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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 7 - Sundays on HBO


No, but I know about that particular bit. I don't remember anything leading up to that point to suggest what he meant.

Yes, Young Griff is "Aegon", Rhaegar's son. The book lays that out explicitly.

(Except there's a fair chance he's actually a Blackfyre bastard or some other pretender.)

Finish reading the book.

Whatever dude. He's in an unmarked spoilers thread, he knows what he's asking for. It's not some wild shocking thing, anyway.


Nice! Although I expect that Dany's vision of King's Landing from the House of the Undying is going to come into play. That dragon flying over KL may have been Viserion...
Can that really happen now? There was no snow over King's Landing in the vision when the shadow of the dragon passed overhead. There is snow in King's Landing now, so unless this takes place after the Night King is defeated and summer returns...I can't really see it.

Then again, the visions don't need to be identical I suppose.
What sort of sexual positions do you think "bend the knee" and "break the wheel" are?


Loot Train came closest to delivering in that vein. It had effort behind it and jaw-dropping CG punch, even took some direct cues from BotB's chaotic tracking shots without falling on its face in the process, but still leaned too heavily on contrivances and didn't quite stand up to the mark Sapochnik left on those Hardhome/BotB/TWoW episodes, which afforded the series a raison d'être in an increasingly messy post-ASOIAF standalone narrative.

Great scenes this season:
Loot Train
Samwell's servant adventures
Arya versus Brienne

The rest is on a scale of forgettable to full body cringe. I really loved the loot train battle, I don't know where it ranks in terms of technical proficiency, but everything about it worked for me. Most of all it was a culmination of so many pages and hours of tv and it delivered.

For a moment i thought Cersei was turning good ,poor Jaime.

Ser Robert Strong was manufactured 😂

Jaime is in the coziest place. He's still going off to war versus the undead etc. I'm surprised Cersei let him go, but I guess it wouldn't make sense to stick him in a prison for most of the final season.


We just finished the finale tonight and I have a stupid question from last episode. If the wights can't swim, how did they get the chains underneath and/or around the dragon?

I know some may joke that the Knight King foresaw it and placed the chains in precisely the right spot, but is that seriously the explanation?


We just finished the finale tonight and I have a stupid question from last episode. If the wights can't swim, how did they get the chains underneath and/or around the dragon?

I know some may joke that the Knight King foresaw it and placed the chains in precisely the right spot, but is that seriously the explanation?

Sinking rather than swimming. Some wights are going to live out the rest of their deaths at the bottom of the lake.


I think our Imp is up to something and that something is not good.

The last few episodes have seen Dani and Tyrion's relationship start to crumble. Where he once was very close to her, now AEGON is fully in the picture. That look at the end was not a good one at all.


I think our Imp is up to something and that something is not good.

The last few episodes have seen Dani and Tyrion's relationship start to crumble. Where he once was very close to her, now AEGON is fully in the picture. That look at the end was not a good one at all.
How would Tyrion have known about that though? Unless he found out about the High Septon's secret diary or whatever?


Posted my fanfiction in the other thread but might as well post it here too if we're doing that!


SIX episodes. SIX boss set pieces. How could it go down?!

Episode 1 - Tormund and Beric flee back to Castle Black, rally the Watch and they hold back the undead army and fight a couple of giants while Jon and Dany make their way North with all the reinforcements.


Episode 2 - The reinforcements arrive and aid in the retreat of the Watch further South. They try to hold a line but the undead dragon is too powerful. Gendry suggests the crafting of a powerful dragonglass weapon to take it down. Meanwhile Theon leads the Ironborn across the Narrow Sea to confront Euron and the Golden Company.


Episode 3 - With news of her mercenary support being cut off, Cersei turns desperate and prepares to make a deadly decision. Meanwhile in the North they prepare the Scorpion and the Dragonkiller Bolts and formulate a strategy to take down an undead dragon,


Episode 4 - With the Night King's dragon defeated, the final battle between Life and Death begins and Jon rallies all the might of House Stark to stand against the Longest Night the North has ever faced. Meanwhile Cersei's deception will fracture the future of the realm forever.


Episode 5 - With the dragons dead from Cersei's treachery and half the Westerosi forces decimated, the dead begin to overwhelm the living even with the Night King defeated. For now the dead have a new enemy - Cersei Lannister has abandoned her humanity to become THE QUEEN OF NIGHT. But before Aegon "Jon" Targaryen can approach this final enemy, she summons her champion.


Episode 6 - The epic end to the Song of Ice and Fire. As wolves, dragons, and men all stand as one, can they stop the Queen of Night before she turns all life to death? The portal to the underworld begins to open and she must be defeated!


Great summary. But someone needs to get killed for Lightbringer (The Weapon to kill the Knights King) to exist.

At this point the candidates are

Dany (Practically anyone could be AA)
Sansa (Plot Twist Tyrion is AA)
Cersi (Jamie is AA)
Brienne (Jamie is AA)
Gilly (Sam is AA)
The Mountain (The hound is AA)


How would Tyrion have known about that though? Unless he found out about the High Septon's secret diary or whatever?

