How can you be undecided at this point?So I'm an undecided.
Biden comes off as a condescending asshole that rambles.
After these two debates.
Romney/Ryan: 1
Obama/Biden: 1
It's all nothing but lies from both parties.
The blind fanboyism in this thread is scary, to say the least.
Welcome to the internet
Biden really was on the chain last election against Palin wasn't he?
How about no?the bias of gaf is just ridicilous. i would say 60-40 to Biden
how can fox news get away with this, this is rediculous
Ryan wins it going away. Who woulda guessed.
After tonight's debate with Biden most likely doing the democrats any favors, I will start to sleep better at night knowing that:
1) Romney will be our next president
2) PoliGAF will have epic meltdowns.
The moderator's job is to moderate and enforce the rules and parameters of a debate. Lehrer did not do his job.But it was still in Obama's court to call Romney out. He did not. That's not the mod's fault.
the bias of gaf is just ridicilous. i would say 60-40 to Biden
It's all nothing but lies from both parties.
The blind fanboyism in this thread is scary, to say the least.
It's all nothing but lies from both parties.
The blind fanboyism in this thread is scary, to say the least.
Biden really was on the chain last election against Palin wasn't he?
I think the internet is about 75-25 liberal, at least that's what it feels like
But it was still in Obama's court to call Romney out. He did not. That's not the mod's fault.
What are they saying? I don't have cable.
Pretty sure this country is screwed either way. I foresee the same demise down the road.
Ryan clearly won but Biden really got him on the nuclear weapons. Iran cannot even get a missile to hit the US and I am not even sure if there missiles can reach Israel(Not sure). So Ryan lost tha. Even more so because Iran is no where near making nukes.
I do not like how Biden laughed at serious answers and was constantly asking If he can have more time or "Can I speak?" When on CNN it shows Ryan talked less for like the whole debate.
The Martha was a bit better than Lehrer but it was easy to tell which side she was on. She did great on keeping them from interrupting and not saying but but but but but but but but like Lehrer kept doing.
Overall this was a better debate then the last one.
Backpats to Buzzfeed.
My favorite thing about this is that he didn't MENTION MOST OF IT.
"Cranky old man debating a polite young man" -- Fox News
Idiots believe there's a "Liberal media bias".CNN saying that Ryan appeared more presidential, and Biden was condescending at times.
and americans tell me CNN is liberal![]()
and now saying Ryan proved himself unexpectedly and met his test....
Did CNN suddenly switch to FOX?
How can you be undecided at this point?
Look at their policy proposals (which are very different) and make a decision. Basing your decision on the debate is the wrong way to go.
how can fox news get away with this, this is rediculous