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Video game piracy in broad daylight - how is this legal?


While I'm not justify home piracy (and not that I haven't been guilty of it myself), I think it's somewhat of a lesser evil than people trying to openly profit from other people's work.


Saint Cornelius said:
It's like you've all turned into Goodcow Jrs.

I certainly hope this does put an end to all the rampant piracy that is destroying the youth of America!

Oh and after you're done calling the Police Department & NOA on these evil kiosk owners, make sure to let the Feds, et al., about something called "IRC" on the, uh, 'intarweb' or something like that. Supposedly *whispers* there's a lot of pirated stuff there, as well!

Go get 'em boys!

While I enjoy your ass bag reply, you've gotta consider a lot of people get confused on this whole "MP3 majigger" never mind pirating games on the internet. Some people still think their processor is Windows XP.
My point is going into the mall and purchasing this just opens up piracy to a whole other level, and makes it easier to access.
No one's saying they are going to stop piracy, they're just doing what they can.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
yeah, I think there's a significant difference between sharing pirated material and selling it under the guise of a legitamite business.
Ristamar said:
While I'm not justify home piracy (and not that I haven't been guilty of it myself), I think it's somewhat of a lesser evil than people trying to openly profit from other people's work.

Actually, that's exactly what it is.
Saint Cornelius said:
It's like you've all turned into Goodcow Jrs.

I certainly hope this does put an end to all the rampant piracy that is destroying the youth of America!

Oh and after you're done calling the Police Department & NOA on these evil kiosk owners, make sure to let the Feds, et al., about something called "IRC" on the, uh, 'intarweb' or something like that. Supposedly *whispers* there's a lot of pirated stuff there, as well!

Go get 'em boys!
Just as everyone has pointed out in regards to your reply. Sharing and selling are completely different.

Doth Togo


DJ Demon J and I talked about this (I work for ESA as well) and these controllers are 100% pirate/counterfeit. In NO WAY, SHAPE OR FORM are these things authorized by any third party publisher nor by NOA. If you come across any kiosks selling this illegal product, contact Nintendo and let them know. Believe me, they take action on these targets.

As was stated earlier, Nintendo's anti-piracy contacts are as follows:




Thanks for bringing this up. It's a good topic of conversation.
I'm just amazed at how excitable people are getting over this. The same people that are going to email & call their local NOA reps - I'd love to know what else can motivate them to action! Feeding the homeless? Working with cancer patients?

Probably not - they're too busy HELPING NINTENDO.

I think that's the most fucked display of ethics that I've yet to witness. But, good for you, citizens! You're doing the right thing!

RevenantKioku: I'm sorry that I can't be as decent and respectable as you are, oh great one. Sorry for interrupting your day of performing miracles with my ass bag replies.


Not that Nintendo isn't capable of prosecuting, but isn't this the sort of thing that the ESA exists for? I thought that they were the analog of the music industry's RIAA. I figured that they would have initiatives to stop pirate kiosks rather than making members do the dirty work.


Sorry, I didn't catch that, as I was too busy helping Nintendo.

Anyway, I think I'm going to start my own anti piracy website (concerning these bootleg NES/SNES devices). I didn't think these things were this widespread. Might as well do my part.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Saint Cornelius said:
I'm just amazed at how excitable people are getting over this. The same people that are going to email & call their local NOA reps - I'd love to know what else can motivate them to action! Feeding the homeless? Working with cancer patients?

Probably not - they're too busy HELPING NINTENDO.

I think that's the most fucked display of ethics that I've yet to witness. But, good for you, citizens! You're doing the right thing!

that's kind of dumb man, you can't go up to anyone who attempts to do something good and say, "you're fucked up, your efforts are more needed HERE." Or why feed starving kids in Asia when hunger is worse in Africa.


Saint Cornelius said:
RevenantKioku: I'm sorry that I can't be as decent and respectable as you are, oh great one. Sorry for interrupting your day of performing miracles with my ass bag replies.

Hey you know what, fuck you.
The only one here is bringing moral superiority into this is your dumb ass.
You have no idea who here also donates to charities, and what not.
So go bite a big one.


Saint Cornelius said:
I'm just amazed at how excitable people are getting over this. The same people that are going to email & call their local NOA reps - I'd love to know what else can motivate them to action! Feeding the homeless? Working with cancer patients?

You seem surprised that an individual's words and actions are often centric to their own hobbies and interests...
Wow,so many model citizens within the forum. When you contact Nintendo,be sure to also contact your local police station to turn yourselves in.

Using torrents is also breaking the law too you know.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
yeah, cause downloading copyrighted material is a prerequisite of joining the GA Forum.


To my knowledge, the SNES piracy devices aren't really being sold in mass numbers. They can't really be disguised as "controllers" and there is no cheap way to store hundreds of games when each one weighs in at a megabyte or more.

It may only be a matter of time until the 16-bit piracy thingamajigs hit the malls. They will probably need to make their theft of Sony's design a little less obvious...




