[VGC] Neil Druckmann says new Naughty Dog title could ‘redefine mainstream perceptions of gaming’


You don't get high on your supply Druckman. Me thinks he got bit by the same bug as Kojima and similarly has his head crammed firmly in his ass.

Try out humility guys, makes ya seem less like massive pricks.


Gold Member
All this whining about woke, but I don't see any of these based games letting you stab a pregnant woman.
Tbf, bitch looked like an average white dude :lollipop_grinning_sweat:



Gold Member
You don't get high on your supply Druckman. Me thinks he got bit by the same bug as Kojima and similarly has his head crammed firmly in his ass.

Try out humility guys, makes ya seem less like massive pricks.
The high almighty guy games also seem to skew cinematic.

Their dream isnt even making games. It's trying to edge over to red carpet Hollywood being a star. All limelight on me please. It's like that Jade Raymond UBI pic. She's in charge of a studio and she's front and centre wearing bright shirt you can see a mile away with a ridiculous radius ring around her. No fellow employees allowed to be within 5 ft of her in a photoshoot.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Would you call it the next evolution of a strand game?

STFU and make a game in a reasonable time. Cancelling a project then boasting like you’re hot shit is insane to me.

Better remaster or port something to shuffle papers around like you’re doing something.
I’m glad Sony allows studios to take risks in new IP even though they have gotten more conservative with their big IP

Neil is right in that you can’t just keep churning out sequels all the time


Sounds like a new IP. Between the setbacks caused by the failed multiplayer project and remastering older games I fully expect this thing to be a PS6 launch title at this point.
If it's not already in development, there's little to no chance it's a PS5 title.

So that means they'll have wasted an entire generation while Insomniac basically carried it. Must be nice to go 6+ years with nothing to show and know your studio is beyond safe
Stop giving this hack attention.
Hyperbole ahead of a realistic-looking walking simulator punctuated by over the top violence.

He, and those copying him, seem to forget gaming is meant to be fun. Yes, like movies they can have a message, and a memorable story, but at their core the most memorable are unique experiences, or outstanding iterations on those unique ideas.

Last of Us 3 will be the same as 2 except you play as a menopausal Ellie and we'll be told endlessly how important it is we experience that, and it will be banal trash.


I just hope that whatever it is, it's engaging. I enjoyed all the cutscenes and dialogue in TloU2, but by around 15 hours I was getting bored and just wanted the game to end.


Why? Has she done anything of note since leaving? (I mean there's Forspoken I suppose, but anything else? I know there's Rise of Hydra but we don't know much about that yet story wise)
Because she is not embarrassed to make video games and actually knows how to pace a story. It seems that Neil Druckmann knew that as well in TLoU 1 and utterly forgot everything in TLoU 2 (there are many problems I have with TLoU2. And I say that as someone who thinks that TLoU1 is Naughty Dog's third-best game.)

Where does she work now?

(pardon my ignorance)
I think she's leading development on a Marvel game (some Captain America bullshit) at Skydance Media.


aka IMurRIVAL69
Hear me out Totoki. What if you were a lesbian of color walking slowly and firing off marvel quips….. in space??? That’ll be 400 million USD.


Dude trying hard to be Kojima like
Every single Druckmann directed game (TLOU, UC4 and TLOU2) has outsold every single Kojima directed game. Literally the only reason Kojima is such a big name is because he flashed his name on the screen every 5 seconds and the fact that weebs give him a free pass because they can't understand most of the dumb shit he says, if he was western he'd be treated like David Cage. In reality, output wise he's not even close to being the big dog, even Todd Howard is leagues ahead of that fraud, Skyrim by itself is bigger than his entire catalogue combined.
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Jesus the hate for this guy is a bit much, it's fucking Naughty Dog ffs, easily top 5 most respected, most talented game studio on the planet and y'all dumping on him like he's the guy responsible for Gollem

I don't have a strong opinion on Druckmann, but I do have a strong opinion about Naughty Dog, and that is that I think they're boring and have been boring for a very long time, since around the time they stopped putting out games like Jak and Daxter on the PS2.


I don't have a strong opinion on Druckmann, but I do have a strong opinion about Naughty Dog, and that is that I think they're boring and have been boring for a very long time, since around the time they stopped putting out games like Jak and Daxter on the PS2.
I'm more surprised how the industry as a whole is seemingly ok with this acclaimed studio basically having (or will have) gone an entire generation with jackshit to show for it. I guess that's just acceptable when you're ND.


I'm more surprised how the industry as a whole is seemingly ok with this acclaimed studio basically having (or will have) gone an entire generation with jackshit to show for it. I guess that's just acceptable when you're ND.
I don't understand the point of this comment. Do you want them to rush out a shitty product below their normal standard? If it's not ready, it's not ready. simple.
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Didn't read cause of lazyness, but that's not with narrative TPS that he's going to redefine mainstream perception of videogames for sure. That's already the default genre to go for non-gamers.
It's incredible how being the best at something brings you so much hate from the world. Naughty Dog rules and Druckmann pretty much elevated game writing and directing as a whole.

