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Valedictorian barred from his graduation due to having facial hair in Louisiana

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So the punishment is more important than the hard work and dedication this kid put in academically, to the point that he doesn't deserve scholarships? Some of you are real suspect lol. Unbelievable.

He shouldn't earn a scholarship simply for not shaving. Unless the American Mustache Institute decides to give him one. I'm sure he can earn plenty for his grades.
look respectable brehs.

school district still fighting desegregation, people trying to unseat the lead administrator. straigten up and fly right.
rules are rules and son you ain't graduating.

Uh he graduated. He just couldn't attend the graduation event.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I don't understand why that's a policy.
Me neither.

I got suspended from school for not shaving my beard when i was in high school. Follow the goddamn rules, I'm sure this isn't the first time anyone had ever told him that having a beard was a violation of school dress code.
Why should anyone follow an arbitrary, idiotic, useless, outdated rule?

The school can fuck right off.

Yeah, we should just follow the rules, no matter how inane. It's what has gotten us this far with schools.

No beards isn't inane. Did like nobody in this thread ever go to a private school?
Of course it's insane. It has no basis in any rational thought.


Me neither.

Why should anyone follow an arbitrary, idiotic, useless, outdated rule?

The school can fuck right off.


Of course it's insane. It has no basis in any rational thought.

Who gets to determine that? How des this sort of New Age school operate in your mind?
It doesn't make sense that he was allowed to have his facial hair the whole school year and then this is the moment they decide to enforce the rules.

So petty.
It doesn't make sense that he was allowed to have his facial hair the whole school year and then this is the moment they decide to enforce the rules.

So petty.

Yeah this irks me why have a dress code just for graduation?
My schools had them year long and graduation was no different.
He also shouldn't have been denied a graduation ceremony just because he had facial hair, but rules are rules, right? It's stupid as hell.
I can understand a bit keeping him from walking, but they also took his awards as well. Why not just let him keep those?

Maybe they were trying not to be overly oppressive with enforcement. Being able to do your facial hair how you want all year in exchange for shaving for one day seems pretty fair to me.
True I guess. I agree with his side, I would have probably just not walked. You could still pick up your degree and any scholarships not walking in my old schools.
He shouldn't earn a scholarship simply for not shaving. Unless the American Mustache Institute decides to give him one. I'm sure he can earn plenty for his grades.
He also shouldn't have been denied a graduation ceremony just because he had facial hair, but rules are rules, right? It's stupid as hell.


Yeah this irks me why have a dress code just for graduation?
My schools had them year long and graduation was no different.

Maybe they were trying not to be overly oppressive with enforcement. Being able to do your facial hair how you want all year in exchange for shaving for one day seems pretty fair to me.


It doesn't make sense that he was allowed to have his facial hair the whole school year and then this is the moment they decide to enforce the rules.

So petty.

As someone that graduated and had family in the Louisiana public school system in a backwards parish, my guess would be that the school largely agreed the policy was stupid(hence why they ignored enforcing it) but graduation become some arbitrary line they felt uncomfortable crossing or there was a renewed push to start enforcing the rule.

Frankly as a graduate in a school and parish with that type of silly policy, I would of sucked it up for one week of graduation if I was allowed to break the rules for my entire High School life prior to that.
Ok, now I'm confused. I assumed it was a private school because they can make these kinds of rules. Instead, it's a public school, which is absurd.

Welcome to Louisiana. It is what it is though. This guy was actually allowed to break the rule for 99% of his High School life though. Wish that could of been my parish.


Ok, now I'm confused. I assumed it was a private school because they can make these kinds of rules. Instead, it's a public school, which is absurd.


Ok, now I'm confused. I assumed it was a private school because they can make these kinds of rules. Instead, it's a public school, which is absurd.

Public schools set all kinds of arbitrary dress code rules. No facial hair was strictly enforced when I was growing up.

It was a different time back then though. A big part of it was allowing an easy way to identify students versus people who have no business being on campus.


