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Vegan community thread - Give Peas a Chance


Trying to be. Meant to start an apprenticeship in a vegan restaurant in August but that fell through so now I'm at this kind of "work experiment" thing in another such restaurant in which I can try working in some profession I'm interested in pursuing before fully committing myself to it (i.e. taking on an apprenticeship or going to some school to get a degree in the profession).

It's currently only a test period and not a full-on apprenticeship because the future of the restaurant is somewhat uncertain, so it didn't make sense to start an apprenticeship if they can't guarantee they can commit to it much more than ~3 months. Their lease is up and they aren't sure if they can continue (in the current location or at all) past the end of the year or if they can afford to pay me if their rent ends up being much higher going on forward, even if they continue. So I'll test this out and see whether it seems like something I'd like to turn into a profession and once their future becomes clearer, we can make a decision whether or not I'll start the apprenticeship there or if I have to figure out something else.

I'm enjoying it so far (even if I've had to peel an ungodly amount of carrots, onions, garlic and such. :D), much more than the teacher's job that I previously had.


I'm probably 97 percent plant based at this point, mostly for environmental and health reasons.

The other 3 percent is mostly for social gatherings.

I'm still learning how to adapt my cooking to omit dairy.

For example, any tips on how to replace the milk and butter in this recipe.



I'd probably use oat cream and try out either some sort of olive oil or purely vegetable based margarines and see what nets the best result to my tastes. If oat cream isn't available, try any kind of vegetable milk. I personally prefer oat milks and creams due to oats smaller ecological impact vs. nut & soy & rice milks, but I'm not sure how readily oat based dairy replacements are available where you live. In Finland we have oat creams, milks, whipped creams and ice creams in most bigger store chains.
everybody should watch the 2nd episode of easy on netflix its a great look at a normal vegans life and trying to date one and being awesome
speaking of...I found that nice Gary I was talking about. it's from Pural


Do you guys have any recommendations for a meal I could prepare a huge amount of on a Sunday night and partition out to eat throughout the week? Sometimes I'll do a massive vat of curry, or spaghetti, and this isn't vegan, but I made a massive frittatta. Just looking for something new.
Do you guys have any recommendations for a meal I could prepare a huge amount of on a Sunday night and partition out to eat throughout the week? Sometimes I'll do a massive vat of curry, or spaghetti, and this isn't vegan, but I made a massive frittatta. Just looking for something new.

chili sin carne with taco chips!


Do you guys have any recommendations for a meal I could prepare a huge amount of on a Sunday night and partition out to eat throughout the week? Sometimes I'll do a massive vat of curry, or spaghetti, and this isn't vegan, but I made a massive frittatta. Just looking for something new.


Alternatively, cook up some rice and cut up a bunch of stuff for a stir fry. Just heat up a pan, throw the veggies in, follow the rice, season to your taste and you've got a bomb meal in like five mins.
Well having now lived in the US for two months I must say I really missed out on daiya Gary in Germany.
It's freaking awesome in all shapes and sizes.


Do you guys have any recommendations for a meal I could prepare a huge amount of on a Sunday night and partition out to eat throughout the week? Sometimes I'll do a massive vat of curry, or spaghetti, and this isn't vegan, but I made a massive frittatta. Just looking for something new.

My goto meals are rice and beans and potatoes/sweet potatoes and broccoli.

You can make these ahead of time really easily. If you have a rice cooker it's even easier.


I used to do a massive pasta bake which I later froze with faux sliced sausage, a tomato ragu (cook down tinned tomatoes with fried onions, garlic and add herbs/oil along with seasoning), add loads of frozen veg (peas, sweetcorn), tinned beans and chilli. Try and ram 5 - 7 portions of veg in there too.
I've been vegan for almost a year and have never heard of any credible sources recommending a diet centered around fruit.
I never said they were credible. I've been a vegan for two years and I didn't hear about this phenomenon until recently.

It's a typically a balance of lots of things. I eat more variety of foods than I ever have in my life.

You can technically be vegan and eat only Skittles.. But that's just a problem with the individual, not veganism.
I'm not sure why this in your response to me. I subscribe to veganism and nothing I said disparaged it.

They're not "less than ideal" unless you're going out of your way to eat too many.
You can get as much nutrition and fiber without the sugar in vegetables, generally. Quoting a sentence fragment while ignoring the meaning of the my sentence wasn't cool. Here it is again with an important part of it in bold:

Fruits can have a lot of calories because of their sugar, so if you're trying to limit calories and stay nutritionally complete, they can be less than ideal, especially because vegan proteins can be taxing on a calorie budget.

