Yea they must have told Biden to do nothing in 08.
Almost certainly. This would've backfired against Palin so they told him to just let her say whatever. Must've been hard for him, haha.
Yea they must have told Biden to do nothing in 08.
Yeah gets old.
Ryan had no specifics the entire debate. Even the moderator called him on it. No specifics, not for a single answer. Really incredible.
Poligaf in no way should be saying this was domination by either side.
Hume is an old ass bag. What did you expect?
I felt that Ryan actually made a lot of the same mistakes that Obama did.
So I'm an undecided.
Biden comes off as a condescending asshole that rambles.
After these two debates.
Romney/Ryan: 1
Obama/Biden: 1
Can anyone help me find a recorded video of the debate?
GAF has a positive reaction to smarmy condescension, surprise surprise.
All I gotta say is Obama better bring his fucking A game next week.
You know your side lost when you're focusing on the demeanor of your opponent
GAF has a positive reaction to smarmy condescension, surprise surprise.
GAF has a positive reaction to smarmy condescension, surprise surprise.
Are you on crack?
Commission on Presidential Debates said:The format for the first and fourth presidential debates calls for six 15-minute segments on topics selected and announced in advance by the moderators. After the moderator asks a question, the candidates each have two minutes to answer. After their answers, the moderator's job is to facilitate a conversation on the topic for the balance of the 15 minutes before moving to the next topic. The Commission on Presidential Debates' goal in selecting this format was to have a serious discussion of the major domestic and foreign policy issues with minimal interference by the moderator or timing signals. Jim Lehrer implemented the format exactly as it was designed by the CPD and announced in July.
even as romney obama was happening gaf was doing some serious confirmation bias. i prefer Bidens views but to claim that it was a massacre is just absurd. Both had their moments and it was a heated and fun debate to watch. Everytime Biden did A gaf is like woooooot biden bringin da bad assery yiiiiihaaaaaa! everytime Ryan did A gaf was....pfffff hah ryan such a looooooser....yeah!!!! biden is eating u alive looooooooser. is it possible to be so ignorant!
GAF has a positive reaction to smarmy condescension, surprise surprise.
How do you feel about another 4 years from Obama and potential defense cuts considering you're a supervisor at an army depot? Any concern on cutbacks that may affect your livelihood?
<- no affiliation, not voting
Biden destroyed Ryan. Did Ryan answer a single question?
Let me tell you: Anyone who felt Obama did well in the debate with Romney is biased to hell and back and potentially blind and deaf. Romney beat him. Period.
Anyone claiming this debate was a draw or that Ryan won is just as bad, if not worse. Biden clearly won this. Ryan had one or two talking points on any issue and simply found alternative methods to hit them, repeatedly. Biden varied his approach to subjects, showed a depth of knowledge on issues, and rightfully laughed when Ryan would basically hit the 30-second rewind button and repeat the same thing again and again.
<- no affiliation, not voting
Biden destroyed Ryan. Did Ryan answer a single question?
That's really not the GOP's policy.
That was the most one sided debate I've ever seen.
So I suppose you were angry about the debate performance from Romney then?
Get that bias shit out of here. Most here panned obama. Biden fucking dominated
Absolutely, in this context. No question.Tone and stature > Political beliefs and plans?
That was the most one sided debate I've ever seen.
How are you undecided at this point, though? (Is the real question)
CNBC [POLL RESULTS] Who do you think won the VP Debate? Paul Ryan: 56%, Joe Biden: 36%, Neither: 8%. #CNBC2012
Shock of shocks. A group of people that tend towards left leaning appreciate seeing a candidate of their choosing attacking instead of being attacked.GAF has a positive reaction to smarmy condescension, surprise surprise.
It's being posted in pieces over here: