darkpaladinmfc said:
So far there is no evidence to suggest that the potatoes are some sort of multiplier, the potato count has steadily increased but the percentage growth hasn't accelerated.
In fact, all the evidence we have shows they simply don't. That cpucount site was able to add up the accumulative amount of CPUs for each game, normalize it for each game, and find they do correlate 1:1, but the Potato count doesn't effect the rate at all.
At very best the number of Potatoes may tie into how much time gets knocked off when a game is completed. We have shaved what, 6 hours off at best? Right know it looks like the game will simply come out Monday Evening.
Also, the Portal 2 pin that wasn't for preorder (that you got by playing all 13 games at least once) is actually called the Resurrection Associate Pin. So at least "plotwise" it's part of it.
No, now you get one for both. A Resurrection Associate Pin for playing all 13 Potato sack games at least once (Helping the reboot process), and a Companion Cube Pin was recently added (Which looks the same) for people who preordered Portal 2.
It is likely the Resurrection Pin will change in some way once this is all over. It will likely get ether get an alternative style, or a particle effect.
Every potato earned adds another potato to your potato hat.
36 Potatoes also gets you a Potato Bow Tie to go with the hat.
By the thinness of the Numbers, that Zero in GlaDOS at home will likely have a count of the total number of people playing/played the game.