That would be a terrible mistake.
Let's be clear, Biden did what
Biden needed to do. He came out, did the whole "I'm a regular blue collar guy" thing and gave that work Ryan. This is for two reasons:
1. To energize the base after Obama's inability to call out Romney more during their debate.
2. To make Ryan look stupid. Remember, Ryan is the "numbers" guy. This is who everybody was looking to for data. And he didn't bring shit.
Biden was dickish, indeed, but he's allowed to be. He's Joe Biden. That kinda his thing.
Al Gore was boring. Dick was evil. Plain was middle class momma. Joe's a regular six pack kinda guy.
He's allowed to be a dick. However,
he is not running to be president of the United States. Obama needs to ride this, and when he walks into the next debate he needs to bring facts and data to the table and when Romney lies he needs to politely say "where are you getting your information, because that's wrong."