vg247-PS4: new kits shipping now, AMD A10 used as base, final version next summer

AFAIK they haven't ported it to 360. Obviously things can change and the official word on the game has been silent for some time, but last I knew it hadn't.
versus is one game where I would not be surprised at all if it remains exclusive, but I also wouldn't be surprised if it didn't. But I'd be more surprised at the latter. They can barely get this going on one console let alone porting it lol.


No matter what they create, im sure it will be slick as hell. Vita OS managed to suprise me, works really great.
I have the opposite feelings on it. The Vita OS is horrendous in terms of aesthetics, and functionally it could have been so much more.
Fuck yeah I can't wait. Hopefully we will atleast get some technical info, final console design, and maybe some tech demos in the next few months with full blowout of games and everything at e3.
AFAIK they haven't ported it to 360. Obviously things can change and the official word on the game has been silent for some time, but last I knew it hadn't.

Maybe we get a DQX situation where there's two versions. One on current gen and a next-gen one a year later.


Junior Member
Yeah probably. I would say its weeks rather then months away.

How soon was the NGP event announced before it happened? I know it was a week or two but I cant find anything over google. I just find news from the event it self.

I think it was quite last min. Pretty much every "PlayStation Meeting" was surprise appear. I think I do remember the tease site but not sure.

[edit: oh there is it /\ - about 2 weeks announced for the event]
The earliest article I have found is this:

Exactly 2 years ago today.

so 2 weeks before hand.

Well if they wanted to announce the ps4 at the same time of the year and have the same slow rollouts of info at events like GDC and the big games blowout at e3 then they should announce it soon.

I mean the NGP/Vita hype cycle was pretty good right up until the 3DS dropped its price and got MH4.

Get the hardware news out of the way early and save e3 for games, games, games and logos of games that will never come out.


Unconfirmed Member
Well, it would make sense for Sony to have a PlayStation Meeting and reveal their next generation console before Destination PlayStation (begins on the 25th of February) for retailers to be able to better make decisions. The question now is if they will have it before or after the upcoming Q3 FY2012 Earnings Announcement:

Date: February 07, 2013 [Thu] 17:30 (JST)
Presenter: Corporate Executive Officer, EVP, and Chief Financial Officer Masaru Kato
VP Investor Relations Division Yoshinori Hashitani

An announcement of a major product before an earnings release like this doesn't have to mean much stress in this context, as long as you give investor enough time to gather materials about it to not make other products less relevant than others.

The 2011 PlayStation Meeting was, as probably already established in this thread, on the 27th of January. The 2005 PlayStation Meeting was in July though, but by then PS3 was already a fact.

E3 needs to be more about the games and less about the ins and outs of the hardware.
As long as the hardware has been officially discussed elsewhere, definitely!


yup. journals are holding on concrete info. very interesting.

As far as I'm aware, this is not true. At most, I have info made of adobe, and it's not from MS or Sony. Neither trusts press enough to give them stuff this early, unless they're very specific official partners.


I honestly hope they don't put all the hardware info and shit at E3, Like you guys said it's better to announce that before, so it will give games more room at E3. Tho, I can see them talk about OS stuff still at E3 along with new features and whatever to psn/psn+
Wow, things seem to be heating up and the boiler pot is about to blow. I would probably have a heart attack at the sight of a Playstation Meeting announcement. I'm hoping so much that something official is here very very soon.
As far as I'm aware, this is not true. At most, I have info made of adobe, and it's not from MS or Sony. Neither trusts press enough to give them stuff this early, unless they're very specific official partners.

I was just reading down this page and thought those claims sounded a little odd. Even If they were going to push leaks, they'd probably share the info right before it was to be revealed. Not weeks in advance.
E3 needs to be more about the games and less about the ins and outs of the hardware.

Yup. Tease the hardware specs, let us foam at the mouths with speculation, then floor us with the reveals. Man, this is going to be by far the biggest and most mainstream E3 ever.

Edit: My biggest hope is for a WipEouT Next-Gen reveal. WipEouT HD is still the only game that drops my jaw each and every time.
Yup. Tease the hardware specs, let us foam at the mouths with speculation, then floor us with the reveals. Man, this is going to be by far the biggest and most mainstream E3 ever.

Well when was the last time Major Nelson promoted E3 six months in advance? Yup, E3 is gonna be huge this year.


Sure, but if you're really confident some task is going to be very common, you might want to parse it out and put into its own optimised silicon.

I guess confidence increases or decreases depending on how standardised a certain type of task has become. For example people don't blink so much at fixed function audio or decompression's almost boilerplate.

Something like tessellation might be considered boilerplate too, and is fixed function inside GCN GPUs anyway. Maybe they wanted higher performance for that specific task than their GCN GPU target allowed?

I agree that some other candidates might be riskier though. But we're kind of poking around in the dark here :)
I wonder if it's a one-off goof or something akin to when hardware T&L first became a thing.
E3 needs to be more about the games and less about the ins and outs of the hardware.
Games will be prominently displayed, but it's the other features that are most likely to grab wider headlines.


Sure, but if you're really confident some task is going to be very common, you might want to parse it out and put into its own optimised silicon.

I guess confidence increases or decreases depending on how standardised a certain type of task has become. For example people don't blink so much at fixed function audio or decompression's almost boilerplate.

Something like tessellation might be considered boilerplate too, and is fixed function inside GCN GPUs anyway. Maybe they wanted higher performance for that specific task than their GCN GPU target allowed?

I agree that some other candidates might be riskier though. But we're kind of poking around in the dark here :)

Is some of the custom hardware in Durango likely to be Kinect related? Hardware accelerated inverse kinematics or speech recognition or something.


Crystal Bearer
I wonder if it's a one-off goof or something akin to when hardware T&L first became a thing.

Games will be prominently displayed, but it's the other features that are most likely to grab wider headlines.

Depends on what it is. By far the most boring parts of the conferences are when they trot out side stuff like 3D, Move, Kinect and so on. For me the last really good E3 was 2009 because they hadn't started pushing a lot of that yet.


I'd be in the dick
People keep discounting the possibility of 4k games. And I think Sony will surprise them. It might not be full fledged AAA titles, but we will definitely see 4k games. They want to provide the content.

4k is four times the resolution of 1080p and nine times that of 720p. It's a huge, huge processing cost for any games outside of something like Pixeljunk.


4k is four times the resolution of 1080p and nine times that of 1080p.


Depends on what it is. By far the most boring parts of the conferences are when they trot out side stuff like 3D, Move, Kinect and so on. For me the last really good E3 was 2009 because they hadn't started pushing a lot of that yet.

I agree. Casual crap kills it for me. I remember one year MS had. RE5, Gear 2, Fallout 3, etc back to back. It was sick. I want that.


Unconfirmed Member
About 4K (and 8K), the ITU standard is readily available for download:!!PDF-E.pdf

The basics, just in case anyone is actually wondering:

Picture aspect ratio: 16:9
Pixel count Horizontal × vertical: 7 680 × 4 320 (8K) / 3 840 × 2 160 (4K)
Sampling lattice: Orthogonal
Pixel aspect ratio: 1:1 (square pixels)
Pixel addressing: Pixel ordering in each row is from left to right, and rows are ordered from
top to bottom.
Frame frequency (Hz): 120, 60, 60/1.001, 50, 30, 30/1.001, 25, 24, 24/1.001
Scan mode: Progressive
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