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Valve's fake, rigged, waste of time Progress Quest troll Portal 2 ARG

Botolf said:
Do you actually know this, or is it a gut assumption of some kind?

Anyway, it seemed evident that the global completion bar is an average of the completion bars. http://www.gamingmasters.co.uk/portal/ has numbers on all of this, and it should be fairly reputable.

Global completion percentage: 56.48%

Game-by-game completion percentage:

- 100
- 100
- 100
- 100
- 28.01
- 23.19
- 64.55
- 47.48
- 49.67
- 46.83
- 31.73
- 21.88
- 20.57

Crunched the numbers on that, and the rough completion average I got is: 56.46%

So yeah. If there's a disconnect between the local and global completion bars, that is to say, if the former does not determine the latter, how? I'm not seeing it.
Based on this graph.


I like that the next two games in the list -Toki Tori and Bit.Trip- will already be past the halfway point of their respective bars once we'll be done with Cogs. That's some good progress.
On the last page people were suggesting that the progress increases with a fixed rate, ie the amount of time spent idling in games/the number of CPUs does not increase the main progress bar.
Looking at that graph, it does not look like the progress rate is fixed. It becomes a bit steeper and a bit less steep in time. It's really hard to tell how much effect the number of CPUs has on the progress rate.
Yeah I think, we'll manage to finish Cogs, Bit.Trip Beat and Toki Tori today. If by then, nothing has happened to speed up the process, I won't care anymore.

However, I still believe in Valve. They have some aces up their sleeves, which we'll see today. The 375,466 potato theory sounds quite good. Or maybe I'm just desperate by now...


Well, Meat Boy's also been going at a steady rate, so we might complete this one today as well. It's hard to predict, with the way we've been picking up speed today.

e: and I forgot Audiosurf, which is also well on its way to be over the 50% bar before Cogs is over.


evlcookie said:
It seems to be increasing by 100 - 200 every few minutes. I'm not too sure if I believe that's actually people doing the work, Seems a little too consistent for my liking.
Thats what happens when you are dealing with large numbers of people: less variance than you would expect.


I told Feep this a few hours ago, I just hope the game is unlocked by 6:00am Monday, April 17th for me to feel like this wasn't a waste of time. (AKA 24 hours from now)


Datwheezy said:
Cogs seems like it will be finished within 90 minutes at this rate. That bar is going really fast.

Based on progress I've been tracking for more than 1 hr, it'll take longer to finish than 90 minutes. It's moving at an average of 1% per 10 minutes atm.

7:42AM - 65.43%
7:48AM - 65.86%
7:53AM - 66.3%
7:57AM - 66.96%
8:07AM - 67.83%
8:13AM - 68.27%
8:19AM - 68.71%
8:21AM - 69.15%
8:30AM - 69.8%
8:34AM - 70.24%
8:39AM - 70.68%
8:44AM - 71.12%
8:48AM - 71.55%

Now if we do hit that number of potatoes that somebody quoted earlier and it does actually have an effect, then we'll see.

If this is right, we should hit 90% by noon EST.


Am I safe to use save downloads?

Specifically in Cogs. I am in love with the game and aesthetics but as my high school standardized tests showed, I'm spatially broken it seems. It'll take me a week to get 300/400 stars.


Unconfirmed Member
Baha said:
Based on progress I've been tracking for more than 1 hr, it'll take longer to finish than 90 minutes. It's moving at an average of 1% per 10 minutes atm.

Now if we do hit that number of potatoes that somebody quoted earlier and it does actually have an effect, then we'll see.

If this is right, we should hit 90% by noon EST.

Damn, seems like it was going much faster. I can only imagine how slow the first red bar had been going


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Tendo said:
Am I safe to use save downloads?

Specifically in Cogs. I am in love with the game and aesthetics but as my high school standardized tests showed, I'm spatially broken it seems. It'll take me a week to get 300/400 stars.

Presumably. The SPUF thread a Valve employee created to say they're going to remove potatoes from the profiles of cheaters specifically mentioned the website, nothing more.

I'm assuming that as long as you unlock the potatoes in-game, you'll be fine.


Datwheezy said:
Damn, seems like it was going much faster. I can only imagine how slow the first red bar had been going

Especially since we all had to play The Wonderful End of the World. It was as if time itself had stopped D:


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Bisonian said:
Especially since we all had to play The Wonderful End of the World. It was as if time itself had stopped D:

You don't have to play the games, just leave them idling. Valve can't know if you're actually playing the game or not.


JaseC said:
You don't have to play the games, just leave them idling. Valve can't know if you're actually playing the game or not.

Sorry... it was a joke. I know how the game works heh. I'll uh... go back into my corner now.


darkpaladinmfc said:
Few things to keep in mind:

- Completion % doesn't decrease (it's cumulative). It doesn't matter how much the player count drops, completion won't decline at any given point. If everyone stopped playing all potato pack games, the most that would happen would be the completion bar leveling out. Check RUSH's completion bar for a local example.

