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US House votes to adopt AHCA (Republican health care); bill moves to Senate


This is going to strip health care away from 24 million people. This isn't a political game here. This isn't a "win" for the Democrats and the midterms next year when this passes. People are going to suffer and it'll be a long time before they can attempt anything like the ACA again.

24 million was the CBO score on the old bill, this one is actually worse.. wouldn't be surprised if it is double.


"Let's be optimistic about life" while ensuring that many will die.
First post nails it. This is evil. There's no CBO score, we don't know what the bill contains, and it's being rushed through. Fuck the GOP so much. They're effectively sentencing people to either die or live a life of poverty. THIS ISN'T WHAT WE SHOULD BE AS A NATION.


I said it in another thread, and I'll say it again. Don't put all your hopes in a Senate that approved Betsy DeVos.

I mean the point "don't trust Republicans" is valid but I would remind you that confirming Devos and remaking 1/6th of the entire US economy and costing 10s of millions of people their health insurance aren't equivalent actions with equivalent consequences.


Approving Betsy DeVos didn't cost any senator anything, electorally.

It sure pleased the Republican donors.

I mean the point "don't trust Republicans" is valid but I would remind you that confirming Devos and remaking 1/6th of the entire US economy and costing 10s of millions of people their health insurance aren't equivalent actions with equivalent consequences.

Just pointing out that something a lot of the public didn't want was approved by a Senate who didn't give a crap to please their donors.

If you want it shortened to "Don't trust Republicans," I suppose that works too.
There's a small chance in the house and all but no chance in the senate.

The senate will make serious changes to it, but I see it passing, even it means they have to use the simple majority vote (51%)

What really makes me angry, is the people voting yes on this, this bill doesn't even effect them. They made sure they are exempt from this. Which is really disgusting.

that's one of the root issues with the disconnect between the general population and politicians, much of what politicians do have no effect on them because of their economic class and the fact they're going to get their healthcare regardless of happens


Seems like enough of them voted for him to teach me a lesson.


"You were so mean to me and called me deplorable just because I wanted to deport brown people and keep them from coming into the country. Fuck you, now you can't afford your medication or healthcare and will die. Take that!"

Sean C

It sure pleased the Republican donors.

They aren't remotely the same thing. This bill would blow up the US healthcare system, and they know that. It's already massively unpopular, and that'll only get worse once it goes into effect

The senate will make serious changes to it, but I see it passing, even it means they have to use the simple majority vote (51%)
Making serious changes to it just sends it back to the House. If the Senate undoes any of the compromises to the Freedom Caucus (which they'd have to, realistically), the Freedom Caucus rejects it.


At what point does a terminally ill person just say "fuck it" after losing their health insurance because of this and just go shoot some mother fuckers? These representatives are literally sentencing people, many of which are children, to a fucking DEATH SENTENCE.
The senate will make serious changes to it, but I see it passing, even it means they have to use the simple majority vote (51%)

If they do that, then they will reap what they sow in the near future. I mean, the senate isn't realistically in play for 2018, but if they really want to put it in play, then, sure. Do something like forcing through a health care bill 70 odd percent of America doesn't want.


I said it in another thread, and I'll say it again. Don't put all your hopes in a Senate that approved Betsy DeVos.

Your pessimism seems rooted in an overly simplistic understanding of the government. There were reasons that happened that have nothing to do with this.
If they do that, then they will reap what they sow in the near future. I mean, the senate isn't realistically in play for 2018, but if they really want to put it in play, then, sure. Do something like forcing through a health care bill 70 odd percent of America doesn't want.

I'm not saying it will be politically favorable for them, the Republicans have been an obstructionist party for years, the Senate is going to have to face the music very soon when they vote to keep the "evil" Obamacare they've been saying was the worst thing in American history

Changes such as what?

I don't know, but enough changes to make it look covering preexisting conditions remain
I'd tell my congressman to not vote for it but he was on the freaking committee for it so it would basically be a waste of time.


If you care about this at all, you should write and call their congressional representatives NOW. Doesn't matter how left or right leaning they are.
At what point does a terminally ill person just say "fuck it" after losing their health insurance because of this and just go shoot some mother fuckers? These representatives are literally sentencing people, many of which are children, to a fucking DEATH SENTENCE.

Hopefully they direct it to the people responsible and not the innocent.
I said it in another thread, and I'll say it again. Don't put all your hopes in a Senate that approved Betsy DeVos.

Nobody gives a fuck about cabinet positions except the most vocal people on the opposing side. Not a single senator will lose his/her seat because they voted for the president's cabinet.

Healthcare is a far bigger issue and a far bigger concern. If the House passes anything, McConnell will alter it significantly in the senate and send it back. The HFC is on record saying they won't support any changes. So...
The scary thing in this for me is Upton flip-flopping. He basically did nothing to change the bill, yet the appearance of compromise has allowed him to move critical votes over to the "Yes" column.

It's all political theater. And if it works here, it worries me that it could work again.



