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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 7 - Sundays on HBO


I think watching Littlefinger beg for his life like a little shit and die was the best feeling ever.

The only thing that can ever come close to this feeling will be if I see Trump being impeached. :lol
I think watching Littlefinger beg for his life like a little shit and die was the best feeling ever.

The only thing that can ever come close to this feeling will be if I see Trump being impeached. :lol

Trump wouldn't make his impeachment public. He'd tweet about it and then he'd go on vacation before people knew better.


I think watching Littlefinger beg for his life like a little shit and die was the best feeling ever.

The only thing that can ever come close to this feeling will be if I see Trump being impeached. :lol

The difference is that one could at least admire LF's cunning. As gratifying as it was seeing Arya open his throat, I enjoyed his presence for a while. ;)
I thought it was a pretty good episode overall. The Kings Landing stuff was really really good... until the end. I would rather Cersei tried to turn on Dany later, than what happened. Same with Euron going home, which made sense, instead of him doing what he's doing. The Littlefinger stuff was fine. The writing was clear as day, of course, though for a second I hoped that Bran might save her, with some "I'm tired of this bullshit" warging. I understand that this was Sansa's big arc moment however, so it's fine. Jon and Dany incest was also writing on the wall. I liked the Sam/Bran meeting, that was probably the best part, next to Cersei's 'later fake' reveal.

Really excited to see if this just ends in a big CGI battle, or if something cooler, or more thought provoking occurs. CGI battle is guaranteed, but I'm curious what George plans to save the world, and if they even stick to that writing.


What about now that the NW is essentially ended?

The way I interpret it is like a nun taking a vow of poverty. They give up all their money (titles, inheritance, etc. in Westeros). If they Leave, they can start earning money again,
(chosen to be a ruler), but not get back what was given up (it is based on merit and not automatic line of succession).

Coming back from the dead was never accounted for, so how it really works is anyones guess.


The way I interpret it is like a nun taking a vow of poverty. They give up all their money (titles, inheritance, etc. in Westeros). If they Leave, they can start earning money again,
(chosen to be a ruler), but not get back what was given up (it is based on merit and not automatic line of succession).

Coming back from the dead was never accounted for, so how it really works is anyones guess.

It also kind of doesn't really matter. Lines of succession and "rights" are all meaningless in the state the world is in at this point. The strongest/most popular after the war will rule.

If Jon survives he won't want to be king, and probably set up The Democratic Republic of Westeros or something stupid like that.
If only George had the internet when he was writing in the early nineties some nerds could have educated him on tactical realism.

You don't need "nerds" to tell someone that horses can't generally break through castle walls and a rately good at climbing them.

What are the dothraki going to do to Kings Landing. Wave their swords around a bit and shout?


Has GRRM made any appearances this year?
Any chance of Winds being released this year?


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August 18-21, 2017
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July 13-14 2018
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I seriously can't believe the number of people who actually believe jon wants to be king. Dude didn't even want to lead the nightwatch or be king of the north.

For the guitar players out there, check this out! LOL. I was shocked to see this at a guitar store!


Neighbours from Hell
So before the leaks come out that basically ruin any season 8 prediction, some thoughts about season 8:

-Initially I thought Jon would die in some heroic sacrificial way defeating the Night King in season 8, but the fact that he's the true heir to the Iron Throne makes me think he may not. I mean, he's never wanted to rule, but he's naturally an amazing leader and brings people together so he may be the best for the job. So I'm kinda torn on whether or not I think he dies. I think maybe Bran will sacrifice himself instead if anyone does, because he's useless once/if the Night King is defeated. That's basically his whole purpose.

-If Dany dies, I think it would be lame for her to die by the hands of White Walkers or the Night King. This was never truly her fight. I mean, it is now because he killed one of her dragons, but I think if Dany doesn't make it out of next season alive, she'll die by the hand of Cersei's forces in a battle for Westeros. Whenever that may be. Maybe Daario comes back with the Golden Company and is an enemy of Dany?