- Player count and completion are shooting up in the smaller "focus" games before dropping off altogether, correlating with the coordinated massive pushes ending with local completion. Peaks in player counts consistently result in peaks in local completion (consult the RUSH, AAAA, TWEoTW, and 123 Kick It overlays for the clearest examples), and also seem to result in global completion picking up speed (note the hills rising up slightly). Cogs is experiencing that very same peak as we speak.

- Outside of these focus games, player count tends to be fairly even.

- Potato count is increasing globally, even as CPU count drops. More potatoes generally means faster completion. So even if you lose more and more neutral/bored players, it's plausible to suggest you'll more than make up the difference as the ARG groups and invested players raise their potato counts and continue playing. To consider too is the potential boost obtained by completing games, there were hints as to such earlier on.

- It's group strategy to switch off of a focus game near completion (generally around 85-95%), so CPU count begins to steadily decline before a game ultimately reaches 100%. Again, you can see this in the graph.

- While CPU count is 1:1 in all games, the contribution of each CPU is not, and the potato multiplier of each CPU is not. Further, player attention is not even (it's concentrated on focus games), so drawing conclusions from the average global CPU count as you are can be misleading.

- Not all games are weighted evenly for completion progress, so an equal number of players on all games will complete them at different rates. Smaller games are completed faster, and peaking player counts result in a more drastic and short completion climb for them.

Summary: Forgoing the overlays and comparing global player count to global completion alone is worse than useless, because you're blind to crucial factors and attributes of the system.


Datwheezy said:
Damn, seems like it was going much faster. I can only imagine how slow the first red bar had been going

Actually, now that I've looked at the source of the 375,466 number it's looking to be more likely. Here's the theory:

On April 13th, one of the ARG sites at this link had a series of numbers that haven't been solved yet, "88375466". Now, a user on irc has indicated that X in ASCII is 88 and that the 375466 refers to the potato counter. It's too much of a coincidence but I wonder how much of an effect it'll have and how many potatoes we will lose when Valve removes the potatoes people received using a 3rd party application to add them to their steam account.


I'm going to use that Cogs save now. I know it unlocks steam achievements so it can be tracked I used it. As long as they don't ban my steam account I'll survive.
I just looked up TWEOTW since the name sounded cool, and I must say that the game looks like a complete Katamari ripoff. Is that accurate, or is there more to it than there seems to be?


ThoseDeafMutes said:
I just looked up TWEOTW since the name sounded cool, and I must say that the game looks like a complete Katamari ripoff. Is that accurate, or is there more to it than there seems to be?

It's that, but with a shitty camera, shitty controls, shitty graphics, shitty music and shitty menus.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Tendo said:
I'm going to use that Cogs save now. I know it unlocks steam achievements so it can be tracked I used it. As long as they don't ban my steam account I'll survive.

It'll be obvious to Valve that you used the save in order to get the potatoes as opposed to achievement whoring. I wouldn't worry.


Botolf said:
Summary: Forgoing the overlays and comparing global player count to global completion alone is worse than useless, because you're blind to crucial factors and attributes of the system.

It would be interesting to see that graph of the derivative of completion compared to active CPUs. I am also of the opinion that Valve is fudging things (but not passionately so, please don't execute me).


JaseC said:
It'll be obvious to Valve that you used the save in order to get the potatoes as opposed to achievement whoring. I wouldn't worry.

I just want to reboot GLADoS... I miss her so much :(


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
thefil said:
It would be interesting to see that graph of the derivative of completion compared to active CPUs. I am also of the opinion that Valve is fudging things (but not passionately so, please don't execute me).

exec thefil


God's Beard reminds me of


"Stop having fun!"
I have the PS3 copy on order from Amazon, but when I got home last night, I did my part and played Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! I'm rooting for ya'll and tonight I plan on getting in some Super Meat Boy.

I have a few of these indi games on my backlog, and it was fun having an excuse to play them again. I can't wait for something like a summer treasure hunt.


rasberryjam said:
So what are the chances of us getting this tonight at the current rate?

I'm gonna say there is. We're making tremendous progress, and we haven't even hit the peak number of players for today. It's totally doable if we put our computers to it.


rasberryjam said:
So what are the chances of us getting this tonight at the current rate?

It all depends on whether we get a boost when we hit 375466 potatoes. I'm currently tracking potatoes earned so far and I'll post an estimate on when we should hit that number soon.


It'd be so sweet to have it unlocked tonight, won't have a chance to play it again before Wednesday night when the easter holidays start :(


Around 5,000 potatos left until we see if the Overclock is real and the LLLLongJumper guy gave us a real clue to this seemingly final phase of the ARG.


Ok here's what I got after tracking the potato count for 1 hr:

9:19AM - 365076
9:34AM - 366046
9:48AM - 367088
10:03AM - 368076
10:19AM - 369163

Going by the 1k milestones, if we keep up this pace we should hit 375466 by 12PM EST give or take a few mins. That is if we don't lose potatoes after Valve removes the ones that were collected using a website and assuming the pace doesn't drop considerably.


Baha said:
Going by the 1k milestones, if we keep up this pace we should hit 375466 by 11:50AM EST give or take a few mins. This is if we don't lose potatoes after Valve removes the ones that were collected using a website and assuming the pace doesn't drop considerably.
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