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Velocity 2X |OT| Yippee Kai Yay ************


How exactly does scoring work, beyond "normal" levels? Like the pick I posted a few pages back, someone has one MILLION points, 110% higher than my score, and my run was nearly, but not quite, flawless. Are an extra couple of seconds really worth that much extra or what?


Played about 12/13 levels so far. The ship parts are still velocity like the last game. I still don't like them very much at all. The new on foot parts are more fun, so that's saving the game for me right now.

Just like the last one, I'm pretty sure this game isn't for me. I'm really not sure at all why it appears to be so well received, from art to music to level design it's all terribly mediocre. I'll play through it and see if my opinion changes but right now I'm the anti-Shulk: I'm not really feeling it.

I hugely agree with this from Eurogamer, too:

The switch between the two modes of play is slick but not entirely seamless. There is a mild sense of disorientation when moving between two distinct control schemes in a game in which the emphasis is on high-speed manoeuvring. There's no time to adjust the mind. In the spaceship, for example, the X button fires your weapon. As soon as you go on foot, the X button performs a slide (necessary for slipping under low-hanging ceilings) while the right analogue stick fires your gun. Hit the wrong button at the wrong moment and it will cost valuable seconds and score.

It's not that either control method is incorrect; both are entirely well-suited to their own contexts. But switching between them at high speed is like trying to shout a set of urgent instructions while alternating between French and Spanish - it takes a while to get the hang of it and never feels entirely natural.


Junior Member
Played the first 5 levels and I'm not keen so far :( hate the forced feeling of trying to speed through the levels rather than enjoy them. It's like the difficulty comes from doing it fast rather than smart level design. Does this change further in the game?


Gold Member
My initial impression of this after playing up to and beating the first boss is that I'm not so sure about the on-foot sections. I mean, they're good and all, but I find the transitions back and forth rather jarring. Especially with the way the controls change, like how fire moves from X to the right analog, and X suddenly becomes jump/slide (which I think I'd prefer to be two different buttons, as the actions are rather distinct from each other). This makes me feel a bit disoriented every time the switch happens, and it makes me have to consciously think about the controls, which you don't want to do in a game like this. Also, how you can't shoot while sprinting. What's even the reason for this? So yeah, I wish the controls were more 1:1 so you didn't have to mentally readapt a few times each level.

I'm sure I'll get used to it, but right now I'll say that I wish the game was all ship levels, like the original. That being said, I am very much enjoying it. Just not sure this change is necessarily an improvement to the formula.


Played the first 5 levels and I'm not keen so far :( hate the forced feeling of trying to speed through the levels rather than enjoy them. It's like the difficulty comes from doing it fast rather than smart level design. Does this change further in the game?

The levels are designed in such a way to encourage flowing movement and teleporting throughout. They are meant to be played through as fast as possible. None of the levels are likely difficult to get through at normal pace with a few deaths.

You can take your time to go through them, but the challenge is getting to the end in a set time after killing everything, collecting everything and screaming "fuck yes you bastard" when you do it on the 15th or 50th attempt. You actually feel like you accomplished something when you Perfect some of the levels in Velocity.

You are best to play through 10-15 or so, which shouldn't take long if you are just playing through without aiming for anything, and then go back to start getting some Perfects.


I really think you just have to play a bit to get used to the platforming sections. It's second nature to me after finishing the game. I think it's only jarring because a lot of us played the first one and have come to expect just the ship. I guess I've played enough I don't even consider it a mental switch anymore.

Played the first 5 levels and I'm not keen so far :( hate the forced feeling of trying to speed through the levels rather than enjoy them. It's like the difficulty comes from doing it fast rather than smart level design. Does this change further in the game?

It sounds like this game isn't for you. "enjoying" is speeding through them. There's just...that's what it is. It is a game of skilled execution, not of taking in the sights or diddling around. The difficulty absolutely doesn't come from "lots of bullets and bad stuff thrown at you" though later levels do have more of that. If you want a traditional shmup or combat platformer that is not this game. Also the first 5 levels are completely tutorials.


Damn, I suck so far in the on-foot sections. The first few ones were easy, but now they are so chaotic lol.

The ship sections are routine coming from Ultra.

