Wow, more repubs on TV telling us the jobs number is rigged
Edit: yes it was Blackburn, elected republican.
Edit: yes it was Blackburn, elected republican.
"I'm going to destroy your pussy just like I destroyed your husband"
Thanks for bring us back to Earth, xXxDudeBro420xXx.
Fixed for you, because none of these fake shmucks are my voice or anyone else of common sense.
Blackburn getting grilled by Mathews, scary woman.
96-3 Biden won on DailyKos
Biden was unprofessional and at times incoherent. So he was Biden. Ryan came off as fake and did not attack enough.
Horrible, horrible debate. I don't think there was a winner tonight.
He agrees with transitioning to the Afghanis, by... not transitioning. I guess we'll keep our troop levels while getting a boost of Afghani trained soldiers. And then one day our boys will go *poof* overnight, so as not to give any notice to the enemy. Genius really.Dudes and dudettes, Paul Ryan admitted that he'd send OUR troops to the most dangerous areas to fight. Not the people we trained to handle it. But OUR guys.
Ryan won? A tie?
No way. Get real, people.
Any comments on you know the actual substance of the debate wtf.
Like Marvie said, last time it was all white southerners. Can't find the pdf of this one yet.I've stopped paying attention to any media outlet's coverage on anything related to the election. This was probably a poll of 80 people.
Biden was the clear winner especially on Afganistan and Abortion he rocked that shit
Ryan was too defensive and his eyes are fucking creepy
That was pretty sad and hilarious. Both of them came as terrible people who shouldn't be in position of power. Ryan contradicted himself every third word and Biden was an asshole who was too unprofessional. Kind of depressing to reflect on it.
96-3 Biden won on DailyKos
I don't know; this is poligaf. We should get back to talking about Biden's wife's pussy.
I don't know; this is poligaf. We should get back to talking about Biden's wife's pussy.
I'm down for putting in $20 to Obama/Biden after the win if one Gaffer matches me.
Oh man, nothing can pull me down from this. Don't care about the spin. Biden fucking destroyed that kid.
That's what this debate's about. It's about enthusiasm for the base. That matters so much more than the thirty undecided people left.
He won in your eyes because of your personal views on abortion. Just think of everyone who came out and got Bush elected twice. Biden didn't change any of those people's minds.
I did $15. Want to match that?
cnn.com has this folks... i'm not sure what other poll was on the last page.
Joe Biden is a fucking boss.
That is all.
Some gif just the first 2 secs--great business-time serious change in his face.
Dudes and dudettes, Paul Ryan admitted that he'd send OUR troops to the most dangerous areas to fight. Not the people we trained to handle it. But OUR guys.
Let's make this crystal clear.
Deduction cannot make up for 5 Trillion in tax cuts without doing harm. Biden has established this.
So what are Romney and Ryan really gonna cut to earn neutrality? Infinite money to the military but cut education? WHY!?
"We'll figure it out when we get elected by working bipartisanly" is a scam.
I really really hope Obama comes out swinging like Biden did in the next debate.
Is this archived anywhere? I wasn't around a TV when it was live.
I was talking about the style in which he debated. He was clearly more convincing on both issues. Whether or not he's going to change pro-lifers mind is completely irrelevant
CNN is labeling the segment about Social Security and Medicare as "Entitlements."