gonna leave this here for those late to the events: http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/gpb1h/so_the_portal_2_arg_just_got_a_lot_more/
SalsaShark said:gonna leave this here for those late to the events: http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/gpb1h/so_the_portal_2_arg_just_got_a_lot_more/
Could it be possible GLaDOS is talking about Doug being treated the same way as Chell when she escaped? (Put in stasis.) Is the whole purpose of the ARG for us to unlock Chell's room and thereby release the game early?
Juan29.zapata said:This just got more awesome with Steam'scrash!intentional
Although it is fine for me!
StuBurns said:This is awesome if true.
In terms of likelihood or awesomeness?SalsaShark said:Im more inclined to the whole "GLaDOS taking over Steam to release Portal 2 early"
StuBurns said:In terms of likelihood or awesomeness?
StuBurns said:Regardless this is the by far the most interesting game launch of all time, the most amazing marketing I've ever witnessed and it's almost embarrassing that the first time Valve handles their own marketing this is what they produce, just effortless mastery of everything they take on. Stunning.
I would. They hired the, uh, developer of the Minerva mod precisely because he(/she? I think he) did an ARG at some point, IIRC. It's clear they want to handle it themselves.faceless007 said:I wouldn't be surprised if they collaborated with a company that specializes in ARGs to do this.
Twig said:It's clear they want to handle it themselves.
Yerp.SalsaShark said:Valve keeps bringing people in to do stuff in-house. It applies to every regard, not just marketing.
Its the Valve way
Atilac said:Anything significance to this from the giantbomb quicklook?
The dude was playing fine at first then went to switch to inverted, the gamertag is that jumbled mess "Xefab5bf40SDYUX" its a new gamertag even, is that a code for something?
Phantom Limbs said:Pretty much, haha. I'm glued to my computer right now, ignore all other life responsibilities.
Gamertag is from his debug unit. You can create anything you want, and usually people just do any old combination of letters/numbers.Atilac said:Anything significance to this from the giantbomb quicklook?
The dude was playing fine at first then went to switch to inverted, the gamertag is that jumbled mess "Xefab5bf40SDYUX" its a new gamertag even, is that a code for something?
Thought they hired him because he made an awesome mod. I mean, they hired him as a level designer. Not saying that proves anything, but none of us knows for sure.Twig said:I would. They hired the, uh, developer of the Minerva mod precisely because he(/she? I think he) did an ARG at some point, IIRC. It's clear they want to handle it themselves.
Both. J:faceless007 said:Thought they hired him because he made an awesome mod. I mean, they hired him as a level designer. Not saying that proves anything, but none of us knows for sure.
Mr. Spinnington said:ya salsa you're our boy! where are the potatoes, boy? where are they? go get 'em, boy! go on!
faceless007 said:Thought they hired him because he made an awesome mod. I mean, they hired him as a level designer. Not saying that proves anything, but none of us knows for sure.
Baha said:They're making some good progress on the AaAaAA!! ARG clues in irc, might lead to the next aperture screen.
TheExodu5 said:How the hell do you beat that Audiosurf song? The best I've gotten was 130k and that was flailing back and forth. The next time I tried to get all the non companion cube blocks and ended up with 85k. =\
TheExodu5 said:How the hell do you beat that Audiosurf song? The best I've gotten was 130k and that was flailing back and forth. The next time I tried to get all the non companion cube blocks and ended up with 85k. =\
SalsaShark said:Play on novice pointman, hit every block you can, specially companion cubes, get a clean finish, repeat until you get it.
The Audiosurf potato is ridiculous, pure luck on whether the game generates enough companion cubes really. I made the mistake of trying to do it first today and ended up killing my desire to get potatoes.TheExodu5 said:How the hell do you beat that Audiosurf song? The best I've gotten was 130k and that was flailing back and forth. The next time I tried to get all the non companion cube blocks and ended up with 85k. =\
jesus and i had been treating them like grey blocksJoe Molotov said:Companion Cubes give you 5k a piece, so you need to get all of them you can. Even so, I can't get more than 160k.
Mr. Spinnington said:jesus and i had been treating them like grey blocks
Mr. Spinnington said:jesus and i had been treating them like grey blocks
corn_fest said:The Audiosurf potato is ridiculous, pure luck on whether the game generates enough companion cubes really. I made the mistake of trying to do it first today and ended up killing my desire to get potatoes.
I never even realized you could grab paints. >.> Argh, back to the game! Homework can wait!Alaskanbullworm said:Another tip for Audiosurf, grab one of the inks with the portal gun just in case you are about to overfill on one of your lines, so you have a backup plan. It's also handy to use at the end for a clean finish.Grab every block no matter what. If it does happen to overfill more than once or twice, reset.