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US official: Netanyahu "spat in our face"; "there will be a price"

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The White House’s outrage over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s plan to speak before Congress in March — a move he failed to coordinate with the administration — began to seep through the diplomatic cracks on Friday, with officials telling Haaretz the Israeli leader had “spat” in President Barack Obama’s face.

“We thought we’ve seen everything,” the newspaper quoted an unnamed senior US official as saying. “But Bibi managed to surprise even us.

“There are things you simply don’t do. He spat in our face publicly and that’s no way to behave. Netanyahu ought to remember that President Obama has a year and a half left to his presidency, and that there will be a price,”
he said. Officials in Washington said that the “chickenshit” epithet — with which an anonymous administration official branded Netanyahu several months ago — was mild compared to the language used in the White House when news of Netanyahu’s planned speech came in.
The Washington Post reported that Netanyahu’s apparent disrespect for the US leadership was particularly offensive to Secretary of State John Kerry, who over the past month had made frenzied efforts on Israel’s behalf on the world stage — making dozens of calls to world leaders to convince them to oppose a UN Security Council resolution which would have set a timeframe for the establishment of a Palestinian state.

“The secretary’s patience is not infinite,” a source close to Kerry told the Post. “The bilateral relationship is unshakable. But playing politics with that relationship could blunt Secretary Kerry’s enthusiasm for being Israel’s primary defender.”

The White House said Thursday that Obama would not meet with Netanyahu when he travels to Washington, with a spokeswoman citing a “long-standing practice and principle” by which the president does not meet with heads of state or candidates in close proximity to their elections. Kerry will also not meet with Netanyahu.
Via http://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-spat-in-our-face-white-house-officials-say/


As long as we keep saying things like "our bilateral relationship is unshakeable," then Netanyahu will continue to do such things


Does this shit actually play in Israel? Or is he just throwing red-meat to his party's hardliners? It just seems incredibly stupid on his part to throw away international goodwill to boost his own political capital with the far right in his country.

Either way, he is either a moron or a selfish fuck.
As long as we keep saying things like "our bilateral relationship is unshakeable," then Netanyahu will continue to do such things
Obama has been saying that less, of late. And the fact is that Bibi needs America way more than America needs Israel. America is basically Israel's only significant ally, and one of the main reasons Israel hasn't been attacked again. And what is Israel to us? An airstrip that exports advanced technology. And as US foreign policy pivots away from the middle east, to China, we'll care even less. 90% of the funding for Netanyahu's campaigns come from America, anyway. His ass-backwards party is supported largely by the Ultra-Orthodox who live almost entirely off government money; some of them can't even read, apparently. Secular Jews, both in the United States and in Israel, dislike him immensely. Even the Mossad disagrees with him.

That's why its funny when people act like Israel controls American foreign policy. Israel is an American client state, and Netanyahu has no right to speak to its leaders like this. Don't bite the hand the feeds you.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
BiBi is shit
heres hoping obama does snub him and he gets replaced with someone that has sense
Shit just got real,that's like your little brother(GOP) inviting a associate/so-called friend who is cool but you really don't fuck with to your house for dinner unknowingly lol.

Hahaha good. Maybe get your tongue out of their ass America?

I 100% agree,really getting tired of automatically taking Israels side on everything even when their wrong as hell with some of their actions.
Does this shit actually play in Israel? Or is he just throwing red-meat to his party's hardliners? It just seems incredibly stupid on his part to throw away international goodwill to boost his own political capital with the far right in his country.

Either way, he is either a moron or a selfish fuck.

I think its more about US politics and hurting Obama than solidifying support for his elections. The GOP has taken the tact of giving Israel a lot, that helps bibi so he wants to help them and doesn't want Obama talking about 67 lines and the rights of Palestinians.

I've not heard anything about Bibi but I've heard stuff about people like Lieberman on the hill and its not nice.


Wait, they're getting all butthurt because someone would have the gall to speak before the POTUS? Grow up. If it's such an issue, disconnect his mike. There, problem solved.