Why does a school have a rule about facial hair specifically for graduation ceremony?

Are people not reading the OP? They don't. They have a parish wide rule for no beards that the school didn't enforce for students but for whatever unspecified reason decided they needed to do so for graduation. 14 were made aware the enforcement would affect them and 13 shaved. This guy didn't.


As someone that has lived in Colorado, Louisiana, Virginia amongst others, this really seems like a cultural thing.

I have worked at places here in Louisiana with some very old, conservative ownership and they definitely look down on facial hair(although not strictly enforcing it) or anything that isn't a side part hair style or a military style buzz cut.

I would imagine this would be unheard if in many major cities but you'd be surprised down in the south.

That's fair I suppose. I grew up in WA and have lived elsewhere, but every place that I've lived in has been very permissive with facial hair.


Did they explain why they let him break the rule all year?

I don't think they have made an official statement. Logic tells me because they clearly didn't believe in it, but given how things like this go in Louisiana, I would place money that this school will no longer be looking the other way with regards to facial hair.

This guys little stand is probably going to get the ire of all his under classmen who will probably have to shave their facial hair for the rest of their High School lives.
Did they explain why they let him break the rule all year?

Assuming the obvious explanation of "School found some bullshit to ding a black valedictorian over" is untrue, it's probably the case that, day-to-day, they don't give a shit, but graduation is attended by people that WOULD ding the school over non-enforcement of said rule.


I wonder what kind of crazy facial hair the American Moustache Institute is rocking.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
Should we add a new entry to The List, as "Having a beard while black", or we can add this under "Being successful while black"?

Anyone that thinks that selective enforcement of "Rules" is anything but a thin coat over racism and discrimination in general is a tool.
again, are we reading the same article or do we have any concrete proof or at least some visual aids besides "my gut tells me so" that this is somehow a slight against a minority getting valedictorian and not just typical mishandling of school policies?

Also my school, while public, also had an uniform policy and grooming rules.

if you did not wear your uniform, you were allowed to wear business attire as an alternative.

Should we add a new entry to The List, as "Having a beard while black", or we can add this under "Being successful while black"?

Anyone that thinks that selective enforcement of "Rules" is anything but a thin coat over racism and discrimination in general is a tool.

well then.


Does the Parrish have any explanation for why they have the rule?

I would be shocked if most parishes don't have similar rules. As to their origin and justification? It seems to be a complicated web. That has components of academic studies, politics, fear, religion, income concerns, cultural preferences, racism and education theory.


Should we add a new entry to The List, as "Having a beard while black", or we can add this under "Being successful while black"?

Anyone that thinks that selective enforcement of "Rules" is anything but a thin coat over racism and discrimination in general is a tool.
In other words:

"If you don't agree with my opinion that I formed after clearly not reading the article in full or the thread where people have provided further context, then you are a tool."


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
In other words:

"If you don't agree with my opinion that I formed after clearly not reading the article in full or the thread where people have provided further context, then you are a tool."

“Plus, students from other schools in the district who graduated earlier that week marched with their facial hair, so why couldn’t I?”

I did read the article, which wasn't even needed because the OP practically posted all of it.
School has their story, student has his, and i'm not exactly keen on believing the school's side entirely.
There's selective enforcement at work, or is the student just lying? Or the school has exclusive rules? Where i live districts set rules like those, not single schools.

Stupid rules get bent all the time for good students by school staff. That's what selective enforcement is.


A mudslide of fun!
I did read the article, which wasn't even needed because the OP practically posted all of it.
School has their story, student has his, and i'm not exactly keen on believing the school's side entirely.
There's selective enforcement at work, or is the student just lying? Or the school has exclusive rules? Where i live districts set rules like those, not single schools.

Stupid rules get bent all the time for good students by school staff. That's what selective enforcement is.

“Our school board has a policy that does not allow any facial hair on male students,”

How is that selective enforcement?

This school isn't where you live, so your anecdotal evidence is worthless.

