I don't run in to spikes like that often. Maybe try going through the stage at a reasonable pace instead of full pelt constantly. That's the equivalent of constantly rolling in DKC and blaming the game when you die. Except in Sonic you're punished less for it. I can get that argument about games like Sonic Rush and the like, but not the Mega Drive games.
Constantly slowing down (which you have to do due to how momentum works in Sonic) is incredibly unenjoyable and a big part of why I enjoy Velocity more--very few segments in Velocity require stopping and reacting on anything but reflexes. Stuff comes at you with just the right speed. In sonic you have to deliberately stay slow for that to happen, that's really unfortunate to me.
I'm absolutely loving this game. Even better than the first. Controls are so smooth and the platforming sections are an absolute blast. Maybe even better than the ship sections. It's hard as shit, though.
Also I love that there is a trophy for hitting speed pads called Qirex R.I.P. WipEout reference = victory.
I think I like the platforming segments too, they're a bit tighter due to the physics. I think the ship segments might benefit from teleport being a fixed distance just like the platforming sections. It almost, but doesn't quite, work like that, would be nice to get rid of the extra, mostly unnecessary, fidgetyness of the ship teleport and instead design all jumps around the specific distance (they mostly are anyway). Though this would prevent the touch-teleport or make it pretty cheaty.