They aren't remotely the same thing. This bill would blow up the US healthcare system, and they know that. It's already massively unpopular, and that'll only get worse once it goes into effect

They don't give a crap as long as the rich get that sweet tax cut.

Your pessimism seems rooted in an overly simplistic understanding of the government. There were reasons that happened that have nothing to do with this.

The reasons that happened is that DeVos and her family gave lots of money to the Republicans.

Republican donors want that tax cut they would get with Trumpcare. Trump wants a "win." The GOP leadership wants to please their donors.


The reasons that happened is that DeVos and her family gave lots of money to the Republicans.

Republican donors want that tax cut they would get with Trumpcare. Trump wants a "win." The GOP leadership wants to please their donors.

This is an overly simplistic understanding of the government.

Why is this bill having trouble in a House controlled by the republicans?


All in all, feels like 'conservative' healthcare is basically fucked.

They spend all these years promising they have a plan to offer better quality/cheaper healthcare for all, and now they have the house, white house, congress and this half assed nearly universally hated bill is the best effort they have? Is this hot potato politics really the best they got?

When the dems come back in play the push will be more focused and heated than before, and clearly republicans don't care lol
I've left Chaffetz a few messages. As a type 1 diabetic I'm seriously scared. What good can come from leaving someone like me out to dry when it comes to healthcare. America is better then this.
Them keeping that provision in where they in particular are exempt is such a terrible idea from a political perspective though

'you guys don't deserve it, but I do!'
They spend all these years promising they have a plan to offer better quality/cheaper healthcare for all, and now they have the house, white house, congress and this half assed nearly universally hated bill is the best effort they have? Is this hot potato politics really the best they got?

As has been stated by representatives, they had a great run of being the "opposition party" and never actually prepared something for this. It's much easier to blow a ton of smoke than to actually knuckle down and figure out a bill to replace the ACA.

Sean C

They don't give a crap as long as the rich get that sweet tax cut.
No, they absolutely do care, because they want to keep getting re-elected.

The whole reason the GOP has suddenly found itself in a quagmire on healthcare is because until Trump was elected they had Obama in the White House to prevent them from acting on their promises and who could be blamed for anything that went wrong. Once they pass healthcare reform, they own the healthcare system, even moreso than they already do now with Trump in the White House.

For some many senators their states are Republican enough that it won't matter, but plenty aren't. I can give you three names right off the bat that could never vote for this bill and expect to survive: Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, and Dean Heller (who is up in 2018).


At what point does a terminally ill person just say "fuck it" after losing their health insurance because of this and just go shoot some mother fuckers? These representatives are literally sentencing people, many of which are children, to a fucking DEATH SENTENCE.

It happens now, even with ACA, it happens with Medicare. Lets not fool ourselves into thinking our current healthcare system isn't still killing people as is. This is just going to make it worse again. Many medicare recipients still can't afford their insulin, cancer medications, etc because they make just $100 too much each month with their SS checks to get the Extra Help for their part D plans and premiums and help with the donut hole. Most are ignored, they hang in for a couple years choosing between food or drugs, max out their credit buying what they can. They either die on their own, OD or some other euthanasia. Nobody talks or cares about it because they are just old people and it was there time anyways right (Good luck when it comes up to be others turn as they get ignored)? Same can be said about VA benefits Empathy for many only extends to what is tangible to them.


No, they absolutely do care, because they want to keep getting re-elected.

The whole reason the GOP has suddenly found itself in a quagmire on healthcare is because until Trump was elected they had Obama in the White House to prevent them from acting on their promises and who could be blamed for anything that went wrong. Once they pass healthcare reform, they own the healthcare system, even moreso than they already do now with Trump in the White House.

For some many senators their states are Republican enough that it won't matter, but plenty aren't. I can give you three names right off the bat that could never vote for this bill and expect to survive: Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, and Dean Heller (who is up in 2018).

Murkowski is likely untouchable. Collins isn't up, as you said. Heller should be scared in any case given the momentum Democrats have in Nevada.


On a side note, it should be interesting to see how this vote effects the Osoff vote next month no matter how this turns out tomorrow..


Nothing shady in not releasing it before a vote. Looks like the house just wants to say "see we passed something, its the senate's fault!"
Remember when Republicans went on an on about how Obamacare was shoved down our throats after a year of discussion, Town Halls, etc? Good times.


One day, people will realise the GOP is literally a parasite to the American people, a platform for sociopathy, egocenteredness, greed, and division. They represent everything wrong about human beings.

Let us hope this party, arguably worse than the terrorists they love to talk about bombing, do not engage in social "terrorism" with this passing tomorrow.
All in all, feels like 'conservative' healthcare is basically fucked.

They spend all these years promising they have a plan to offer better quality/cheaper healthcare for all, and now they have the house, white house, congress and this half assed nearly universally hated bill is the best effort they have? Is this hot potato politics really the best they got?

When the dems come back in play the push will be more focused and heated than before, and clearly republicans don't care lol

There was an article I read in the WaPost that said it best. Obamacare is conservative health care.
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