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Victoria Morsell Hemingson (Adrienne from Phantasmagoria 1) plays the game for the first time


nice find. hope she doesn't see any of her death scenes, they were brutal in that game. need to go back and play this and darkseed.


Gold Member
Thanks for posting this. Probably would've never came across it myself. I didn't really play the game back in the day but I certainly remember seeing ads and the controversy with the violence and rape.

Pretty great to see the actress play through a game she starred in.

Edit: Apparently Roberta Williams pops into chat for a bit as well!
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I absolutely loved this game, a real gem! Seeing the filmed footage was mind-blowing to me, and the game came on 7 discs. As far as I can remember that was a record in itself.

Super awesome death scenes, scary as hell.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
I was today years old when I realized Tori is short for Victoria.
I always assumed every Tori was being named after the Japanese word.


Vic"Tori"a "Morsel"(l) "Heming"(son). Her name basically translates to "little piece of chicken with legs and ass" 👀

Is the game any good? I was gonna watch it but does the guy keep interrupting her all the way through? That was kind of annoying.
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games like this are perfect candidates for VR remakes. i would kill for this, darkseed, and the Tex Murphy games in VR. I saw they are making a remake of 7th guest for VR which is promising.
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