If you're eating the daily recommended amount of protein from vegan sources, that's going to take up a lot of calories. Tofu is roughly 1g protein/10 calories, but beans and nuts aren't as efficient. Seitan is probably the best efficiency, but it comes with a lot of sodium in my experience. Any way you slice it, almost half of your calories should be protein, which leaves the rest to go between vegetables, fruits, and grains.

There are lots of people on this very forum who are telling others to stay away from basic fruits. That's ridiculous.
It sounds like we're talking about two different kinds of occurrences. I haven't seen anyone write anything like that, but I generally ignore nutritional advice on GAF.


Any ideas where I can buy nutritional yeast in bulk?
The portions they sell at Trader Joe's and Whole Foods are tiny...

You can buy from Amazon and other retailers (bulkfoods, etc) but any more than 1lb at a time and you're asking for spoiled/wasted food. I don't recall the savings being that high either, so unless you go through nutritional yeast containers abnormally fast, I'd say just suck it up and go with the Bragg's/Red Star containers. You can get it nominally cheaper in the bulk section of Whole Foods.
You can buy from Amazon and other retailers (bulkfoods, etc) but any more than 1lb at a time and you're asking for spoiled/wasted food. I don't recall the savings being that high either, so unless you go through nutritional yeast containers abnormally fast, I'd say just suck it up and go with the Bragg's/Red Star containers. You can get it nominally cheaper in the bulk section of Whole Foods.

Yeah, I'd echo this post. Any time we buy nooch in bulk (at Bulk Barn in Canada), it's never entirely fresh to begin with, and by the time we reach the end it's stale. Buying the smaller bags is more expensive, but better from a taste perspective.


For those in the UK looking for vegan cheese that's actually tasty, this is the one:


I'd consider myself a bit of a cheese snob and it's the one food that makes me lapse from a vegan diet occasionally. Tried this (the black ash variety) at the Bristol vegfest and it blew my mind. Genuinely prefer it to most dairy cheeses I've had.

Only downside is that it's quite pricy so it's not going to be anything other than an occasional treat, though the selection of 5 is discounted.
You can buy from Amazon and other retailers (bulkfoods, etc) but any more than 1lb at a time and you're asking for spoiled/wasted food. I don't recall the savings being that high either, so unless you go through nutritional yeast containers abnormally fast, I'd say just suck it up and go with the Bragg's/Red Star containers. You can get it nominally cheaper in the bulk section of Whole Foods.

We discovered the nooch in the bulk section at Whole Foods yesterday.
Thing is if we make Mac'n'yeast we go through a lot of nooch very quickly.


For those in the UK looking for vegan cheese that's actually tasty, this is the one:


I'd consider myself a bit of a cheese snob and it's the one food that makes me lapse from a vegan diet occasionally. Tried this (the black ash variety) at the Bristol vegfest and it blew my mind. Genuinely prefer it to most dairy cheeses I've had.

Only downside is that it's quite pricy so it's not going to be anything other than an occasional treat, though the selection of 5 is discounted.

Goddamn that is some premium Gary. I might have to indulge...
Always thought about completely cutting out meat and dairy after reading Meat is for Pussies by John Joseph and seeing that some of my friends do it and they're healthier than ever but after watching cowspiracy last night i think i'm in.

If there's anyone from the UK here and would like to help a my seemingly information-less knowledge of what to eat please, i'm all ears!

Good books, websites, blogs, twitters etc


For those in the UK looking for vegan cheese that's actually tasty, this is the one:


I'd consider myself a bit of a cheese snob and it's the one food that makes me lapse from a vegan diet occasionally. Tried this (the black ash variety) at the Bristol vegfest and it blew my mind. Genuinely prefer it to most dairy cheeses I've had.

Only downside is that it's quite pricy so it's not going to be anything other than an occasional treat, though the selection of 5 is discounted.

Nutcrafter is great, but like you say a bit pricey. We save it for special occasions. I picked some up on Saturday at the Scottish vegan festival, as well as some similarly priced cheeses from Tyne cheese which tasted pretty damned good.

Also grabbed a "bacon and egg" sandwich from Sgaia while I was there, delicious!


Nutcrafter is great, but like you say a bit pricey. We save it for special occasions. I picked some up on Saturday at the Scottish vegan festival, as well as some similarly priced cheeses from Tyne cheese which tasted pretty damned good.