Also, I went through level 11 like 3 times and I was always just slightly under Perfect for score though I'm WAAAY under the target time and I collected everything. I could also swear I broke everything. If enemies drop a special weapon recharge but you don't have a special weapon, does picking up the recharge still count for points? If so, I guess that could be it.

Also, I went through level 11 like 3 times and I was always just slightly under Perfect for score though I'm WAAAY under the target time and I collected everything. I could also swear I broke everything. If enemies drop a special weapon recharge but you don't have a special weapon, does picking up the recharge still count for points? If so, I guess that could be it.
You're missing a secret.


You're missing a secret.

I don't think secrets count for score? You can't re-collect them so how would that even work?


Um, I'm not sure immediately trying to perfect every level is a great idea, guys. A lot of features unlock even past say level 10. I'm not even sure some levels are possible to perfect without abilities unlocked in later levels.


I find playing more than 5 or so levels a day exhausting because of the constant replays I do in order to get a perfect. Maybe I just suck. Anyway, how do you use special weapons? I keep getting recharge items for them but I don't seem to have one. Do you only use them in specific levels?


My initial impression of this after playing up to and beating the first boss is that I'm not so sure about the on-foot sections. I mean, they're good and all, but I find the transitions back and forth rather jarring. Especially with the way the controls change, like how fire moves from X to the right analog, and X suddenly becomes jump/slide (which I think I'd prefer to be two different buttons, as the actions are rather distinct from each other). This makes me feel a bit disoriented every time the switch happens, and it makes me have to consciously think about the controls, which you don't want to do in a game like this. Also, how you can't shoot while sprinting. What's even the reason for this? So yeah, I wish the controls were more 1:1 so you didn't have to mentally readapt a few times each level.

I'm sure I'll get used to it, but right now I'll say that I wish the game was all ship levels, like the original. That being said, I am very much enjoying it. Just not sure this change is necessarily an improvement to the formula.

I paused my game to come here and post this. I found myself crashing into the walls, because I was still using the analog as opposed to X to shoot (PS4) I'm still getting used to the controls. I'm find the Vita to be the way to go in terms of comfort. Something about the Vita, it's better suited for this type of game.

I'm starting to hit levels where "perfects" aren't that important to me anymore. I typically go for perfects, but after a while I just move on. I'm content with getting golds for the most part.


The telepods completely slow down and ruin the pace of the on-foot sections. Such a shame. I'm probably just not very good at using them.


I'm loving this game! Only problem I have is with losing my grip on my DS4 sticks, time to get some of those gel tabs or something.


Junior Member
It sounds like this game isn't for you. "enjoying" is speeding through them. There's just...that's what it is. It is a game of skilled execution, not of taking in the sights or diddling around. The difficulty absolutely doesn't come from "lots of bullets and bad stuff thrown at you" though later levels do have more of that. If you want a traditional shmup or combat platformer that is not this game. Also the first 5 levels are completely tutorials.

I've got to level 10 now but still feel the same. That's a real shame, but I'm glad it was free as I probably would have bought it not knowing!

It just feels like the levels have 0 difficulty whatsoever other than when speed is involved. And I don't see speed as a difficulty personally, just an exhaustingly frustrating exercise in repetition and memory. This is a sad ps+ day for me :(
I'm enjoying the game (currently at level 20), beautiful graphics, awesome music and fast paced gameplay, but as previous posters have said: the transition between ship and on-foot feels off. I think it would have been better if the on-foot levels would be seperate. Will pick up the DLC after I finish it.


Gold Member
Ok, so the mining rifle thing can be fired while sprinting, but the regular gun can't? And the mining gun can only be fired in two directions. I suppose it makes sense that there are tradeoffs, but it feels a bit arbitrarily inconsistent to me. And I'm still not liking the switching control sets. So again, having fun, but kind of wish the on-foot sections didn't exist. They mainly serve to make things feel a bit disorienting for me, and I enjoy the ship sections a lot more.
Got the rifle. Thank fucking christ. Can now proceed to never let go of R1 (until I have to shoot at things above or below me).


I'm on level 9 now. I'm not too sure how i feel about the platform levels yet. I don't find them as much fun as the spaceship parts (which are awesome). In theory, teledashing in the platform sections should be the same as teleporting in the spaceships but i find it somewhat artificial, unnecessary and not as fun as teleporting. Which is strange, since it's exactly the same mechanic. The platform sections never play as smoothly as the spaceship sections in my case.