Again, this school is 80% black. How is enforcing a school rule racist? Unless you believe the rule itself is racist.

Stupid rules get bent all the time for good students by school staff. That's what selective enforcement is.

You have no evidence this happened in this case, so what is your point?


Until you spend time actually reading the article and thread.

But how can I shitpost and make jokes about how everyone is so racist in this situation if I actually read the article and thread and know the facts? It's a lot easier to just post "Having a beard while Black" or "Can't let a black man be validictorian" because that gives me cool points.

Seriously, this thread is fucking embarrassing.

So, everyone knew you had to shave. Regardless of how you feel about the rule that is the rule. 14 kids showed up and were told to shave and 13 decided to do so and one did not. The majority of the school is black. But yes let's all accuse the school of being racist becaus jeez, what other conclusion can you make? I mean a student was asked to follow the rules, and he decided not too. Not that complicated guys and gals.


I did read the article, which wasn't even needed because the OP practically posted all of it.
School has their story, student has his, and i'm not exactly keen on believing the school's side entirely.
There's selective enforcement at work, or is the student just lying? Or the school has exclusive rules? Where i live districts set rules like those, not single schools.

Stupid rules get bent all the time for good students by school staff. That's what selective enforcement is.

It is only selective in that prior to this they did not enforce the governing rule. This kid wasn't singled out because of race. There is no evidence of that whatsoever.

This school, in a district where no beards are the rules governing them, decided that graduation was the point they felt a line needed to be drawn and the policy to be enforced. Right or wrong on any number of levels they made that call. 14 people who this would affect were made aware ahead of time. 13 complied, 1 chose not to despite multiple pleas for him to do so. He knew the consequences and made his choice.

You make the assertion this can only be explained by racism, which is absurd and not supported by any evidence we have.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
“Our school board has a policy that does not allow any facial hair on male students,”

How is that selective enforcement?

This school isn't where you live, so your anecdotal evidence is worthless.

Again, this school is 80% black. How is enforcing a school rule racist? Unless you believe the rule itself is racist.

You have no evidence this happened in this case, so what is your point?

If effectively this is a school-by-school policy, i'll admit i misunderstood and take the L. That very much sounded like those other students who were allowed were under the same policy.


If effectively this is a school-by-school policy, i'll admit i misunderstood and take the L. That very much sounded like those other students who were allowed were under the same policy.

This school operates in a parish(or what would be called a district in most other states). The parish rules governing public schools state that students are not allowed to have beards. This school disregarded this rule and allowed students to have beards. So for 99% of this students academic life at this school he was allowed to break the rules with no consequence.

However, come graduation time, this particular school felt compelled to enforce the parish rule to all graduating students. 14 were made aware that the enforcement would affect them, 13 complied. 1 continued to hold out and refuse despite knowing the consequences. He dug in and the school did what they said they would do.

This was all in the article.


Oddly enough, a very similar thing happened to me. I went to pick up my cap and gown from the school office and the associate Dean refused to give them to me until I shaved. And he meant that very minute. He gave me a can of shaving cream and a razor. When I ducked into the restroom to shave, lo and behold, there were several other guys shaving. And I had just a couple patchy wisps of facial hair, less than the guy in the OP.


This is completely stupid. I remember in high school we were not allowed to have beards but taking away somebodies elegebility to graduate due to it is just stupid.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Who gets to determine that? How des this sort of New Age school operate in your mind?
What? New Age?

No seriously... what?

A rule is arbitrary, stupid and useless, if it's there without a good, rational reason to exist. A rule about being respectful of other students and not punching them has a good reason to exist. A rule about not showing up naked at school, and wearing clean clothes, has a good, rational reason to exist.
A rule about preventing hair stubble on some guy's chin doesn't. Or maybe you can come up with a rational reason for such a rule to exist.

As if clothing choices are based on rational thought.

Why is a suit professional but not jeans and a tshirt?
Good question.
Explain rationally.
No, you explain. Why should I argue something I don't believe in? Waste of time.
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