don't need that many chains for that.
Like, you can't kill ...
I'm sorry but I laughed my ass off at Euron being a Rock Star.
that's pretty cool actually, to know that someone's perspective on the show (yours) is relatable to what Sam's going through in the form of a metaphor, like you said.It's actually a perfect metaphor for the early clinical years of MD training.
Source: am an early clinical MD trainee
Yeah, probably.Welp, you just sentenced all of them to death now.
that's pretty cool actually, to know that someone's perspective on the show (yours) is relatable to what Sam's going through in the form of a metaphor, like you said.
I guess the only thing with that is that do the maesters have to learn, like, literally everything? It doesn't seem like maesters are broken up into (to compare to real life) MD, PhD i.e different types maesters specializing in different subjects and there being sub-titles given to maestors and what not, other than that archmaester that we learn of.
She used a face to kill Meryn Trant. Would have killed Lady Crane if not for her conscience, bested the Waif, infiltrated the Twins, killed Walder Frey. Nothing on screen at all.
And why do you think she is invincible?
I really hope the battle at Eastwatch doesn't just turn into a big character pruner. I mean, the Night's King has to get past the wall somehow eventually, but if Eastwatch just ends up being a slaughter to streamline the plot and provide that 'darkest before the dawn'/'we're all fucked going into the final act' moment... it'd have to be pretty incredible for me to not balk at it.
Like, you can't kill Tormund. I don't need that at this point in the show. It's a cheap, easy target, and a death that wouldn't really change anything narratively other than making things simpler for writers down the line. It'd be like killing Davos. And then you throw the Hound and Berric and Thoros in the trash with him too now, and just... bleh.
Nothing you list there was ever earned by her character in any way. Let's just look in broad strokes at her time in Braavos:
All she did in S5 was fail and constantly question and disobey Jaqen to the point that he had to blind her as punishment. She then spends two episodes of S6 on the street, gets beaten up by the Waif a couple times, and Jaqen just shows up like, "OK- you're cool to come back and train again now." Cue up a couple more lost stick fights to the Waif, and, all of a sudden, she's ready for a new contract! Which, she fails to execute, of course.
Next, knowing full well that either the Waif or Jaqen himself will be coming for her, she just goes galavanting around town in broad daylight throwing big bags of money around to book passage out of town. She then allows a stranger to approach her, never even considering that it might be a faceless assassin, gets her belly sliced open from left to right and then stabbed in the abdomen multiple times.
Let's face facts: she's dead. Her character is dumb as a box of rocks at this point. She's constantly failed in her training, questioned Jaqen at every turn and is openly defying the clearly defined rules of an ancient order of fucking assassins that strikes fear in the hearts of everyone on the globe. When Ned was this stupid, he paid for it with his life. When Robb was this stupid, he paid for it with his life. When Jon was this stupid, he paid for it with his life.
Arya? Nah. She's rewarded for being stupid. Based on what we've seen to this point, we have no reason to believe that she'd be anything other than the shittiest faceless assassin in history, but she gets to pass go, collect $200, and become a master assassin because reasons. And Jaqen is totally cool with her thumbing her nose at the Many-Faced God and just doing what she wants, killing who she wants, etc.- also, because reasons. IN the span of a couple episodes, she goes from losing stick fights against a teenage girl to making Frey pies and wiping out entire houses.
I largely liked S6 and thought it was a great turnaround from the lackluster season before it, but Arya's arc in Braavos was a low point throughout for me. That girl's got so much plot armor on her at this point, I can't figure out how she's able to walk.
Yeah. The show does a bad job showing Arya's progression but that TV. They have to cut things out to move the story forward. They are just bad at it.
God damn if they don't hook up.
Next, knowing full well that either the Waif or Jaqen himself will be coming for her, she just goes galavanting around town in broad daylight throwing big bags of money around to book passage out of town. She then allows a stranger to approach her, never even considering that it might be a faceless assassin, gets her belly sliced open from left to right and then stabbed in the abdomen multiple times.
Can't wait for you to read this on the first chapter of the supposed book that's supposedly coming out supposedly soon and then say GENIUS.
Nothing you list there was ever earned by her character in any way. Let's just look in broad strokes at her time in Braavos:
All she did in S5 was fail and constantly question and disobey Jaqen to the point that he had to blind her as punishment. She then spends two episodes of S6 on the street, gets beaten up by the Waif a couple times, and Jaqen just shows up like, "OK- you're cool to come back and train again now." Cue up a couple more lost stick fights to the Waif, and, all of a sudden, she's ready for a new contract! Which, she fails to execute, of course.