Also grabbed a "bacon and egg" sandwich from Sgaia while I was there, delicious!

damn, that egg thing is crazy looking. kinda creepy.

id eat it though


Oh, hey, I'm a vegan. As of 2.5 weeks ago.

Going great. However, I have lots and lots of allergies (incl most nuts, mushrooms, celery, pineapple) so sometimes I have to tread into vegetarianism in certain situations.

Last night for Halloween I made pearl barley pumpkin risotto for my girlfriend and a few friends who were over for a movie or two. I made it using this recipe, but with a small pumpkin and two small squashes instead of all squash. I also inserted a lot of Gary.

Gary as in Sainsbury's coconut-based alternative to cheese.

It was damn delicious.

Today I gorged on Linda McCartney vegan sausage rolls after busting my butt to meet a difficult deadline.


Always thought about completely cutting out meat and dairy after reading Meat is for Pussies by John Joseph and seeing that some of my friends do it and they're healthier than ever but after watching cowspiracy last night i think i'm in.

If there's anyone from the UK here and would like to help a my seemingly information-less knowledge of what to eat please, i'm all ears!

Good books, websites, blogs, twitters etc

Hey, it's that very same documentary that hammered it home for me, too. I already knew most of the facts but a point comes where you just can't be a hypocrite anymore.

Don't have much advice but I definitely recommend getting some chewable vegan supplement pills you can pop once per morning. I'm also taking daily iron pills because I keep forgetting to put loads of spinach in stuff.


Finland is going through a bit of a plant protein revolution, or at least hopefully the start of one. Ever since the visible PR & hype of the new "pulled oat" product that I mentioned in this thread before that was introduced to a lot of Finnish stores in May and encouraged by its success, plant-based meat-like protein products have somewhat exploded in their popularity. The production capacity of the Pulled Oat product isn't all that huge so it's constantly sold out (if you don't get to a store within 3-4 hours after they get a shipment, you're usually shit out of luck) and there is an even newer product called "Härkis" that was released in August (made from broad/fava bean, which is called Härkäpapu in Finnish, Härkä meaning Bull and Härkis is kind of a nickname-ish thing, in English Härkis could be something like Bullzie :p ) which has apparently had its weekly sales exceed the sales of chicken strips in at least one big Finnish store chain already.

A great thing about both pulled oat & Härkis is that their main ingredients are really easy on the environment and you can grow both pretty much anywhere. They can grow in very modest conditions and even survive far up in relatively northern parts of Finland. So they are better to the environment than soy and such.

Currently they are still a bit pricey in comparison to the cheapest meat alternatives, but if their success keeps up or even grows, their production will hopefully ramp up and the price will come down.


I never said they were credible. I've been a vegan for two years and I didn't hear about this phenomenon until recently.

Then I seriously doubt they're even worth mentioning when the vast majority of veganism is not centered around fruit.

You can get as much nutrition and fiber without the sugar in vegetables, generally. Quoting a sentence fragment while ignoring the meaning of the my sentence wasn't cool. Here it is again with an important part of it in bold:

If you're eating the daily recommended amount of protein from vegan sources, that's going to take up a lot of calories. Tofu is roughly 1g protein/10 calories, but beans and nuts aren't as efficient. Seitan is probably the best efficiency, but it comes with a lot of sodium in my experience. Any way you slice it, almost half of your calories should be protein, which leaves the rest to go between vegetables, fruits, and grains.

Most people lose weight by simply switching to a vegan diet so I seriously doubt anyone would need to watch how much fruit they're eating or even count calories (unless you're not getting enough.. I've experienced this problem before).. I've yet to see a single case where someone ran into issues while being vegan because they ate too much fruit. It's just a bizarre piece of advice because basic fruits are typically not super expensive there's no reason to watch your intake unless you're eating an asinine amount. Especially considering you can put fruit in a ton of stuff and make it taste great (you're limiting your dietary options for no real reason). There's no reason to discourage people from eating it. I mean shit just switching to a vegan diet saved me a lot of money.. and I eat a ton of fruit. My girlfriend and I put fruit on everything.. in smoothies, on oatmeal, used as toppings for various dishes. I just think it's a nonissue and it's not worth potentially turning people away (from fruit).

And I have yet to see a case of a vegan not getting enough protein (assuming they're eating enough calories).