-If I had to put odds on least likely to die in season 8, it's Sam. Killing him off would be kinda pointless. He fits the prototypical role of the "unassuming good guy who lives the end of his days out in a cabin somewhere telling his grandchildren the tales of legend." Also think odds are low that Pod dies as well. The harmless nice guys probably live.

-What use will Jaime have north other than a battle commander? He can't really fight. I think next season he'll be used as a "plot developer" for both sides rather than actually being useful in the great war.

-Will the end of the war come down to Jon vs Night King one on one? It would be kinda cliched, but at the same time, the Night King just being a casualty of war doesn't really suit him either. If the NK even dies at all, the White Walkers could win for all we know, or he could be converted back to human somehow. But if it plays in the basic way, they have it cut out for them to figure out a satisfying way to end it all.

That's it for now. More thoughts to come before the leaks hit.


Posted my fanfiction in the other thread but might as well post it here too if we're doing that!


SIX episodes. SIX boss set pieces. How could it go down?!

Episode 1 - Tormund and Beric flee back to Castle Black, rally the Watch and they hold back the undead army and fight a couple of giants while Jon and Dany make their way North with all the reinforcements.


Episode 2 - The reinforcements arrive and aid in the retreat of the Watch further South. They try to hold a line but the undead dragon is too powerful. Gendry suggests the crafting of a powerful dragonglass weapon to take it down. Meanwhile Theon leads the Ironborn across the Narrow Sea to confront Euron and the Golden Company.


Episode 3 - With news of her mercenary support being cut off, Cersei turns desperate and prepares to make a deadly decision. Meanwhile in the North they prepare the Scorpion and the Dragonkiller Bolts and formulate a strategy to take down an undead dragon,


Episode 4 - With the Night King's dragon defeated, the final battle between Life and Death begins and Jon rallies all the might of House Stark to stand against the Longest Night the North has ever faced. Meanwhile Cersei's deception will fracture the future of the realm forever.


Episode 5 - With the dragons dead from Cersei's treachery and half the Westerosi forces decimated, the dead begin to overwhelm the living even with the Night King defeated. For now the dead have a new enemy - Cersei Lannister has abandoned her humanity to become THE QUEEN OF NIGHT. But before Aegon "Jon" Targaryen can approach this final enemy, she summons her champion.


Episode 6 - The epic end to the Song of Ice and Fire. As wolves, dragons, and men all stand as one, can they stop the Queen of Night before she turns all life to death? The portal to the underworld begins to open and she must be defeated!



It's annoying no one proposed the most obvious solution to the initial conflict between Dany and Jon, and that was marriage, now that they are actually into each other it makes even more sense, and solves all the problems, incest aside, which really I don't see why anyone would care at this point.
It's annoying no one proposed the most obvious solution to the initial conflict between Dany and Jon, and that was marriage, now that they are actually into each other it makes even more sense, and solves all the problems, incest aside, which really I don't see why anyone would care at this point.
I don't think Dany was looking to marry to gain power.
Posted my fanfiction in the other thread but might as well post it here too if we're doing that!


SIX episodes. SIX boss set pieces. How could it go down?!

Episode 1 - Tormund and Beric flee back to Castle Black, rally the Watch and they hold back the undead army and fight a couple of giants while Jon and Dany make their way North with all the reinforcements.


Episode 2 - The reinforcements arrive and aid in the retreat of the Watch further South. They try to hold a line but the undead dragon is too powerful. Gendry suggests the crafting of a powerful dragonglass weapon to take it down. Meanwhile Theon leads the Ironborn across the Narrow Sea to confront Euron and the Golden Company.


Episode 3 - With news of her mercenary support being cut off, Cersei turns desperate and prepares to make a deadly decision. Meanwhile in the North they prepare the Scorpion and the Dragonkiller Bolts and formulate a strategy to take down an undead dragon,


Episode 4 - With the Night King's dragon defeated, the final battle between Life and Death begins and Jon rallies all the might of House Stark to stand against the Longest Night the North has ever faced. Meanwhile Cersei's deception will fracture the future of the realm forever.


Episode 5 - With the dragons dead from Cersei's treachery and half the Westerosi forces decimated, the dead begin to overwhelm the living even with the Night King defeated. For now the dead have a new enemy - Cersei Lannister has abandoned her humanity to become THE QUEEN OF NIGHT. But before Aegon "Jon" Targaryen can approach this final enemy, she summons her champion.