Next, knowing full well that either the Waif or Jaqen himself will be coming for her, she just goes galavanting around town in broad daylight throwing big bags of money around to book passage out of town. She then allows a stranger to approach her, never even considering that it might be a faceless assassin, gets her belly sliced open from left to right and then stabbed in the abdomen multiple times.
Let's face facts: she's dead. Her character is dumb as a box of rocks at this point. She's constantly failed in her training, questioned Jaqen at every turn and is openly defying the clearly defined rules of an ancient order of fucking assassins that strikes fear in the hearts of everyone on the globe. When Ned was this stupid, he paid for it with his life. When Robb was this stupid, he paid for it with his life. When Jon was this stupid, he paid for it with his life.
Arya? Nah. She's rewarded for being stupid. Based on what we've seen to this point, we have no reason to believe that she'd be anything other than the shittiest faceless assassin in history, but she gets to pass go, collect $200, and become a master assassin because reasons. And Jaqen is totally cool with her thumbing her nose at the Many-Faced God and just doing what she wants, killing who she wants, etc.- also, because reasons. IN the span of a couple episodes, she goes from losing stick fights against a teenage girl to making Frey pies and wiping out entire houses.
I largely liked S6 and thought it was a great turnaround from the lackluster season before it, but Arya's arc in Braavos was a low point throughout for me. That girl's got so much plot armor on her at this point, I can't figure out how she's able to walk.
Nothing you list there was ever earned by her character in any way. Let's just look in broad strokes at her time in Braavos:
All she did in S5 was fail and constantly question and disobey Jaqen to the point that he had to blind her as punishment. She then spends two episodes of S6 on the street, gets beaten up by the Waif a couple times, and Jaqen just shows up like, "OK- you're cool to come back and train again now." Cue up a couple more lost stick fights to the Waif, and, all of a sudden, she's ready for a new contract! Which, she fails to execute, of course.
Next, knowing full well that either the Waif or Jaqen himself will be coming for her, she just goes galavanting around town in broad daylight throwing big bags of money around to book passage out of town. She then allows a stranger to approach her, never even considering that it might be a faceless assassin, gets her belly sliced open from left to right and then stabbed in the abdomen multiple times.
Let's face facts: she's dead. Her character is dumb as a box of rocks at this point. She's constantly failed in her training, questioned Jaqen at every turn and is openly defying the clearly defined rules of an ancient order of fucking assassins that strikes fear in the hearts of everyone on the globe. When Ned was this stupid, he paid for it with his life. When Robb was this stupid, he paid for it with his life. When Jon was this stupid, he paid for it with his life.
Arya? Nah. She's rewarded for being stupid. Based on what we've seen to this point, we have no reason to believe that she'd be anything other than the shittiest faceless assassin in history, but she gets to pass go, collect $200, and become a master assassin because reasons. And Jaqen is totally cool with her thumbing her nose at the Many-Faced God and just doing what she wants, killing who she wants, etc.- also, because reasons. IN the span of a couple episodes, she goes from losing stick fights against a teenage girl to making Frey pies and wiping out entire houses.
I largely liked S6 and thought it was a great turnaround from the lackluster season before it, but Arya's arc in Braavos was a low point throughout for me. That girl's got so much plot armor on her at this point, I can't figure out how she's able to walk.
Let's be honest it would have been completely brilliant if Dany had arrived at Dragonstone and Saladhor Saan was sitting on the throne.
"I'm here to fuck the Queen"
Let it also be noted that this was so poorly done that people immediately began theorizing that it was intentionally bad because she was laying a trap for the Waif.
She probably should be dead. But so should Jon, Tyrion, Dany and many others! Davos, Brienne, Bran. Failures all rewarded if you want to put it in those terms.
Arya failed to become No One but she learned lots from her time with the Faceless Men. She worked with the faces, succeeded eventually at almost all the tests. Just because she didn't follow through with killing strangers doesn't mean her time was pointless.
She was ignorant to think she could just walk away from the Faceless Men but once she defeats the Waif she went and confronted Jaqen telling him she was going home that should be her troubles over right? If Jaqen wanted her dead he could have killed her there and then, a half trained girl with a small sword. But he didn't.