No, no. I don't think they knows who Jon really is. I just think that he believes that his worth is going to finally amount to nothing. Dani just keeps going against his orders.


ummm, whatever predictions y'all are doing Arya and The Hound sneaking into King's Landing to fight it out with Cersei and Gregor has to happen. It would be criminal otherwise. There will not be an actual mercenary army vs. forces of good battle, they'll turn around and go home once they know Cersei is dead.


Eh, after the mess of the 5 out of 6 previous episodes this conclusion was expected. Kind of disappointing but inevitable, can't criticize much.

I liked Jaime standing his ground at the end, he will kill her for sure.

Cleganebowl will be a thing.

Bran is useless still.

LF's end was horrible as all his arc for like three seasons of pain and stupid writing.




I found the episode pretty satisfying all in, knowing we only have 6 more (80 mins each?) is still weird.

If the ending is true to Martins in any way (at least the "holy shit" moment they claimed was at the end of his synopsis) I am expecting something like:

- Bran is the NK (NK is clearly a Greenseer, he was waiting for a Dragon to show up), he warged back into him before the CoTF shanked him to try and stop it all, ended up a self fulfilling prophecy.

Ending should also be "bittersweet" at best.

Question I do have, how is Essos under threat? Jon said "everyone in the world" but Wights can't swim. I still love the theory that the LoAW and Ashai are joined, but so far no threat exits in Essos from the NK.


Question I do have, how is Essos under threat? Jon said "everyone in the world" but Wights can't swim. I still love the theory that the LoAW and Ashai are joined, but so far no threat exits in Essos from the NK.

Essos is not yet under threat (and probably won't really be) but NK could theoretically fly over to Essos, kill a couple of thousand with his dragon, ressurrect them, have his army kill more, ressurect them etc.



I found the episode pretty satisfying all in, knowing we only have 6 more (80 mins each?) is still weird.

If the ending is true to Martins in any way (at least the "holy shit" moment they claimed was at the end of his synopsis) I am expecting something like:

- Bran is the NK (NK is clearly a Greenseer, he was waiting for a Dragon to show up), he warged back into him before the CoTF shanked him to try and stop it all, ended up a self fulfilling prophecy.

Ending should also be "bittersweet" at best.

Question I do have, how is Essos under threat? Jon said "everyone in the world" but Wights can't swim. I still love the theory that the LoAW and Ashai are joined, but so far no threat exits in Essos from the NK.

Jon is one of those guys who sees their homeland as 'the world'.


Question I do have, how is Essos under threat? Jon said "everyone in the world" but Wights can't swim. I still love the theory that the LoAW and Ashai are joined, but so far no threat exits in Essos from the NK.

We know the White Walkers are not zombies - they're intelligent and sentient. We know that the undead retain motor functions and can perform physical tasks. From beyond the Wall, maybe we can say there aren't enough resources for an undead army to realistically build ships to cross it. But once they get across and kill everyone in Westeros, they would have a wealth of technology and resources at their fingertips. How are they not a threat?


I guess Bran just found out all this stuff since he didn't know to spy on the Rhaegon wedding before.

With his dry "...someone should tell him" line or whatever, I imagine him being like "Someone should tell him. I'll scry on him and see what he's up to -- OH GOD NO"


a theory should be more than "X is Y because i would personally find that neat"

I am sorry I did not meet your criteria for a Theory, let me expand on it:

- We are shown that Bran has seen the origin of the NK
- We are shown that Bran can warg into people in the past / in his visions
- We are shown that the NK seems to have some connection to Bran / know of his presence even in visions and when he is warged
- It is suggested the NK has some foresight (dragon killing spears and chains to hand when a dragon shows up)
- We are told that there is another "holy shit" moment to come, and I feel that might just qualify

Edit: on the first two / three, the show has very little fat / time to play with, we have to assume if we are shown anything it has a purpose. We still don't know why we saw that flashback with the CoTF / NK as their origin hasn't mattered much so far.
Question I do have, how is Essos under threat? Jon said "everyone in the world" but Wights can't swim. I still love the theory that the LoAW and Ashai are joined, but so far no threat exits in Essos from the NK.

We just saw them 'swim' one episode ago though. They're at least capable of dragging giant chains across the bottom of a lake and also swim up to drag people under.

Also, are we supposed to be assuming that Jon & co have completely forgotten about the fact the NK brings everything back to 'life' to join their ranks in regards to the dragon he now has? Because they haven't fucking mentioned it and that's stupid as fuck.


I suddenly realise Michael Jacksons kids are Prince Michael Jackson I and Prince Michael Jackson II...so Rhaegar is in 'good' company.


Can we talk about how stupid it is that Jon's name is Aegon? Who gives the same name to two of his kids?
Paul Atreides from Dune.