Team Abby baby.
As much as I love TLOU and TLOU2 his quote is absolute hyperbole. The only developer and franchise that can claim something like that is Rockstar and GTA, looking forward to whatever they reveal but time to come down off that high horse he's on.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I'm more surprised how the industry as a whole is seemingly ok with this acclaimed studio basically having (or will have) gone an entire generation with jackshit to show for it. I guess that's just acceptable when you're ND.
Industry as a whole has nothing to do with it really. Up to consumers. They all seem fine waiting. PS5's flying off the shelves.


Every single Druckmann directed game (TLOU, UC4 and TLOU2) has outsold every single Kojima directed game. Literally the only reason Kojima is such a big name is because he flashed his name on the screen every 5 seconds and the fact that weebs give him a free pass because they can't understand most of the dumb shit he says, if he was western he'd be treated like David Cage. In reality, output wise he's not even close to being the big dog, even Todd Howard is leagues ahead of that fraud, Skyrim by itself is bigger than his entire catalogue combined.
Y’all need to stop talking about Kojima in this thread because I’m about to have an aneurysm.

He plasters he’s name all over he’s games because he is responsible for Game Design, Planning, Story, and then takes on the roles of being Producer and Game Director. He is an exception and not the rule to titling a game after yourself on promotional material. Druckmann has never taken on all these responsibilities in a single project.

Not only is Kojima an incredible game designer but he is also a very competent studio manager. Who promotes he’s staff into leading roles and encourages them creatively. He has done this for decades and transitioned flawlessly through generations with the same team. During the development of MGS1 where he was not only creating the game, he was reducing the electricity bill and launching a drama series in parallel in order to turn a profit as soon as possible. There is no luck or fortune that can facilitate this sort of management.

I don’t think it’s fair for any one individual to take the spotlight when it comes to video games, but Kojima has certainly garnered that right. This is the same man who pioneered stealth gameplay mechanics, and was one of the first to truly capture the idea of cinematic gaming, with he’s overtly long cutscenes and cinema tropes.

As far as sales go, your gonna have to source some numbers, actually don’t, cause the Metal Gear Solid series has sold over 60m, and Druckmann is a co-creator of TLoU, and Amy Hennig is largely responsible for UC. :p

Stop making me have to shit on Druckmann because I like him.


Just show us the games.

I know people hate on Neil but ND hasnt failed me. Theres a reason there games have been 90+ every time they release a new game. so Im looking forward to this whatever it is


Jesus the hate for this guy is a bit much, it's fucking Naughty Dog ffs, easily top 5 most respected, most talented game studio on the planet and y'all dumping on him like he's the guy responsible for Gollem
Sir, please... don't stir up the enraged alt right incels more than they already are.


Y’all need to stop talking about Kojima in this thread because I’m about to have an aneurysm.

He plasters he’s name all over he’s games because he is responsible for Game Design, Planning, Story, and then takes on the roles of being Producer and Game Director. He is an exception and not the rule to titling a game after yourself on promotional material. Druckmann has never taken on all these responsibilities in a single project.

Not only is Kojima an incredible game designer but he is also a very competent studio manager. Who promotes he’s staff into leading roles and encourages them creatively. He has done this for decades and transitioned flawlessly through generations with the same team. During the development of MGS1 where he was not only creating the game, he was reducing the electricity bill and launching a drama series in parallel in order to turn a profit as soon as possible. There is no luck or fortune that can facilitate this sort of management.

I don’t think it’s fair for any one individual to take the spotlight when it comes to video games, but Kojima has certainly garnered that right. This is the same man who pioneered stealth gameplay mechanics, and was one of the first to truly capture the idea of cinematic gaming, with he’s overtly long cutscenes and cinema tropes.

As far as sales go, your gonna have to source some numbers, actually don’t, cause the Metal Gear Solid series has sold over 60m, and Druckmann is a co-creator of TLoU, and Amy Hennig is largely responsible for UC. :p

Stop making me have to shit on Druckmann because I like him.
Damn, you trying to gargle on Hideo's balls or some shit? Chill lol.

Anyway I did see Neil do most if not all that shit in TLOU2 the doc, planning, game design and story, just because he doesn't plaster his name all over the credits of every section doesn't mean he didn't have his hands in those pies too. The main difference is Kojima made his own studio a household name from the ground up where as Neil inherited, which where Kojima deserves his respect.

As for sales, I was talking about individual games not totality. Konami had the highest selling MGS game at only around 7.5 million in late 2021 and Death Standing wasn't a huge seller according to the insomniac leaks so unless there was a monster spike out of nowhere since then, Kojima's highest selling games were nowhere near TLOU, UC4 and TLOU2.
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