He's now fucking a corpse. I repeat Joe Biden is fucking a corpse.
Knowing good ol' Joe, he's done worse
He's now fucking a corpse. I repeat Joe Biden is fucking a corpse.
Ah yes.Hey isnt't Biden supposed to be a dumb old Gaffe machine?!?
Biden just smacked Ryan.
Just don't ask him about Great Depression era media.Hey isnt't Biden supposed to be a dumb old Gaffe machine?!?
afghans to do da job!
So how does CNN figure out how the undecided are feeling at any given time? Do they hook up cables to their nipples or something?
Nobody who matters cares.haha it's not foreign policy to send a secret seal force into pakistan to get osama bin laden
how much you want to bet how it plays?
I'll bet you. Thirty love points that it plays poorly. It's not that he's wrong to laugh at Ryan; it's that it's an inappropriate time. This is serious stuff.
Ryan just sounded like he learned all of this from playing Risk or RTSes.
Moderator: Serious question...
Ryan: Answer laden with facts, details, and specifics
Biden: Blather, mock, roll his eyes, laugh, denigrate, misrepresent, spin, spin spin.
Repeat until everyone is sick to their stomachs.
The actual question is why you went there in the first place and if you accomplished that goal.About 4 days ago was the 11th anniversary that we went into Afghanistan. How much longer do we need to be there?
dials. positive / negative. like what you hear, turn the dial positive.
Biden is much better off the cuff than Obama. He is money on this foreign policy stuff.
HahahahahahahahaLater that night...
I could make the case this is a worse trouncing than Romney v Obama, Biden is in his zone, going hard in the paint etc.
bubububub biden will come off as a gaffe ridden old man against a young gun full of swagger
Cool thanks, so it's literally this?
You must have been under a rock during the PRESIDENTIAL debate. Romney owned. Ryan lost the hero rights after that.What's sad is that Ryan is the hero of the current Republican party