AP poll: Ryan 51 Biden 43.
AP poll: Ryan 51 Biden 43.
From the poll
Nobody with any sense can deny how badly Biden tore Ryan apart. So if anyone wants to be intellectually dishonest and have everyone know it, they can certainly go ahead and suggest otherwise.
I'd love to see it
@AJentleson: The CBS poll showing Biden winning 50-31 was of undecided voters. The CNN poll showing a tie was of 'debate watchers.'
Frankly I thought Martha won. And then Biden
AP poll: Ryan 51 Biden 43.
no. MoE relates to the sample set.
If the sample set is crap, the MoE is still right. But it's an MoE of a crap sample.
If the sample set is good, the MoE is quite important.
Watching now: Biden's attitude is a little too heavy. It's classic Biden, but it's also unappealing. Laughing at your opponent, boldfaced lies or not, isn't conducive to debate. It seems Obama and Biden are good cop/bad cop. I wish they would mix Biden's ability to call out the opposition with Obama's smooth, eloquent speech.
Watching now: Biden's attitude is a little too heavy. It's classic Biden, but it's also unappealing. Laughing at your opponent, boldfaced lies or not, isn't conducive to debate. It seems Obama and Biden are good cop/bad cop. I wish they would mix Biden's ability to call out the opposition with Obama's smooth, eloquent speech.
Watching now: Biden's attitude is a little too heavy. It's classic Biden, but it's also unappealing. Laughing at your opponent, boldfaced lies or not, isn't conducive to debate. It seems Obama and Biden are good cop/bad cop. I wish they would mix Biden's ability to call out the opposition with Obama's smooth, eloquent speech.
See about two pages ago for my post. I think both men did what they set out to do. I don't expect this VP debate will have any significant impact come November, given that they almost never do.
Biden accomplished his mission of trying to belittle Ryan and make him seem wishy-washy on specifics. Ryan accomplished his mission of having Biden blame the bulk of our countries problems on something he inherited from Bush.
Neither man was all that impressive. I think I'd give Biden the slight edge, but this wasn't the OMGWTFBBQ blowout you seem to believe.
Is that dense enough or intellectually dishonest enough for you, oh great one?
Biden crushed it. Even if you disagree with his politics and policies, I don't know how anyone can honestly feel Ryan won that debate. Biden called him on everything, made him look like a joke when he kept giving non-answers, laid out the Obama plan, actually had details...he destroyed Ryan on every level besides hair. He had Ryan rattled. You can see a distinct moment when Biden completely got all up in that ass with the Jack Kennedy thing. Ryan had an immediate "oh fuck" look and got totally lost for a few seconds trying to recover.
If Romney was the unanimous winner of the first debate just by talking the loudest and the most while lying or not giving any details at all, how can anyone claim Biden didn't win when he called Ryan and Romney on everything for the past 3 months, gave his side with actual details, and made Ryan look like even more of a punk than Obama looked last week?
NBC was saying draw as well, CBS said Ryan won...what were they watching? He tooled the fuck out of Ryan the whole debate. It was like a grandson trying to challenge grandpa at a family gathering and getting put in his place. And on top of all of that, Ryan had some amazingly ballsy arguments like saying the Romney/Ryan campaign can bring honesty to the table and that the Obama side has no plans. Seriously? Some people are saying Biden was condescending, but his reactions were often the same ones I was having. The looks were when Ryan was saying some way out there shit and then he would call it out as soon as he got to speak. I feel like this was actually more one sided than the presidential debate.
Somehow, Paul Ryan comes across as more robotic and fake than Mitt Romney. Everything he said sounded like it was a prepared statement that he was reading in front of the class. He had zero conviction or passion in anything he said. Also, what the fuck was up with him bringing up car crash victims? That seemed really gross and underhanded considering Joe Biden's family history.
I wish the moderators ask for more specifics
Thats a great way of putting it.This was a blowout in my mind. Biden actually spoke to us. He was dynamic and fluid. Ryan could have been replaced with a tape recorder.
Raddatz pressed Ryan for specifics and he gave her jack shit.
At the end of the day the Obama campaign has life again.
AP poll: Ryan 51 Biden 43.
I meant future moderators
That and call out their bullshit. The news people, too.
I didn't say dense. Intellectual dishonesty doesn't suggest stupidity; it suggests the individual knows the truth is different and is attempting to spin otherwise. It's a calculated move, quite in contrast to someone who is 'dense.' A lack of sense is simply meant to say that I don't know how anyone would actually want to put themselves out there with such a position, considering how at odds it is with what happened. It doesn't make sense, ya know?
I would love to know, genuinely, how Biden repeatedly pinning Ryan to the wall on specifics and Ryan fumbling like a football player with a broken leg and still failing to get specific was anything but a brutalizing. How Biden's frank assessment of Afghanistan showed Ryan for the pretty well embarrassingly ill-informed Congressman he is, ethering him time and time again on the cold hard facts. How Biden gutted Ryan's small government argument with his near poetic response on why he doesn't believe the government should tell a woman what to do with her body, even if he disagrees on a religious level. How Biden absolutely smothered Ryan on Medicare, instantly connecting with voters with compassion while Ryan fumbled with lies and fabrications and Biden pinned him again and again on how he has no fucking clue what he is talking about.
If you really think this was even in the same galaxy as each other, I guess I don't know what else to say.
That said, I of course agree with you that Vice Presidential debates mean shit and it is up to Obama to do his job on Tuesday. But, Biden stopped the bleeding and provided a platform to counter punch the laundry list of indisputable lies Romney bled from his ass last Wednesday.
fox news...talking about Laughing Joe.
There's a classic debate moment where someone talked about Jack Kennedy, and the other guy came back with "I knew him, and you're no Jack Kennedy" or something. I think Ryan and Biden both were worried that they'd just stepped into something that was going to turn into a sound bite. I'm sure Biden thought about repeating the classic line, but probably thought better of it.
SAMPLE: 381 voters who watched the debate.
Schattenjäger;43110864 said:It's nice to see that the Gaf response is not representative of all voters
Talking about the vp debateSo you're saying Obama won't be winning?
I think that GAF is a pretty good representation of the general public in this regard.
381 people with a heavy republican lean?
Seriously, fuck CNN. What piss-poor bullshit is this? This would get someone fired if it was an internal polling.
I'm sorry but this is.....wow.....good stuff! Nicely done.So you're saying Obama won't be winning?
I think that GAF is a pretty good representation of the general public in this regard.