Hope of the Earth?
I'm sure if every country disappeared right now the Earth wouldn't give a shit.
I'm sure if every country disappeared right now the Earth wouldn't give a shit.
lol, so awesome.
"Do you really love teachers, Brick, or are you just naming people that are in the room?"
If a foreign policy debate ends on the economy, that will be to Romney's advantage.
Show us the light.Hahaha, I always laugh at the bicep pats. Such "establish yourself as strong and dominant" forced political horse shit.
Hope of the Earth?
Why did romney open and close the debate? Did I miss something?
- Have made real progress digging out of policies that gave us two prolonged wars
and a horrible economy.
- Will build on our strenghts. Improving manufacturing jobs. Investing in retraining workers for jobs of tomorrow.
- Will ask wealthy to do a bit more to invest in this.
- Keep faith with our troops and will go after those who will do harm to us.
- Need to take care of our veterans and nation build at home.
- Will work every day to make sure America is greatest nation on earth.
- Want real leadership.
- Promote principles of peace.
- Make sure economy is growing. Will balance budget. Make sure take home pay grows.
- Will get people back to work with 12 million new jobs.
- Get people off of food stamps with good jobs.
- Will work across the aisle. Have to get along.
- This nation is hope of the earth. Free and prosperous, thanks to the greatest generation. It is our turn. It requires strong leadership. Will work with you. Ask for you vote to help support this great nation.
What about Schwarzenegger
"IF General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye. It wont go overnight, but its demise will be virtually guaranteed."he closes that by saying managed bankruptcy. im not even convinced its the wrong plan, but he did say it. he did say the government should be involved, which obama implied he didnt. certainly its not as black and white as either of them implied.
The issue is that GM and Chrysler probably wouldn't have been able to do that without a government loan.Eh, that's not really contradicting what he said. It says he wanted them to shed debt and restructure, hire new management etc etc.
He basically said that just now in the debate.
"Whoever wins, they lose."What I wouldn't give to know what they said to each other as they shook hands.
Republicans just blocked a bill to do so. It eliminates deducting the costs of moving operations overseas.How is Obama planning on changing the tax policy to no longer help companies moving business to China? How?
Oh good, you're back. Tell us again how tax cuts increase government revenue.
Romeny is jsut full of bull crap. please dont vote for this sack of shit
Haha, that's what I was thinking.WATCH OUT OBAMA, IT'S TAGG
I'm pretty sure you'd notice a difference between the two if you actually paid attention.And Obama isn't? Please, they both are.