At this point, i feel like the game didn't need the platform sections at all but maybe i need to get used to them more. I feel the same about the story and storytelling. Only at level 9 and i have no clue what the story is about (despite reading all of the text).


Not sure I'm getting this game. So far I've played 10 levels consisting of two short mini games...ship and on foot levels both focus on collecting gems.

Is that it? Does the gameplay change going ahead?


Gold Member
Got the rifle. Thank fucking christ. Can now proceed to never let go of R1 (until I have to shoot at things above or below me).

Which kind of annoys me. As soon as you need to shoot something not directly in front of you you have to stop sprinting and sort of change your state of mind to use the right stick instead of Circle, and aim and shoot in a completely different way. It breaks the flow of the game.


Gold Member
Not sure I'm getting this game. So far I've played 10 levels consisting of two short mini games...ship and on foot levels both focus on collecting gems.

Is that it? Does the gameplay change going ahead?

"Mini games", lol. "Hey, I'm playing this Super Mario thing, and so far it's just been a bunch of mini games where you jump on stuff and collect coins. Is that it?"


I... really don't get the appeal. Played about 10 levels, was bored to tears.The sameyness of the levels, the blandess of the graphics, the inconsistent controls... what do you see in this game GAF? It's below 5/10 for me.


I'm on level 9 now. I'm not too sure how i feel about the platform levels yet. I don't find them as much fun as the spaceship parts (which are awesome). In theory, teledashing in the platform sections should be the same as teleporting in the spaceships but i find it somewhat artificial, unnecessary and not as fun as teleporting. Which is strange, since it's exactly the same mechanic. The platform sections never play as smoothly as the spaceship sections in my case.

At this point, i feel like the game didn't need the platform sections at all but maybe i need to get used to them more. I feel the same about the story and storytelling. Only at level 9 and i have no clue what the story is about (despite reading all of the text).

About the story, it continues the story of the original. Did you play that? Otherwise the prologue piece in the flight computer can fill you in a little.
Which kind of annoys me. As soon as you need to shoot something not directly in front of you you have to stop sprinting and sort of change your state of mind to use the right stick instead of Circle, and aim and shoot in a completely different way. It breaks the flow of the game.

Agreed on all counts. I especially hate when I DO remember there's a ceiling of crystals coming up so I slow down and start shooting diagonally and up but still somehow manage to miss a couple. That's my fault so no big deal, but it is jarring. In my head, I feel like wasted movement (having to go a couple steps backward) is even worse on foot than in the ship since in the ship I have such free range of motion that I almost don't even notice when I change direction to pick up a survivor I missed by millimeters.

Despite all that though, I still love the game and am enjoying the hell out of it.

And I do feel that the developers gave way more leeway than truly necessary on the time requirements for Perfects on missions where there's a lot of switching between ship and on-foot. I imagine they took into account that you wouldn't be able to keep in constant motion on the on-foot sections. I find that it's perfectly fair in that respect.

But once again, yeah, jarring is the most accurate word. I'm not sure I've ever fumbled with the controls in a game so much in my life; sometimes jumping upward into turrets and such with X when what I mean to do is shoot upward, and therefore I should've used the right analog stick.
I think they count while they're there and then are taken out of the equation for subsequent plays.

For example, you couldn't get a perfect in the very first level until you got teleport because there was an out of reach codex piece.

I think I got a Perfect there before I could teleport.


I played up until level 10 of this and I must say that I had fun. The mechanics work well and the ship controls fluidly. Fun little time sink with good re-playability. Got it for free with PS Plus and no complaints here.


I think they count while they're there and then are taken out of the equation for subsequent plays.

For example, you couldn't get a perfect in the very first level until you got teleport because there was an out of reach codex piece.

I'm not convinced. Are you sure you were not missing a glass piece you didn't destroy?
You can get a Perfect even if you have collected the bonus stuff on a different play through.

Right, but the question is whether you can get a perfect if you leave one because you didn't have the means to get it the first time.

I'm not convinced. Are you sure you were not missing a glass piece you didn't destroy?

Gimme a sec. Gonna see if it's possible to start from scratch without losing my save.

Sorry, can't. At least not on Vita. It wants me to delete the entire game and all related data, which is stupid. Any way, I don't care that much since it's not a huge issue.
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