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US NTSC SPCH50001:can you buy them new anymore??

I didn't want the PSTwo, so I was pretty hyped when my local Best Buy had a few (actually, around 20) 50001 models, brand new for sale. But shortly after getting one, they removed them all, I'm guessing to make room for the PSTwos. I'm assuming they were sent back to Sony.


works for Gamestop (lol)
You guys are shitting me...right? Cause I need to get another PS2, but I don't want the new PSTwo


Gas Guzzler
There are some still floating around at various Toys R US, the occasional WalMart, and general electronics stores. Some video game retailers have them too.

In a few months, I wouldn't be surprised if a fairly large amount of SCPH-39001 and SCPH-50001 models start to be traded in as well.


There is a rumor going around bestbuys as of late that Sony doesnt want them to have available any regular PS2's. They've been told to pack them up and ship them back to Sony. Idea is to make it where you can only buy a PStwo this Xmas and market it to hell in back during november. Target will only be getting PStwos from now on and same with Gamecrazy and Gamerush. Target also already sent their stock PS2's back to sony in September.

This is gonna be a disaster on Sony's part if they cant get enough interest into the device. I also noticed that loads of FFXI packages are being sent back to Sony also at least thats the story at Bestbuy and Target.


How could it really be a "disaster"? People are still interested in the system, and don't give a shit about some missing hard drive port. The slicker redesign will pique more interest than the omission of some bleeding edge technology will destroy.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
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