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Valiant Hearts: The Great War |OT| Some made it, some did not.

I'been playing it , it seems that the game isnt that long , but im loving every minute of it, im in the first part of chapter 3 , the puzzles are not that hard , but they are clever, and the music is great.

Fuck the guys on the taxis tho, who the fuck drives like that .


After finishing it over the week-end, I can't give the game more than a 3/5. It's an OK game but it's all too basic in terms of gameplay and since the story seemed to be the focal point of the game, the plot being too cartoonish and not really going anywhere
(You don't even get to see the end of the war, you don't know where or why the american guy's wife was killed, etc...)
is a let down. There's no character building, they don't have any actual personality. It's like all characters were like Link.
There's probably a thousand amazing stories that have happened during this war and yet they didn't manage to tell one.
I really wanted to love this but im struggling to find the will to play it. Like the previous poster said, the story and characters are all too 'cartoony'. And i dont like how the story is basically "lets hunt the evil german baron". I was hoping the game would show both sides of the war, but so far its all just the "good" guys. And the only German you get to play as is a German who was practically French anyway. Ive read books of WW1 poetry and letters home from both sides of the front, and its heartbreaking, powerful, emotive stuff. When they said this was going to be based on letters from the front i really hoped for the best, but what this is is an average puzzle game with nice music and a wasted opportunity in the story department.


I've really enjoyed playing the game, sure, it's not too challenging and there are a few repeating puzzles, but the tone of the game is phenomenal. The graphics and especially the music and "voice work" are great. Except from the German cartoon villain, all the caracters were good. I liked how lovingly stereotypical all the nations are portrayed. A realistic game would be criticized for that, but here it works fine. I won't say it's too emotional, but the ending was superb except for
Freddie's basic non reaction towards Emile as he was walking by
I also learned a few small facts about WW1, which is a nice side effect. Delivering those facts via those optional compact text/picture panels worked pretty well.


A little bummed how dead this thread is. Expected more people to play this.. I guess a historical puzzle game about war with no guns is pretty niche, but it's still a beautiful UbiArt joint if nothing else. Not sure if it's lack of marketing, bad timing, or just a hard concept to get excited about. Personally I can't quite get it out of my head, hope it finds a second wind with audiences at some point.


(you don't know where or why the american guy's wife was killed, etc...)

Yes you do.
They were getting married when the Germans started to bomb the city they were in. One of the bombs hit the church they were in, she was killed.


So... how much knowledge would you recommend having of WW1 before starting this game? Because I'd really love to buy it and play it, but my knowledge of WW1 is pretty basic (not nonexistent, but basic).


So... how much knowledge would you recommend having of WW1 before starting this game? Because I'd really love to buy it and play it, but my knowledge of WW1 is pretty basic (not nonexistent, but basic).
None at all. The game does a very good job of giving you both narrative and historical context for everything that occurs within the game. In addition there are wiki-esque facts for each level and collectable that you can look up from the menu that supplement the game.


I'm on my 2nd playthrough. I suck at puzzle games, really bad, This one just had me excited the first time I saw it on Gamersyde. Great game. I'll play it many times. Story was great imo. Definitely a gem. A buy recommendation from me Gaf.


I just finished it.

I thought games were supposed to be happy.

Although not a fan of the
DLC teaser half way through the credits.


Yes you do.
They were getting married when the Germans started to bomb the city they were in. One of the bombs hit the church they were in, she was killed.

Yeah but where and when? Was it at the beginning of the war? Germany barely bombed anything using Zeppelin in 1914. Why this revenge quest against the Baron specifically?


I just got this today and am playing it. I'm surprised how competent the range of gameplay types are. Kind of a nice mix of traditional adventure games with a tad of Worms meets Metal Gear lol. Weird, but I dig it. Also, my God is it beautiful. Ubi Art Framework is way too OP.