Jon's name being Aegon is actually something Linda didn't have a problem with, I thought that was interesting because she usually hates almost everything except for the production deisgn and effects. Her (amd Elio's) line of thinking was that he wasn't named by Rhaegar as far es we know, he was named by Lianna and it happened after baby Aegon's death so she might have been thinking about honoring Rhaegar's first born son.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Paul Atreides from Dune.

Jon's name being Aegon is actually something Linda didn't have a problem with, I thought that was interesting because she usually hates almost everything except for the production deisgn and effects. Her (amd Elio's) line of thinking was that he wasn't named by Rhaegar as far es we know, he was named by Lianna and it happened after baby Aegon's death so she might have been thinking about honoring Rhaegar's first born son.
Or she didn't have a problem with it because GRRM told them that point already. ;)
Seriously though, there's like an 85% chance next season would be more enjoyable than what they have planned if it was just 5 episodes of everyone walking north together, and then one epic battle with the Night King.

It'd beat the hell out of the impending Jon/Dany Drama being Arya/Sansa Drama 2.0.

Couldn't agree more, the only original aspects of the show worth a shit are plot irrelevant side interactions.

Been that way since season one.


We just saw them 'swim' one episode ago though. They're at least capable of dragging giant chains across the bottom of a lake and also swim up to drag people under.
Jon was in the ice water next to a bunch of wights and he was the one who said wights couldn't swim. So either he was lying or he didn't notice in the heat of the battle, I guess? I didn't see any of them swim up.
I think Tyrion has made a deal with Cersei now he knows she is pregnant. There was heavy foreshadowing with his concerns about there not being a line of succession and Daenerys not being able to bare children. Obviously she will get pregnant now with Jon but Tyrion didn't know that when he made this deal with Cersei.

It's a stupid plan as if the Nights King wins in the North he will have 3 dragons and the entire North to add to his army and the 20k mercenaries from the Golden Company will never be able to stop them, they would steamroll all of Westeros.

As for Wights not being able to swim, they don't need to they can just walk along the bottom under water otherwise how did they drag the dragon out of the lake.


Isn't the dragon more harm than good in regards to bringing back the dead for the NK?

Basically turns everything to dust, how you bringing that shit back?


The fight against the WW really is best done with guerrilla tactics and dragon glass arrows on for archers/ crossbows. Marching an army agains them just gives them more bodies.


The fight against the WW really is best done with guerrilla tactics and dragon glass arrows on for archers/ crossbows. Marching an army agains them just gives them more bodies.
If they really have 100,000 wights then it's going to take a lot of guerrilla tactics. I'm mostly assuming since they made a big point about all the wights dying when the lich king dies, that he'll dramatically be assassinated and the 100,000 wights all die at the same time.


Volcano High Alumnus (Cum Laude)
Poison as a murder weapon has been a major theme throughout the entire series.

The Night King is going to get it when Hot Pie gives him a pie spiked with ground dragon glass.
I think Jon's lineage is going to have a small impact on the story. I hope I'm wrong but once he finds out it will be a 'whoa' moment but in the end he will die so nothing will come of him being on the throne.

Also his main reaction once the news settles in will be "I'm a stark" or something. He won't go full Targ and start repping them suddenly.

That's why late game reveals don't have much impact, it took too long to get here and now there isn't enough story left for it to mean much.
Isn't the dragon more harm than good in regards to bringing back the dead for the NK?

Basically turns everything to dust, how you bringing that shit back?

That's assuming they want to bring them back to establish some sort of kingdom of the dead and not just wipe out all life.
So. Cersei is going to trade her baby to become the Night Queen. Jamie will have to confront her and try to break her out of the spell. He will die in the attempt. I think Tyrion will be captured after she kills Jamie(they'll meet her together), but will ultimately be saved in the finale.

Theon is going to bring the Golden Company to the North, in his moment of glory, providing crucial reinforcements in the finale.

The Hound is going to become Azor Ahai, because it has to happen.

Bran is going to Warg into Greywind, and a Dragon, by the end. Ayra will bring Nym to the finale. Merra will return with Howland Reed, for something plot crucial. Even just to help legitimize Jon, or to make Bran realize that he needs to help his family and stop being emo.

The predicable characters will survive the CGI finale, get their titles/lands in a Star Wars ceremony, and Dorne/High Garden won't be mentioned at all.


Howland doesn't exist. I yelled out loud "That's not true you fucker!!!!" When Bran said that he's the only one who knows Jon's parentage lol
I think Jon's lineage is going to have a small impact on the story. I hope I'm wrong but once he finds out it will be a 'whoa' moment but in the end he will die so nothing will come of him being on the throne.

Also his main reaction once the news settles in will be "I'm a stark" or something. He won't go full Targ and start repping them suddenly.

That's why late game reveals don't have much impact, it took too long to get here and now there isn't enough story left for it to mean much.
He did his whole speech to Theon about not having to choose. So yeah, he will probably by like "oh, that's nice to know" and move on with getting himself killed in stupid ways.
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