DISCLAIMER: Im no video expert, so Im sure the picture quality of the following comparisons can definitely be improved. Ive not really calibrated the color of my Frameister, Capture Card, or Monitor. So theres 3 places I can go wrong color wise. I just adjusted it to look right on MY monitor. Also note that the Elgato is NOT uncompressed. These screenshots are taken at maximum quality. (30mb per second is what the Elgato caps at.)
Gamecube with Gameboy Player
Gamecube Component Cables
XRGB Mini with D-Terminal to Component Adapter
Elgato Game Capture HD
Phantasy Star Online Episodes 1 & 2
Gameboy Interface with 16:9 argument. (Let me know if you guys need help with this, someone in the GBI thread offered up a batch file to do this. Its easy.)
240p Forced (via Swiss) Gameboy Player Disc
Settings for Gameboy Interface ^
CONCLUSION: Even with my imperfect capture method you can see how favorably Gameboy Interface compares to the Gameboy Player under ideal conditions. (AKA, forced 240p in Swiss.) GBI has more accurate color, more accurate aspect ratio, and it even has superior control and motion blur. (Less motion blur that is.)
I've also got GBI set to 16:9 mode and 3x zoom which completely fills up my display. (Vertically I mean, theres some black bars.) I assure you guys that on my Plasma TV it absolutely looks like emulation. Now that I've done this, I kind of would like to do a youtube video on how to setup all of this. Including possible homebrew loading methods, equipment, DIY SDgecko, etc. The works! Would anyone be interested in seeing that?