I've never used a torrent in my life. I'm actually a pretty honest guy :)

(I'm an artist, you see, so I have a big pet peive about others stealing someone elses work)
Hey,I'm only trying to make things right. Only I don't have an agenda behind my motives like some of the Nintendo like stockholding crowds in here do:b

If youre gonna play it by the book you may as well do it right. Can't have your cake and it it too.


OMG they are so freaking bold. That box has the freaking Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on it. I'm so sure Eastman and Laird signed the ok personally for that one!
RevenantKioku said:
Hey you know what, fuck you.
The only one here is bringing moral superiority into this is your dumb ass.
You have no idea who here also donates to charities, and what not.
So go bite a big one.

I'm not the only one in this thread that has brought up the moral superiority of the people in this thread. Of course, you want to start shit with me, so I'm the only one you single out. Good work sir! But why are you wasting time on me when there's pirates to catch!?

I'm going to try to make this a little clearer on all of you.

Your efforts to thwart piracy are commendable, I'm sure. But what is it getting you? Is Nintendo paying you for your efforts? Are you going to get a lifelong subscription to Nintendo Power? By calling your local government office, are you going to destroy piracy once and for all?

*I* certainly don't want to tell anyone here what to do. If you feel in your hearts that this is the thing that will validate your existance, then fuck yeah people, get on it! But wouldn't it be easier on everyone if you let Doth & Demon J & the RIAA etc. do the jobs they're getting PAID for, rather than start some kind of a videogaming activism anti-piracy community? It's only one step from cosplaying...
The apathy and ignorance expressed in this thread is really fucking sad. It makes me sick how people can so quickly and easily assume that people in GA only care about games and their respective companies and that's it. I happen to care very much about piracy as I work in the video game industry. By the way, I also give to charity when I can afford to and generally try to help those in need and who are less fortunate. Is that any of your fucking business or does it somehow "justify" my actions if I were to decide to contact NOA about these obviously illegal kiosks spreading throughout many malls?


T-1000_Model3 said:
...the Nintendo like stockholding crowds...


Really, what does this thread have to do with Nintendo? I should say, why are people ONLY focusing on Nintendo? There's plenty of games on these things that have nothing to do with Nintendo, except for the fact that the games may or may not show up on one of their systems.


Saint Cornelius said:
*I* certainly don't want to tell anyone here what to do. If you feel in your hearts that this is the thing that will validate your existance, then fuck yeah people, get on it! But wouldn't it be easier on everyone if you let Doth & Demon J & the RIAA etc. do the jobs they're getting PAID for, rather than start some kind of a videogaming activism anti-piracy community? It's only one step from cosplaying...

Your words sadden me sir. Just as you ask us why we care, I shall ask you why you care so much that we care. Are you a pirate, perhaps? Planning on picking up one of those units, were you? :)
Mr_Furious said:
Is that any of your fucking business or does it somehow "justify" my actions if I were to decide to contact NOA about these obviously illegal kiosks spreading throughout many malls?

I'm sorry that I had the audacity to comment on a public post in a public forum.

Want to know a little story? A few months ago, I applied to be a Nintendo retail rep. I got pretty far in my efforts, to the point where the young lady whose job I would be inheriting took me around a local mall and showed me what her job consisted of (I didn't actually get the job though. It's like they could SMELL the pirate in me). As we walked through the mall, we passed one of those kiosks. I asked the rep what Nintendos' stance on these obvious knock-offs were, and she sighed and said that it's more trouble than it is worth to go after these people, from both a legal and a financial standpoint.

So, again, I have to ask: by reporting your local pirate to Nintendo, exactly who are you benefiting?
Lost Weekend said:
Your words sadden me sir. Just as you ask us why we care, I shall ask you why you care so much that we care. Are you a pirate, perhaps? Planning on picking up one of those units, were you? :)

See the last post I made. And yes, I pirate shit on occassion. OH NOES.


She was a bad rep. As I said before, Nintendo stopped a store I was working in from selling bootleg Pokemon merchandise, so I know it can work. I'm sure if you ask Doth Togo, he'll tell you the same thing.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
I don't buy that, especially since she did not work for the legal department. A letter written in legalese addressed to the mall owners is normally all it takes to shut one of these down.


Saint Cornelius said:
See the last post I made. And yes, I pirate shit on occassion. OH NOES.

Sorry, but you kinda killed any oomph you had in yer argument with that statement :)


I would actually love to be able to find those totally ghetto looking famiclones, for the fact that 1) they are so fucking ghetto 2) they probably work better than my old nes units.

I think there's bigger and more important piracy problems right now, aka guys selling dvdrs of xbox games and ps2 stuff on the street, in colleges, or anyone else. GBA Flashcart being so mainstream, cheap and available online. You can softmod a xbox and rape your local blockbuster using a memcard and splintercell. The games are easily available online from bittorent and other programs like that.

This is the real problem, guys.