I think its more about US politics and hurting Obama than solidifying support for his elections.

What does that actually do for Netenyahu though? Seems like it would hurt him more than it would help since all he has to do is play nice and will get what he wants.


There will be a price
LOL no there won't

The United States government is happily willing to support Israel when it slaughters the people of Gaza on international news. Nothing is going to stop it. Democrats, Republicans, they're all on Netanyahu's leash.
Well, so long as that bilateral relationship is still unshakable. :/
One of the anchors on MSNBC said that "in some liberal left-leaning circles people are beginning to wonder if we should reconsider our relationship with Israel." Well I'm definitely in that circle. What the fuck does Isreal do for us besides make us look bad? Why do we have to defend them at every turn, when they are CLEARLY wrong so much of the time. Fuck that country. The only reason it exists is because its essentially an apology for the Holocaust. If they aren't willing to stop acting crazy, then they should stop getting backup from us.
Obama has been saying that less, of late. And the fact is that Bibi needs America way more than America needs Israel. America is basically Israel's only significant ally, and one of the main reasons Israel hasn't been attacked again. And what is Israel to us? An airstrip that exports advanced technology. And as US foreign policy pivots away from the middle east, to China, we'll care even less. 90% of the funding for Netanyahu's campaigns come from America, anyway.

That's why its funny when people act like Israel controls American foreign policy. Israel is an American client state, and Netanyahu has no right to speak to its leaders like this. Don't bite the hand the feeds you.
Yup. When we finally do drop our support, it'll be amazing how fast they sign a peace deal with the Palestenians and/or people in Israel start immediately leaving for Europe or the United States. It's basically Republicans supporting the state these days. Many (not all) Democrats would have given them the finger land ago (if they weren't so scared of the Republican base).
Doesn't Israel have any ethics or campaign laws that prevent Bibi from doing such an address so close to an election?

Why would it? He's the PM, he can give speeches in other countries.

What does that actually do for Netenyahu though? Seems like it would hurt him more than it would help since all he has to do is play nice and will get what he wants.

His goal is to get the Republicans has the pro-israel party and hoping they come to power. He's in this game to solidify the bi-partisian rather uncritical support of the country.
What does that actually do for Netenyahu though? Seems like it would hurt him more than it would help since all he has to do is play nice and will get what he wants.

Its all about Iran (Bibi is coming to support Congress) and upcoming sanctions that Congress wants; Republicans and some Democrats did this mostly to derail the ongoing peace talks and favor israels government, and to stick it to Obama.

However when the English, French, and German foreign ministers just unprecedented jointly published an oped in the Washington post against new sanction, and the administration leaked that recent talks with mossad officials that they're against new Iran sanctions, it's kinda been blowing up in Boehners face lately.
I say we cut them off and let them know what it's like without big brother watching their back. We'll... We should in general but...
But what?
One of the anchors on MSNBC said that "in some liberal left-leaning circles people are beginning to wonder if we should reconsider our relationship with Israel." Well I'm definitely in that circle. What the fuck does Isreal do for us besides make us look bad? Why do we have to defend them at every turn, when they are CLEARLY wrong so much of the time. Fuck that country. The only reason it exists is because its essentially an apology for the Holocaust. If they aren't willing to stop acting crazy, then they should stop getting backup from us.
This isn't true
LOL no there won't

The United States government is happily willing to support Israel when it slaughters the people of Gaza on international news. Nothing is going to stop it. Democrats, Republicans, they're all on Netanyahu's leash.
Ah the Jews/Israelis run the US government. Its not the US making a conscious decision.

This theme runs prevalent in all these discussions if people saw the 'truth' they would change their opinion, because the media somehow prevents people from having other opinions.

Its perfectly fine and dandy to have the opinion Israel is in the wrong and US support should stop or be reduced but when this frustration over a political disagreement (that obviously has life and death consequences) always trends back to conspiracies and "behind the scenes machinations" that have a long history.

