People are peddling an shitty "accident" narrative online.
That is the benefit of the doubt.
The president of the united states and the leader in the house of reps made statements that appear to blame the anti-fascists. That's not helping
People are peddling an shitty "accident" narrative online.
That is the benefit of the doubt.
I mean that's like a staple of every police interaction in fiction ever. They even do it on documentaries like the first 48. It doesn't mean they're friends. It means a person needs food and they want him to tell them everything.
Why the fuck can't nazi shit be zero-tolerance? Like immediate civil service and mandatory history classes.
Yes, yes, free speech, yadda yadda, but Nazi rhetoric and symbolism is literally the most charged and unequivocal imagery in human history. Unequivocal is the operative: there is ONE thing this imagery means and it is drenched in heinous shit.
Careful now. Shit is charged rn, but dont paint with strokes too broad. (I'm not American or anything, just saying.)
Is it possible that the driver is trying to be a martyr? There's no way he thought he was just going to drive away without getting caught, right?
Why the fuck can't nazi shit be zero-tolerance? Like immediate civil service and mandatory history classes.
Most terrorist don't have a long term plan outside of carrying out their attack. Doubt he even thought about what he would do after.Is it possible that the driver is trying to be a martyr? There's no way he thought he was just going to drive away without getting caught, right?
People are peddling an shitty "accident" narrative online.
That is the benefit of the doubt.
Link?Holy shit a police helicopter crashed now? Are they going to say it was shot down?
Is this real life?
Holy shit a police helicopter crashed now? Are they going to say it was shot down?
Is this real life?
Police helicopter crash in Charlottesville
I have said this before:
If you hated minorities, had a clean record and wanted to have a career that allowed you to fuck with them with impunity, which line of work would you choose?
I'm not joking around either. The choice is obvious.
You're talking about people who believe police are controlled by 'the Jews'. They won't believe what the evidence has to say.
There aren't a lot of details right now.
I wonder how they can even call themselves Nazis when I am pretty sure they would be killed under actual Nazi rule or hate it considering it's totalitarian and they wouldn't ever be able to just sit on a pc all day being trolls.
What the fucking fuck?! What is happening here? How is it tolerated?!
Word of advice for anyone who wants to find out more info relating to this. Ignore anything that doesn't come out of the mouth of a NTSB official.
The police force is full of chucklefucks of any variety. Who else would want to be a cop in America, where every asshole also owns a gun?
Where's the both sides defense force on this one?
Anytime the internet tries to get involved in a manhunt, they always get the wrong person.Quoting this for a new page.
Well, look at the president. He just gave them the thumbs up today. The both sides argument and the real fuck you to everyone that wanted to condemn this, "we must cherish our history". Note he said that after people were rallying about being pissed because Robert E. Lee's statue is going to be removed.
I'm not saying that every cop is a "chucklefuck" but what I am saying is, if you are white supremacist that wants to be paid to fuck with minorities with little to no repercussions for what you do, becoming a cop is a no brainer.
"What if the driver was desperately trying to go see his dying child in the hospital who had only moments left to live" - Someone in this thread in about 6 hours.
'Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses' indeed.
Poor kid is already fucked.
Poor kid is already fucked.
More protests are needed.
Let people bitch about traffic all they want.
It's not enough to refuse to accept responsibility, they have to ruin the life of a random person too.
I'm being hyperbolic but seriously, what does this guy have to fear from police? The police literally took Dylan Roof to a Burger King and bought him free food after they arrested him. They probably already did the same for this fuck. White terrorists always get really all the benefits of the doubt from police for some strange reason. Always apprehended without injury.
Face of the attacker in the car
Seems like a middle aged male. Ridiculous the internet was going after a teenager. The only thing I can think is the car was sold and registration not updated. Either way, the police will know and say once it's investigated.
Is that a white polo shirt?
Is that a white polo shirt?