Gold Member
Started on this tonight, loving it so far. I like the historical information bits, I know a fair bit about WW1 as I studied it at school but it's good to impart factual information in this way through a game I think. It's a nice way for people to get a feel for the battles and what it was like, especially in this centenary year.

Will be diving back in tomorrow for more!


Finished this today. Totally loved the experience. (The ending... Wow) From a gameplay point of view it was pretty easy but I don't know if a more difficult game would've been fitting here. Well maybe at least the puzzled could've been a little trickier.

there will some kind of DLC ,right? In the middle of the credits it says the War Continues


Neo Member
I finished this recently and really loved it. I collected all the items because I loved reading the little snippets of history they provided. Probably my favourite collectibles of all time for this reason.

I was thinking after it ended how awesome it would be if this became a series and every game focused on a different war. And the music was beautiful. I would totally buy the soundtrack if they released it.
Do not waste uplay points on the comic strips. It's literally just 4 pages of art straight from the game. No plot or anything. Not even assembled in any particular order. What a waste.
Just finished this up. Really a good game. Perhaps a bit long, but they consistently brought in new ideas and perspectives to help it along.

At this point I'll throw money at anything UbiArt does.


Gold Member
Literally just finished getting all the trophies for this and completed the story earlier this evening. It's a really solid game IMO (loved the graphics) and had a compelling storyline as well. If I had one criticism it would be that the puzzles were a bit too easy only the
vault ones
made me pause for thought.

That's the second stunning UbiArt game I've played this year, keep em coming please!


A beautiful game. I purchased it without any plan to do so - I just saw it a loved the art style. I started playing yesterday and finished it just now.

Very touching game, gorgeously presented and with a moving soundtrack. If you are interested in the history of war and platform / puzzle games in general it is a must have. The game brought tears to my eyes during certain parts. Surprise hit of 2014 for me.
Had a chance to finish this today, what a
I don't think anything hit me like that in a long while


Neo Member
Downloaded this on a whim as I've been enjoying the games built on the Ubi Art framework and just got to Chapter 2.

All I can say is wow, I really didn't expect something like this, looking forward to putting some more time in, although I expect I'll complete it too!


I am loving this goddamn game. The music is so good, and those segments in the car that are in sync with the music never fail to put a smile on my face.

Games like this are why I still like Ubisoft. They've got their yearly AAA cash cows (which also happen to take place in interesting time periods), but they've also go these types of games. Valiant Hearts in particular seems like it would be a great educational tool for older kids.
Beat the game today, it is beautiful. During chapter 2 I thought it may have lost.its identity and the story became bidimensional (good and bad guys), then it went back to the game's premise of people being victims of the war.
That ending was beautiful too.


I loved this game completed it last night but I have a few gripes.

The achievements were broken beyond all belief for me. Has anyone been able to fix them?

I loved the taxi parts with the music they were so much fun!

The overall story
I did have a little wobbly lip moment but I was expecting more feels, yes it did capture the some of the horrors of the first world war but at the same time I think they played it too safe with the amount of characters who did survive. also you could see it coming what was going to happen, I would have preferred a much harder take on the war.

I would give this game a 3.5 out of 5 it would have been a 4 but as noted in my spoiler and the fact that achievements died I can't give it higher, it was a great sunday hangover game though and between this and COL I look forward to more from Ubi art.
Pretty cool game. Finished it a day or two ago. Some parts had me stumped. The car sequences were hilarious. The ending was depressing as hell. Very thought-provoking.
Pretty cool game. Finished it a day or two ago. Some parts had me stumped. The car sequences were hilarious. The ending was depressing as hell. Very thought-provoking.

Yeah the first time
you have to find the safe combination
had me feeling like an idiot until it finally clicked.


Murdered By StarCreator
Just finished it. Absolutely brilliant game, but there's a savage tonal shift between the second and third acts that left me cold. You've got this big, cartoonish revenge quest that just ends with no real input from the player followed by a series of levels about how awful the war actually was. Both tones work, but the switch between the two was a bit abrupt.


