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US House votes to adopt AHCA (Republican health care); bill moves to Senate


This is an overly simplistic understanding of the government.

Why is this bill having trouble in a House controlled by the republicans?

I know why it is struggling. A lot of people HATE this bill. And I'm willing to bet even more people HATE this current bill compared to the last one.

My point is that might not matter in the end. They could still pass this bill. And if it passes in the House, it is also possible that it can pass in the Senate. And I know the odds are extremely low. But that doesn't mean the odds are zero.

No, they absolutely do care, because they want to keep getting re-elected.

The whole reason the GOP has suddenly found itself in a quagmire on healthcare is because until Trump was elected they had Obama in the White House to prevent them from acting on their promises and who could be blamed for anything that went wrong. Once they pass healthcare reform, they own the healthcare system, even moreso than they already do now with Trump in the White House.

For some many senators their states are Republican enough that it won't matter, but plenty aren't. I can give you three names right off the bat that could never vote for this bill and expect to survive: Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, and Dean Heller (who is up in 2018).

As I said, I know there are problems with the GOP. (I feel like I'd just say the same thing I said above. But I'm noting I saw and read this post, and do agree that there are problems in the Senate for them if it should pass the House. But I don't think the odds are zero.)
If you don't know, how can you be sure it'll go back and pass the House? It's holding on by a thread in the House now. Massive changes mean they either lose moderates or the Freedom Caucus when it goes back to the House.

Nobody on this board knows anything for certain we are all making guesses
Sexual assault as a pre-existing condition. You can't make this shit up. Hard to think of something more demeaning to women.
One day, people will realise the GOP is literally a parasite to the American people, a platform for sociopathy, egocenteredness, greed, and division. They represent everything wrong about human beings.

Let us hope this party, arguably worse than the terrorists they love to talk about bombing, do not engage in social "terrorism" with this passing tomorrow.
They won't ever realize it as they're too busy being scared of the "other" and wanting to look down on them. All the while enjoying the delicious propaganda they're fed.


The schadenfreude of the last thread reminds me of election night.

This having the votes is terrible news. It's likely a matter of time before this thing in some form passes.

It goes to the senate. The Senate will most certainly neuter the fuck out of it. Then it goes back to the House. HFC won't vote for what will essentially be Obamacare lite.

I feel this is all so the House can pass something and let the Senate deal with it.


I don't see why the plan isn't or shouldn't be to get whatever bill, no matter how shitty, past the House and then have backdoor guarantees that it will be filibustered in the Senate and never passed. Then Repubs in both houses can go "Damn Democrats" and move the fuck on.

I actually think this was and still is the plan all along but some Republicans in the House balked. Seems an obvious plan and just shows how Ryan can't whip shit.
Can't believe the undecideds would vote yes when this is DOA in the Senate. This isn't really even a repeal of Obamacare so the hard right base will probably still argue about this...while everyone else will be extremely angry. It is basically a lose lose vote....

Hell, they need to ask the GA-6 candidates how they would've voted on this bill...let's see what happens.
I don't see why the plan isn't or shouldn't be to get whatever bill, no matter how shitty, past the House and then have backdoor guarantees that it will be filibustered in the Senate. Then Repubs in both houses can go "Damn Democrats" and move the fuck on.

I actually think this was and still is the plan all along but some Republicans in the House balked. Seems an obvious plan and just shows how Ryan can't whip shit.

This is so in 2018, Trump and Co. can go to the populace and say, "Look we tried, but those darn Democrats kept us from fixing this disaster. Vote them all out so we can enact our plan! We need super majorities in both the House and Senate to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain"




Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
It goes to the senate. The Senate will most certainly neuter the fuck out of it. Then it goes back to the House. HFC won't vote for what will essentially be Obamacare lite.

I feel this is all so the House can pass something and let the Senate deal with it.

I was also told that this wouldn't make it through the House to begin with. I'm going to be cautiously pessimistic on this one.


The schadenfreude of the last thread reminds me of election night.

This having the votes is terrible news. It's likely a matter of time before this thing in some form passes.

Yep. Everyone is so quick to lol at failure of the gop. Forgetting that this is their motive and they'll keep trying to literally ruin people's lives.

Trump voters are going to kill themselves off. Which is great. But it's also going to kill a lot of people with sense as well, who were worth preserving.

I hope that they'll learn. But they wont. Our system is permanently polarised.


Many years ago my family was thinking to move to the US or Australia. Chose Canada instead.

Best choice ever.
My congressman (Andy Harris) is one of the ones who switched from no to yes. I just tried leaving a message but his mailbox is full. I'll try calling him tomorrow on my lunch break.


There is no way Republicans survive in 2018 right? This should be the last straw for people.

Donald Trump was elected. There is no bottom anymore for what people in this country are willing to put up with before they move their fat asses over to a voting booth.

They'll kill thousands of people because of this bill and won't suffer for it politically because people are too dumb to understand why voting matters.


mkraju's avatar
Manu Raju
A number of House members say they haven't seen latest version of bill that will remake the health care system and will be voted on tomorrow

8:00pm · 3 May 2017 · Twitter for iPhone
Washington, DC, United States

I mean this is really pathetic.

And if this DOES pass. House GOP will go back to their districts and face their constituents.
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