It sounds like we're talking about two different kinds of occurrences. I haven't seen anyone write anything like that, but I generally ignore nutritional advice on GAF.
If you look you'll see there are a lot of people who are telling others to stay away from fruit. It's ridiculous.


I continue to lose weigth and I am a little worried - and I don't think it's connected to my diet at all. I am doing everything that was suggested. My blood values are fantastic and my digestion as well - I had a check-up, especially with the diet in mind, two weeks ago. So I have no clue what's going on :(

Is it just me or is that new vegan thread significantly less hostile than previous ones, is GAF growing up and getting over itself?

Eh... in the German thread I dare to say I am vegan, and on the "Vegan Vednesday" day, where we are supposed to discuss vegan recipes and so on, often the first pics that get posted are meat pictures with "ahaha, vegan vednesday!" so no, not grown up at all :p
I continue to lose weigth and I am a little worried - and I don't think it's connected to my diet at all. I am doing everything that was suggested. My blood values are fantastic and my digestion as well - I had a check-up, especially with the diet in mind, two weeks ago. So I have no clue what's going on :(

Eh... in the German thread I dare to say I am vegan, and on the "Vegan Vednesday" day, where we are supposed to discuss vegan recipes and so on, often the first pics that get posted are meat pictures with "ahaha, vegan vednesday!" so no, not grown up at all :p

why do you even bother. vegan wednesday was a joke in order to ridicule vegans begin with. GermanGAF simply sucks ;P

I'm currently appartment hunting in Berlin and as hard as this is rn I'm really looking forward to all the cool vegan places!


I wonder if vegans have a preferred presidential candidate? I found a YT video and the comments felt like a strong lean to deplorable Trump. Odd. I realize that's just one YT video and it's not a good idea to draw conclusions from that.

I guess there's also this Clifton Roberts guy who is a vegan and running for the Humane Party.


Considering Trump has dabbled his failed businesses in meat production, has pretty much said he'd actively fights against environmental protection if he became president and my impression is that he represents exactly the kind of "meat-is-too-good-to-give-up-in-fact-I'll-go-and-fry-10kgs-of-bacon" machoism that is never going to give up meat, I can't imagine how any reasonable, actual vegans could support him. Trump just is altogether against many of the core principles of veganism.


Yeah Trump is about as anti-vegan as they come. I'm gunna go with.. not voting for him as being in the best interest of any self respecting vegan.


Water is not wet!
So basically ive become convinced that my animal product consumption needs to go. The problem im facing is that i need this diet to allow me to stay in ketosis. Also im on a budget.

Anyone have any tips for vegan keto on a shoestring budget? i foresee a lot of peanuts in my future.


I know this is a vegan thread but I'm hoping there's room in here for someone who rarely eat red meat mostly for environmental reasons.



So basically ive become convinced that my animal product consumption needs to go. The problem im facing is that i need this diet to allow me to stay in ketosis. Also im on a budget.

Anyone have any tips for vegan keto on a shoestring budget? i foresee a lot of peanuts in my future.
Do you have a medical reason for a ketogenic diet?


Sooo ive been "kind of" vegan for a long time as my gf is and its just easier that way and I quite like trying out all the different options etc as well as i have watched all the docs, read the books etc and fully support everything about it. Up until now though i was still having the occasional burger when out with friends etc as i loved them the most and couldnt find awesome vegan burger patties anywhere.

However, yesterday my gf came home with these:

And OMG.. I was blown away.
Seriously now i know there is no reason for me to eat meat at all anymore when this exists. I just can't justify it when these are so freaking good and so close texturally etc. I can't believe every restaurant etc doesnt at least have these as an option. It is definitely the thing that has tipped me over the edge so to speak I think.

That brand is american so ya'll probably know all about them but they are rare here in Oz and expensive. Needless to say im stocking up while i can! With these, Daiya etc I seriously laugh at anyone now who says you miss out on anything at all being vegan, its just crazy, if only everything was cheaper! Anyways sorry for my excited rambling, just thought I'd share.


Water is not wet!
Do you have a medical reason for a ketogenic diet?
No its not for seizures or anything. Its just my health, weight, and well-being are all much better off being in ketosis. There are only three options.. either i make a keto-vegan diet work, i drop the keto, or i fall back to an ovo-lacto vegetarian diet. If i can make it work for me, thats the outcome i want. If i cant then ill just try dropping the keto but if i dont feel good or start gaining weight like crazy then im going to go with allowing cage-free eggs as a last resort.

edit: Didnt want to rebump..

i have a question about tofu. It seems like the easiest way to introduce tofu is to add it to whatever vegetable soup i happen to be making for the week... instead of chopped kielbasa in my cabbage soup could i just substitute tofu instead? i suspect the answer is yes and if it is how would i prepare the tofu for soup? Cube it and cook in olive oil first or just add to the soup and let boil?