However when the English, French, and German foreign ministers just unprecedented jointly published an oped in the Washington post, and the administration leaked that recent talks with mossad officials that they're against new Iran sanctions, it's kinda been blowing up in Boehners face lately.

All this is a a get back at bibi for his attempt to interfere with US politics.

They're interfering with Israeli elections by leaking an "internal division" between Israel and its intelligence community (that mossad has denied the quotes has well but hasn't really repudiated the ideas within them). Neither should be taken at face value.
Why would Netanyahu want to coordinate his efforts with Obama? The guy has taken repeated dumps on Israel during his term.

Along with virtually all of our other allies.
I have no idea what any of this is referring to. Could someone give a quick rundown of what this all means from an outsider's perspective?
One of the anchors on MSNBC said that "in some liberal left-leaning circles people are beginning to wonder if we should reconsider our relationship with Israel." Well I'm definitely in that circle. What the fuck does Isreal do for us besides make us look bad? Why do we have to defend them at every turn, when they are CLEARLY wrong so much of the time. Fuck that country. The only reason it exists is because its essentially an apology for the Holocaust. If they aren't willing to stop acting crazy, then they should stop getting backup from us.

Yup. When we finally do drop our support, it'll be amazing how fast they sign a peace deal with the Palestenians and/or people in Israel start immediately leaving for Europe or the United States. It's basically Republicans supporting the state these days. Many (not all) Democrats would have given them the finger land ago (if they weren't so scared of the Republican base).
That's the best part! Of all the reasons the Republicans support Israel, it has absolutely nothing to do with Israel's best interests; the secular, politically-connected Republicans want that military contractor money or some extra campaign funds, and the religious Republicans need Israel to exist so that it can be destroyed and herald the return of Jesus as per Biblical prophesy.
I have no idea what any of this is referring to. Could someone give a quick rundown of what this all means from an outsider's perspective?
It means that Israel's belligerence is only tolerated by the United States because we need a place from which we can project power into the middle east; now that is increasingly becoming unnecessary, the integrity of the state of Israel is becoming irrelevant to us. Netanyahu, the Israeli PM, seems to think very highly of himself; I guess he actually thought the Republican shit-talkers actually cared about him, and not about getting money or scoring political points against the Obama administration. In any case, he's not giving the United States government the respect it deserves, considering how much Israel depends on us.


Yup. When we finally do drop our support, it'll be amazing how fast they sign a peace deal with the Palestenians and/or people in Israel start immediately leaving for Europe or the United States. It's basically Republicans supporting the state these days. Many (not all) Democrats would have given them the finger land ago (if they weren't so scared of the Republican base).
No, this is actually one of the issues both parties are guilty in. The Democrats believe many of their voters (both left-leaning and "moderate") would abandon them if they abandon support for Israel. And sadly, they're right. Supporting Israel's actions comes with no baggage from most of your voters even when they're in the news, while denouncing its actions will cause waves.

In a hundred years, I wonder how our unconditional support of the oppression of Gaza and the West Bank will be viewed.
O)H and how hilarious is it referring to Secretary Kerry as Israel's "primary defender".

Isnt he the guy who referred to Israel's current status as an "Apartheid State"?
No, this is actually one of the issues both parties are guilty in. The Democrats believe many of their voters (both left-leaning and "moderate") would abandon them if they abandon support for Israel. And sadly, they're right. Supporting Israel's actions comes with no baggage from most of your voters even when they're in the news, while denouncing its actions will cause waves.

In a hundred years, I wonder how our unconditional support of the oppression of Gaza and the West Bank will be viewed.
Ha! In a hundred years no one but the historians will give a crap about this. Most people already don't, as most Americans don't even vote! This isn't really about the plight of the Palestinians or the protection of Jews; this is about politics.

Its a trope on the left. Which has no actual support besides a few anecdotes.

He's not making that up. It's really what they believe.

Not its not.

Many of the more devout evangelicals hold anti-semetic/anti-israel views. Ron Paul being a big example.

