I was reading this morning an article that said that while Obama might be tired, Biden sure as hell wants another 4 years as VP. He sure showed some guts unlike the prez.
This debate was a wash.
It helps. I don't know that people want aggression but rather emotion. Obama was a fuckin downer in the last debate and even though Joe was smug in this one it seemed like he actually gave a shit. Ryan was more convincing than Obama but still sounded like he was just rehearsing memorized lines instead of getting fired up and flexing those p90x muscles. Barack gets way more fired up in his rallies, but I guess he thought the low-key shit would work. Didn't turn out so well.So basically the more aggressive person is the most convincing regardless of content.
I was reading this morning an article that said that while Obama might be tired, Biden sure as hell wants another 4 years as VP. He sure showed some guts unlike the prez.
This debate was a wash.
381 people?
obama can't come out aggressive like biden did today. he has to look cool but at the same time he needs to be constantly making romney defend his positions and his flip flopping. make people aware of how full of crap he really is.
Nope.This debate was a wash.
I'm an independent. Socially liberal and fiscally conservative.
I don't think either side knocked it out of the park, nor will this debate have a very meaningful impact come November. Each made their points.
Biden tried to belittle Ryan and make him out as an inexperienced little child who wouldn't provide specifics. Mission accomplished there. But he definitely came across as too condescending at times, much like Mitt Romney did against Obama in their first debate. He did what he came to do.
Ryan tap danced around the tougher questions he had no specifics to answer, but did a good job of framing Biden and Obama as finger-pointers who can't accomplish their lofty goals and therefore blame everything on Bush (four years ago) and the Republicans in Congress. He did what he came to do.
Let's be clear, Biden did what Biden needed to do. He came out, did the whole "I'm a regular blue collar guy" thing and gave that work Ryan. This is for two reasons:
1. To energize the base after Obama's inability to call out Romney more during their debate.
2. To make Ryan look stupid. Remember, Ryan is the "numbers" guy. This is who everybody was looking to for data. And he didn't bring shit.
Biden was dickish, indeed, but he's allowed to be. He's Joe Biden. That kinda his thing.
Al Gore was boring. Dick was evil. Plain was middle class momma. Joe's a regular six pack kinda guy.
He's allowed to be a dick. However, he is not running to be president of the United States. Obama needs to ride this, and when he walks into the next debate he needs to bring facts and data to the table and when Romney lies he needs to politely say "where are you getting your information, because that's wrong."
Reason and science, because my baby looked like a bean
Nope, not even close to a wash.This debate was a wash.
Hey I just said I read that, of course I don't agree, it's wild speculation but fun nonetheless.You need to calm yourself and wait for the second debates.
According to This Poll
A CNN/ORC International post-debate poll shows that 48% of likely voters think Paul Ryan won the vice-presidential debate, while 44% think Joe Biden won. SPECIAL NOTE OF CAUTION #1: This poll does not and cannot reflect the views of all Americans. It only represents the views of people who watched the debate. SPECIAL NOTE OF CAUTION #2: The sample of debate-watchers in this poll were 31% Democratic and 33% Republican. That indicates that the sample of debate watchers is about eight points more Republican than an average CNN poll of all Americans, so the respondents were more Republican than the general public.
@AJentleson: The CBS poll showing Biden winning 50-31 was of undecided voters. The CNN poll showing a tie was of 'debate watchers.'
According to This Poll
A CNN/ORC International post-debate poll shows that 48% of likely voters think Paul Ryan won the vice-presidential debate, while 44% think Joe Biden won. SPECIAL NOTE OF CAUTION #1: This poll does not and cannot reflect the views of all Americans. It only represents the views of people who watched the debate. SPECIAL NOTE OF CAUTION #2: The sample of debate-watchers in this poll were 31% Democratic and 33% Republican. That indicates that the sample of debate watchers is about eight points more Republican than an average CNN poll of all Americans, so the respondents were more Republican than the general public.
381 people?
This debate was a wash.
Biden creamed Ryan. Total destruction.@AJentleson: The CBS poll showing Biden winning 50-31 was of undecided voters. The CNN poll showing a tie was of 'debate watchers.'
From the poll
The Steamroller: Reading this transcript is going to be like scanning a David Mamet play. Biden never gave up the momentum he won in the first five minutes -- he seems physically unable to let Ryan finish an answer, interrupting him as if he's livetweeting to correct every factoid he dislikes.
Whether or not this Biden performance helps Obama, you could sell bootleg DVDs of it to Dems for $20.
Please. Somebody. Share.Nobody with any sense can deny how badly Biden tore Ryan apart. So if anyone wants to be intellectually dishonest and have everyone know it, they can certainly go ahead and suggest otherwise.
I'd love to see it
LOL, sure it was
You're the DEVIL!
I mostly agree with your assessment, though I found it telling that Ryan was unable to respond when Biden started poking holes in his statements. Whether or not Americans will recognize that or just chalk it up to "Biden's an asshole" is anyone's guess.
Let's not unskew here. What's important is that the poll average shows a large win for Biden.
Bad poll is bad.
Let's not unskew here. What's important is that the poll average shows a large win for Biden.
With a 5% margin of error somehow.
My only complaint about Biden is that he didn't mention the Ryan plan had also the same medicare savings. Wish he pushed that.
Is it really unskewing if the poll itself says it's skewed?
Read up on statistics. In statistics, you can basically decide how big your margin of error is going to be based upon what your confidence interval is. Margin of error basically means nothing.
So are the reports of Biden driving off with Ryan's wife on his harley true?
people have been trained to look out for unimportant shit like somebody looking "presidential" or how big their flag pin is or some other stupid thing that does not matter at all.Wow...these CNN polls.
Really goes to show how polarizing this debate, because I can't see on any level how Biden was outperformed by Ryan. He had a clearly dominant handle on the issues, and the only criticism I see is in reference to his "attitude." But why are we're being steered to believe that should have any weight next to the overall SUBSTANCE of the debates? -_-
Is this going be a tradition for you now?If they can unskew than I can unskew
Woah damn.Biden creamed Ryan. Total destruction.