Couldnt find any extra firm tofu at the store and went with firm. Turned out pretty well. i cubed and braised the tofu in olive oil and garlic. Need to work on the flavor but the texture was a good replacement for meatballs. i used a little bit more tomato than i usually do. Store didnt have my normal stuff so i had to wing it.


i am confident i can do vegan low carb no problem now. Today was an at rest day and i had a couple handfuls of peanuts, couple spoonfuls of peanut butter, a bowl of vegetable soup (tomatoes, celery, onions, cabbage, carrots, green onion, parsely), and about a fifth of a package of that tofu. Just tested and im in light ketosis which is good enough for me.


No its not for seizures or anything. Its just my health, weight, and well-being are all much better off being in ketosis. There are only three options.. either i make a keto-vegan diet work, i drop the keto, or i fall back to an ovo-lacto vegetarian diet. If i can make it work for me, thats the outcome i want. If i cant then ill just try dropping the keto but if i dont feel good or start gaining weight like crazy then im going to go with allowing cage-free eggs as a last resort.

edit: Didnt want to rebump..

i have a question about tofu. It seems like the easiest way to introduce tofu is to add it to whatever vegetable soup i happen to be making for the week... instead of chopped kielbasa in my cabbage soup could i just substitute tofu instead? i suspect the answer is yes and if it is how would i prepare the tofu for soup? Cube it and cook in olive oil first or just add to the soup and let boil?


Couldnt find any extra firm tofu at the store and went with firm. Turned out pretty well. i cubed and braised the tofu in olive oil and garlic. Need to work on the flavor but the texture was a good replacement for meatballs. i used a little bit more tomato than i usually do. Store didnt have my normal stuff so i had to wing it.


i am confident i can do vegan low carb no problem now. Today was an at rest day and i had a couple handfuls of peanuts, couple spoonfuls of peanut butter, a bowl of vegetable soup (tomatoes, celery, onions, cabbage, carrots, green onion, parsely), and about a fifth of a package of that tofu. Just tested and im in light ketosis which is good enough for me.
Hey! Glad to see it working for you! I believe there'a vegan low-carb diet called eco-atkins that you could look into, but it seems you're doing well. It'a cool to see that vegan diets can be quite varied.

Also, for what it's worth, I did keto some years back, but a whole foods vegan diet has been much more successful for me, way cheaper and feels less restrictive. That being said, do what works for you and good luck.


No its not for seizures or anything. Its just my health, weight, and well-being are all much better off being in ketosis. There are only three options.. either i make a keto-vegan diet work, i drop the keto, or i fall back to an ovo-lacto vegetarian diet. If i can make it work for me, thats the outcome i want. If i cant then ill just try dropping the keto but if i dont feel good or start gaining weight like crazy then im going to go with allowing cage-free eggs as a last resort.

edit: Didnt want to rebump..

i have a question about tofu. It seems like the easiest way to introduce tofu is to add it to whatever vegetable soup i happen to be making for the week... instead of chopped kielbasa in my cabbage soup could i just substitute tofu instead? i suspect the answer is yes and if it is how would i prepare the tofu for soup? Cube it and cook in olive oil first or just add to the soup and let boil?


Couldnt find any extra firm tofu at the store and went with firm. Turned out pretty well. i cubed and braised the tofu in olive oil and garlic. Need to work on the flavor but the texture was a good replacement for meatballs. i used a little bit more tomato than i usually do. Store didnt have my normal stuff so i had to wing it.


i am confident i can do vegan low carb no problem now. Today was an at rest day and i had a couple handfuls of peanuts, couple spoonfuls of peanut butter, a bowl of vegetable soup (tomatoes, celery, onions, cabbage, carrots, green onion, parsely), and about a fifth of a package of that tofu. Just tested and im in light ketosis which is good enough for me.
I'm not sure if that's what you mean by braising (not a native English speaker), but frying up the tofu before adding it to a soup will usually make it extra-firm and chewy. as for the taste, soaking it up in a marinade for a night before will do wonders.