Episode 6 - The epic end to the Song of Ice and Fire. As wolves, dragons, and men all stand as one, can they stop the Queen of Night before she turns all life to death? The portal to the underworld begins to open and she must be defeated!


I'd pay for this.


As a possibility in the future yeah, but she wanted jon to bend the knee before anything happened.

I think that whole "bend the knee" plot existed because the showrunners shoehorned in modern concepts (marriage for love) instead of staying true to the show's feudal roots (marriage for power). Within that world, Tyrion should have proposed a marriage alliance immediately but audiences want love so logic was thrown out the window.
I'd be happy with one scene with Ghost next season, unless they're going to unceremoniously kill him off like Summer and Shaggydog. Show Ghost obviously couldn't care less about Jon, and Jon couldn't care less about Ghost, but it'd still be nice to see him once more.


Real talk, Sansa needs to meet a chill guy. I'm shocked that our conquerer of women Podrick was in Winterfell and didn't introduce himself.


I have a question about ADWD. Tyrion is on the river with Griff and the gang and he refers to someone as "prince." Later, when they see the stone men, Griff tells Young Griff to get below deck and he argues. Tyrion says that he is "everything" and Griff gets pissed. Does Tyrion know or suspect that YG is Aegon? It's really fucking confusing.
Gotta say I didn't hate the way Petyr died. Sure, it could've happened before, as he was pretty much irrelevant for a long time, but it was nice anyway.


Modesty becomes a woman
I have a question about ADWD. Tyrion is on the river with Griff and the gang and he refers to someone as "prince." Later, when they see the stone men, Griff tells Young Griff to get below deck and he argues. Tyrion says that he is "everything" and Griff gets pissed. Does Tyrion know or suspect that YG is Aegon? It's really fucking confusing.

Have you not read the whole book?


I don't want to see another dire wolf in this show because I don't feel like crying myself to sleep after they kill another one off or they refuse to join back up and remain feral.


You don't need "nerds" to tell someone that horses can't generally break through castle walls and a rately good at climbing them.

What are the dothraki going to do to Kings Landing. Wave their swords around a bit and shout?

The Mongols were pretty good at defeating enemies who tried to hide behind walls.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member


Moving on from all that, the post-ep BTS of D&D smugly describing their master plan to misdirect the audience all season re: Arya and Sansa sure was...a thing...that happened.

I don't really have any inspiration to legitimately critique this episode or much about season 7. It's too low effort and respects the audience too little. The characters have been sapped of interesting motivations, internal consistency, and have so much plot armor now that I'm finding myself annoyed when characters I like don't die, since it undermines the commitment to following through with necessary consequences that has been one of the hallmarks of ASOIAF and GoT.

This episode's a marked improvement over Thorones: The Dark World last week and does a decent job setting up the final stretch, but the screenplay's still total brain poison that can't stand up to the slightest scrutiny. I've no doubt most of this would be an infinitely easier pill to swallow with some Miguel Sapochnik action, but not so with Myloid or Taylor in the chair. Really fuckin' not so.

Loot Train came closest to delivering in that vein. It had effort behind it and jaw-dropping CG punch, even took some direct cues from BotB's chaotic tracking shots without falling on its face in the process, but still leaned too heavily on contrivances and didn't quite stand up to the mark Sapochnik left on those Hardhome/BotB/TWoW episodes, which afforded the series a raison d'être in an increasingly messy post-ASOIAF standalone narrative.

It's probably salvageable, just remember to pay Miguel Sapochnik all the money. Roll in the personal on-set spa, add his face whimsically forming out of the spires of King's Landing to the final season opening credits, whatever it takes. You're not clever writers. Call Miguel.


Posted my fanfiction in the other thread but might as well post it here too if we're doing that!


SIX episodes. SIX boss set pieces. How could it go down?!

Nice! Although I expect that Dany's vision of King's Landing from the House of the Undying is going to come into play. That dragon flying over KL may have been Viserion...
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