There is also this article which talks about the internal divide in the evangelical movement which has moved away from Israel

Its much more a kind of 'cultural' anti-arab sentiment that drives those to support israel rather than any religious motivation.


Ah the Jews/Israelis run the US government. Its not the US making a conscious decision.
That's actually the opposite of what I'm saying.

We are culpable in every abhorrent action Israel takes because we are apathetic at best and supportive at worse. Israel doesn't control us, we simply allow them to do whatever it wants even when it's not in our best interests. When Israel gets raked over the coals for its actions, the US should be raked over the coals for patting them on the back and never saying no.


Why would Netanyahu want to coordinate his efforts with Obama? The guy has taken repeated dumps on Israel during his term.

Along with virtually all of our other allies.

I kinda thought the same thing, i.e. "How dare he not give the President the opportunity to piss all over this?!?"
That's actually the opposite of what I'm saying.

We are culpable in every abhorrent action Israel takes because we are apathetic at best and supportive at worse. Israel doesn't control us, we simply allow them to do whatever it wants even when it's not in our best interests. When Israel gets raked over the coals for its actions, the US should be raked over the coals for patting them on the back and never saying no.
Israel is an instrument of American foreign policy. It has served its purpose, and now America is letting it go; this is pretty consistent with basically every country the United States has ever "allied" with, and I think the reason Bibi's so salty is because he's starting to realize just how little power he really has. We're not going to attack Iran or even levy more sanctions against them, and there's nothing he can do about it; despite the tough talk he gives at home for domestic consumption, Israel does not have the capacity to unilaterally attack Iran without US support. Fortunately, once he's out of office, a more secular government will likely take over, and Israel can actually start crafting a more realistic foreign policy.
That's actually the opposite of what I'm saying.

We are culpable in every abhorrent action Israel takes because we are apathetic at best and supportive at worse. Israel doesn't control us, we simply allow them to do whatever it wants even when it's not in our best interests. When Israel gets raked over the coals for its actions, the US should be raked over the coals for patting them on the back and never saying no.

You used a dog on leash metaphor with Israel in the superior role. That's what I took issue with

Israel is an instrument of American foreign policy. It has served its purpose, and now America is letting it go; this is pretty consistent with basically every country the United States has ever "allied" with, and I think the reason Bibi's so salty is because he's starting to realize just how little power he really has. We're not going to attack Iran or even levy more sanctions against them, and there's nothing he can do about it. Fortunately, once he's out of office, a more secular government will likely take over, and Israel can actually start crafting a more realistic foreign policy.

You really are off on Israeli politics.

And bibi's party is secular.
“The bilateral relationship is unshakable. But playing politics with that relationship could blunt Secretary Kerry’s enthusiasm for being Israel’s primary defender.”
This is why he'll continue to "spit" in our face. Dude can seemingly laugh in the face of the most powerful government in the world. He should quake in his boots at the very thought of pissing off the most powerful country in the world.


Doesn't Israel have any ethics or campaign laws that prevent Bibi from doing such an address so close to an election?
I appreciate this comment, because it shows how few things we in general know -but assume- about other countries.

And I mean no disrespect by saying this. On the contrary, it's interesting, and not something you expect from an interconnected world.
You really are off on Israeli politics.

And bibi's party is secular.

Oh; sorry then. I was under the impression that the Likud was extremely right-wing, focusing on ensuring the "Jewish character" of Israel, and that it was largely elected by fear-mongering rhetoric that the Israeli population at large is now starting to dismiss.
This is why he'll continue to "spit" in our face. Dude can seemingly laugh in the face of the most powerful government in the world. He should quake in his boots at the very thought of pissing off the most powerful country in the world.
Yeah, he should. That's the point. I know the US government seems pretty incompetent to the domestic observer but if you actually look behind the scenes you will see that the United States' hegemonic sway over world events isn't some kind of fluke. A lot of work goes in to making this all possible; all that military spending isn't for nothing, you know.
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