What's sad is this is the VP.10,000 times better
Any live streams that work internationally? YouTube says it's not allowed in my country. :|
ryan: and sunday comes afterwarrrdsss
i don't want this fighting season to endddddd
she steers and throws down some sticking points, she's not really debating though.
Afghans to do the job
Afghans to do the job
Lisa needs braces
man if Biden could have controlled his laughing, this would continue to be one of the most legendary debate saves during pressure hour of all time.
The laughing is what helps make it the best ever.
Biden 2016!
Why is Biden so keen to emphasise AFGHANS....
Ryan just shot himself in the foot lol
What's sad is this is the VP.
Yeah, no. That's national defense, not foreign policy. Unless you mean to say that Pakistan delighted in having a military operation carried out within their borders with no notification from the US.
The laughing is what helps make it the best ever.