It's father's day in Finland, so aquafaba sponge cake attempt #*whoknows*

Possibly the best result I've had so far. It became all spongy like it's supposed to:


I'm fairly certain I'll probably still have to experiment with getting the taste better (haven't tasted it yet), but the texture seems to finally be there. Maybe try to use a bit more apple cider vinegar next time and maybe add a little bit of salt.

The recipe is simple enough (I did the below recipe x3 since I wanted to make a bigger cake):

180ml of aquafaba
2 (i'd maybe even try 3) tbsp apple cider vinegar
160 grams of sugar
200 grams of white wheat flour
1tsp baking powder
1/4tsp baking soda
2tbsp some kind of oil (sun flower is what I used)
1-2tsp vanilla powder

1) Mix the flour + baking powder & soda into one bowl and measure the right amount of sugar into a separate container and let both of them be until you need them later

2) start off by whipping the aquafaba + apple cider vinegar with a slow setting (with one of dem electric hand mixers). Do so until almost all of the aquafaba has turned into foam and then slowly increase the speed to mid-levels. Once there's no more yellow/orange-y liquid left and the aquafaba is all foamy (the liquid stays in the bottom for as long as there is liquid so it's best if you have some kind of clear bowl you can see through), you can switch to the highest speed. Whip on high speed until it's firm (will probably take 10 minutes at the very least, can take 15-20+ minutes too). It turns white and stiffens up a bit. It doesn't have to be so firm that you can do meringue out of the thing, but it should turn white and a bit stiffer and not be so liquidy.

3) Once it's firm, gradually add the sugar and whip (on the fastest setting) until the sugar has dissolved into the mix.

4) Once the sugar has dissolved (I kept whipping for a few minutes after I had poured all the sugar into the mix), SLOWLY add the 2 tablespoons of oil into the mix (with the fastest setting still on). At this point the dough will deflate quite a bit and turn more liquid-y, but as long as the oil mixes up with the whipped aquafaba well and it's still white & foamy after a couple of minutes of whipping, it should all be ok

5) now, ditch the hand mixer and take some kind of ladle or big spoon or whatever and start adding the flour-powder mix into the aquafaba mix. Do not mix quickly or roughly, but slowly & gently fold the flour into the dough.

6) Pour the dough into whatever kind of oven-cake-thingie you have. Throw into an oven that has been heated to ~180*C (350F) and bake for 25-30 minutes. I'd maybe only put the oven on when I start mixing the sugar, otherwise you might waste electricity/whatever system you have since it's hard to estimate how long the aquafaba will take to firm up.

7) do whatever kind of sponge cake you want. I moistured it with slightly watered down freshly squeezed lemon-juice (with sugar added into it as well until it's sweet but with some sour-y kick still intact and not too sweet), put frozen strawberries & soy whipped cream in the middle of sponge cake layers and covered it all with the rest of the whipped cream.


I was at a vegan fair this weekend. So much good food and so many awesome folks. It's really interesting to see what type of vegan people there are. Some I would have never guessed would even look at the word vegan would turn out to be hardcore vegans and animal liberators. Great stuff!

Also an interesting talk from a German vegan video-blogger who debunks vegan cliches in a funny, but great way. He also mentioned that some vegans tend to overlook the humane part in being vegan and putting the animals first, then humans. There are a few organisations that support both and one of them is Sentience Politics. I can only recommend looking into it, interesting stuff.


anyone here use the Oh She Glows cookbook?

My GF and I love this cookbook. Apparently she just released a second one that is getting bad reviews because most of the recipes are already on her blog I guess? I much, much prefer using a physical book to cook stuff and have never looked at her blog so I will probably pick this new one up.


anyone here use the Oh She Glows cookbook?

My GF and I love this cookbook. Apparently she just released a second one that is getting bad reviews because most of the recipes are already on her blog I guess? I much, much prefer using a physical book to cook stuff and have never looked at her blog so I will probably pick this new one up.
Yeah, that's a really good one! Agreed on the physical book preference when it comes to cookbooks. Will have to check out the new one.


anyone here use the Oh She Glows cookbook?

My GF and I love this cookbook. Apparently she just released a second one that is getting bad reviews because most of the recipes are already on her blog I guess? I much, much prefer using a physical book to cook stuff and have never looked at her blog so I will probably pick this new one up.

The first one is really good. My most used vegan cookbook so far. The second one isn't terrible but it felt a bit more of the same for me.
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