Had a chance to finish this today, what a
I don't think anything hit me like that in a long while

Same here, I have never cried so much. I shed those manly single tears throughout most of the game, but the ending, man... The Last of Us or Walking Dead have nothing on this...nothing. Great game, with a capital G.


I'm having a really hard time motivating myself to continue playing this right now. Like Ubisoft's other indieish game put out this summer it feels very compromised, as if the higher ups gave the developers a list of things to include which don't belong and mostly serve to distract me.

It's mostly the game parts that bring me out, they feel very disconnected from the story being told. I realise that the (fantastic) comic book style invites a bit of pulp while still being able to keep things serious when required, but it's not so much that dodging barrels while driving a car or dragging a few things together to create wurst is silly, it's just not entertaining or in service of the story for me. I really feel like they're in there because the developers felt forced to, because a game has to have some gameplay however simple or boring it is, right?

There are some great moments, though. The mood making a complete turnaround in the first battle against the Germans was fantastic and really brought home not only the terror of warfare, but also how the romantic view of it was killed by this war. The story of a family being torn apart and friends finding themselves on opposite sides in a war they don't want to take part in is touching and handled really well. The first image of a child wearing a gas mask is terrifying and very understated. I love when games try to tell these simple stories and moments.

I just wish that they weren't linked by so many utterly dull sequences of slowly pushing ward robes around, solving fetch quests, and of all things boss fights. Stop. Let the player breathe, take in the surroundings and reflect on the events unfolding around them, instead of constantly shuffling them towards the next objective marker.

I'll see if I can muster enough motivation to play on sometime this weekend.


Got a Xbox One recently, and have a free month of Live voucher. Saw this was on Deals for Gold, was thinking of going ahead and redeeming it to pick this up. Says it's 33% off, what's that translate to? I can't seem to see the price without actually having Gold. $10 is generally the sweet spot for indie games for me.
Got a Xbox One recently, and have a free month of Live voucher. Saw this was on Deals for Gold, was thinking of going ahead and redeeming it to pick this up. Says it's 33% off, what's that translate to? I can't seem to see the price without actually having Gold. $10 is generally the sweet spot for indie games for me.

33% of $15 is a just under $5, game should be a couple cents over $10.
Just finished this today. Very, very good game. Glad I picked it up on a PSN sale this month. The graphics are amazing, the characters lovable (the dog is so good) and the puzzles were for the most part interesting. Finding the solution to some of them made me smile! There are some negatives though: At some point I felt the game should have been shorter as the gameplay became kinda repetitive towards the end but overall it was a great experience. Also in the final chapters I encountered many glitches; I had to restart the game in total 3 times because the dog was getting stuck at different points.

All in all, I didn't know much about WWI except for some very vague things I remembered from school so it was very intriguing seeing the war unfold, read the historical facts, collect the collectibles and read the diaries. The last chapter of the game was really powerful with very emotional moments - man, war never looked... worse! So glad we were not born then... I kept reading how X hundreds of thousands of people died in that fight and how Y hundrerds of thousands in another fight and I was like, for fuck's sake!

I wish Ubisoft and the rest of the big publishers made more games like this. Yes, I know it is not perfect but at least it is a game that makes you think, you can really feel the love put into it by the developers and it stays with you after you finish it.

People, listen to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3rClyAOxwA


Finally got around to this in my backlog since the last Steam Sale. Played the first chapter yesterday, then all the rest in one go tonight.

Absolutely loved it. One of those games that very clearly hit the mark in atmosphere and emotion that the designers were going for. The minimal voice over really worked well and the music was just so spot on.

That ending. ;_;

Also, Walt was fucking awesome. Yes, new avatar awesome.


This was a great game. I'm glad they didn't make the puzzles all that difficult. It kept the story pushing forward.
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