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Variant cover to Astonishing X-Men #4

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FortNinety said:
Since I stopped reading X-Men a few years ago, I didn't know they died. Was it due to some virus or something?

Nope, that was
her original body counter part. Betsy was merged/split via The Hand and Spiral's magics with an assassin by the name of Kwannon...each person was now a mix of the 2. The Betsy that was still with the X-Men had the asian body, and Kwannon had the original British body. Both were skilled in the martial arts and had telepathy. Betsy manifested a psychic knife, while Kwannon manifested a psychic katana. Anywho, Kwannon was diagnoised with the Legacy Virus, and soon died, returning Psylocke's full telepathic power. Of course this whole crap only happened because the writer missed one issue in his collection, an issue where Claremont already explained the body switch thing...gotta love the editorial incompetence that was the 90s. Anywho, soon Psylocke was gutted to death by Sabertooth, ressurected via some Crimson Dawn mystical mumbo jumbo, had a tattoo over her eye(right eye i think), had the ability to teleport through shadows, got tricked by the Shadow King and ended up causing a shockwave across the astral plane, disabling telepathy, then trapped the Shadow king but had to constantly use her powers to keep him in check, so no telepathy for Betsy. Then we have Revolution, which takes place after a 6-month gap. In that 6 month gap, Jean helps Betsy and they have a still unexplained power switch...Jean gives Betsy her telekinesis, while adding Betsy's telepathic power to hers. Betsy can now manifest a telekinetic katana...and while she's great at smashing things, she isn't great at fine motor control, such as picking up a dime.

Psylocke died in X-treme X-Men issue 2 by the hands of Vargas...stabbed and killed...very shitty(as in lame) death. Many fans await her return...her spirit form had a conversation with Bishop while he was in Dreamtime, and when she was saying goodbye, some figure from behind her snatched her through some sort of portal...so that's the opening for her return at some point.


The cover doesn't mean he has to come back to life. If you remember the end of issue 3, Beast just said "some things should stay buried". They could just be using his...ashes? Okay, I don't know. If he IS back then it's the worst resurrection since...Alien Resurrection. Now, Jean, I can understand.
I was hoping to pick it up today, but in typical fashion my comic shop made up a price for it before anyone was even able to buy it. I'm not paying $14.99 for an issue not even a day old yet. Bastards.
I am glad they brought him back. He shouln't of died in the first place. There are tons of other shitty x-men to knock off.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America

How many xmen books are there these days...last time I read xmen there were 2.. Uncanny and X-Men.


Off the top of my head...

Ultimate X-Men
Astonishing X-Men
New X-Men
X-Men Unlimited
Uncanny X-Men

Uhh...someone correct me if some of these no longer exist or if I'm missing some.
Doc Holliday said:

How many xmen books are there these days...last time I read xmen there were 2.. Uncanny and X-Men.
X-Men and X-Men -related comics being published as of November 2004:

Astonishing X-Men
Uncanny X-Men
Ultimate X-Men
New X-Men
Emma Frost
District X
X-Men: The End
Alpha Flight

So... 23.


OmniGamer said:
Psylocke died in X-treme X-Men issue 2 by the hands of Vargas...stabbed and killed...very shitty(as in lame) death. Many fans await her return...her spirit form had a conversation with Bishop while he was in Dreamtime, and when she was saying goodbye, some figure from behind her snatched her through some sort of portal...so that's the opening for her return at some point.

I only read up to issue 9 or something in the TPB, can you tell me why Vargas attack them and killed Psylocked, and the whole thing surrounding Gambit? Was that storyline ever resolved or it was left hanging like other X-plots?
Doc Holliday said:
geez thats a lot, any alternate universe books or are they all legit?
Uhhh... Let's see if I can break those down into groups...

Core "616" X-Men Titles:
Astonishing X-Men
Uncanny X-Men

Solo "616" X-Men Titles:
Emma Frost
District X (Bishop)

Peripheral "616" X-Men Titles:
New X-Men
Alpha Flight
X-Men Unlimited

Mini Series:
X-Men: The End
Wolverine: The End

Alternate Universe X-Men Titles:
Ultimate X-Men


I think that's about right. I also added a couple of titles, so they're up to 25. o_O


New X-Men is considered a "core" title I believe, hence the name change from New Mutants.

And bringing back
is totally worthless.
He's been nothing but "dumb strong guy" window dressing for the better part of two decades... seriously the only intersting things he's been involved with since the early 1980s glory days were defecting to the Acolytes (which was more conceptually interesting than the story played out) and beating up Pete Wisdom out of mindless jealousy. Pitor should've stayed dead, Kitty's better off without him. If anyone should be brought back it's Ilyanna, at least she's a mean little bitch and has links to something offering a halfway plausable return.


Anybody who's actually read Astonishing X-Men #4, will realize, "you know who's" return was written in quite well. It never hurts when you have Cassaday on art chores, either -- he captured every emotion perfectly.
nomoment said:
Anybody who's actually read Astonishing X-Men #4, will realize, "you know who's" return was written in quite well. It never hurts when you have Cassaday on art chores, either -- he captured every emotion perfectly.

How did Whedon pull it off? I don't read comics anymore, but as an X-men fan during my elementary/junior high days (1988-1995), I'd love to know.


Well done or not, it's a needless resurrection for a dimensionless character. I wish the Dazzler rumors had been true, it'd make for a better revival.
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