Illegal immigrants reselling crappy nes-in-a-controler with hacked nes roms dont have any freaking revelance or any impact on modern piracy


Saint Cornelius:
I'm having more or less a direct conversation with you, so pardon me if I'm not focusing as much on what others are saying. And I mean that seriously.
If you feel is something wrong, and you do something about it, throw your support behind it, it can mean something.
Maybe people don't know these people exist to fight piracy, maybe they're even helping out a little. Maybe those people could use more help. You don't know until you attempt to get involved. If they were to tell me, thanks, but your help isn't needed, at least I know I tried. In the grand scheme of things it may not matter, but I personally am not one to sit idly when something pisses me off.
Perhaps the notion of not getting anything in return and being fine with that never crossed your mind. Is that so wrong?
We're not dedicating every bit of our beings to this, but we're doing what little we feel that we can.
I'm not looking for "oomph" man, I'm just trying to tell the truth and not be all holier-than-thou.

Levious: I'm not selling it to you, so I don't care if you buy it or not. :) Border asked a question, I'm giving him an answer straight from a NOA employee.
shuri said:
Illegal immigrants reselling crappy nes-in-a-controler with hacked nes roms dont have any freaking revelance or any impact on modern piracy

This man is much more eloquent than I.

If those games impacted the industry so greatly, why are the Classic NES games for the GBA flying off the shelves?


Saint Cornelius said:
I'm not looking for "oomph" man, I'm just trying to tell the truth and not be all holier-than-thou.

Problem with your truth is it's based off of your own sense of reality where piracy is A-OK.

Piracy isn't ok, you see. It's illegal. Some people want to do something to combat it. Good for them. The end.


These goddamn bastards, how dare they make controllers chock full old NES games no one buys anymore. Do people ever stop to think about the poor ebayers who won't get their 1.50 plus s&h, or the poor flea market salesman who won't get his 2$ per game or his beloved 4 for 5$?

Fucking heartless bastards! :mad:


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Saint Cornelius said:
Levious: I'm not selling it to you, so I don't care if you buy it or not. :) Border asked a question, I'm giving him an answer straight from a NOA employee.

but... my voice must be heard!

edit: Illegal immigrants? Did they tell you that? Or was that thrown in for literary flare?


Saint Cornelius said:
This man is much more eloquent than I.

If those games impacted the industry so greatly, why are the Classic NES games for the GBA flying off the shelves?

First like said before, different markets.
Secondly, even if its not doing such a great job of hurting the industry, that does not justify its existence.


Saint Cornelius said:
This man is much more eloquent than I.

If those games impacted the industry so greatly, why are the Classic NES games for the GBA flying off the shelves?

I'd imagine that they would be selling more with the pirate versions off of the streets. There ya go.
Well, looks like you all have your opinions, and I have mine. When I walk by a pirated game kiosk the next time I'm in one of the local malls, I'll be sure to knock a display over or something.
None of them never mentioned contacting Konami,or Capcom,or any other 3rd, only Nintendo. You think I was singling a company out? I was referring to the company that they were planning to contact-Nintendo And yeah,some of the fanboys are that infatuated with the company,thats why I made the claim-stock holder like fans. It was a tongue and cheeck joke. It was clear who the ones who were planning to take action were vindicating-Nintendo. I never once read about a 3rd party being vindicated in the topic. Only the stock holding fanboys who were in abit of rage from this news.


And then you get stabbed by the guy who tries to feed his kids/drug habbit by selling el cheapo stuff in a mall.

I just have a live and let die point of view on this thing. I dont care as it does not impact me (i buy a lot of original nes carts every months, and i couldnt care less about buying gba ports of the same games for 20$ a pop) As for more.. modern pirates. Do you really want to get involved with starting shit with a bunch of tough looking guys who sell madden 2005 on dvd? Seriously. It's not worth it.

I just don't care. I buy my games, but I dont get into trouble / get OTHER people into trouble because I, for some reason, want to "save" a multi billions industry from THOSE EV1LS PIRATEZ!!!!!!

And Nintendo would get my business if they didnt try to screw me by selling me 20$ version of games I can get the original cart for, boxed, for 10$ at the flea market. I Just ordered 150$ worth of random original NES carts from an online store. That's money from resales that Nintendo will never see. I would love to be able to buy new re-edition of the same games.

.. But not for 20$, kthx

Fuck this.


I remember watching a crowd of kids waiting in line to see this thing in action... I was a little curious about how they were able to get so many games, all from different companies, onto one machine without any sort of copyright reference to their respective manufacturers. I watched the salesman for a while and I walked up to him and asked how many games the system had, whether or not it was legal and if they have permission from the companies. He just shifted his eyes and told me that I should try the games out to see if I liked them -- completely ignored my second question. I tried it out anyway and the controls sucks ass. He watched me while I walked around the kiosk, though.


shuri said:
And then you get stabbed by the guy who tries to feed his kids/drug habbit by selling el cheapo stuff in a mall.

Do you really want to get involved with starting shit with a bunch of tough looking guys who sell madden 2005 on dvd? Seriously. It's not worth it.

Fuck this.

Actually, you just made it sound all the more exciting! :)


border said:
Except that you can't prove that portability is the main selling feature for the GBA Classics line.....
Give me a break. Nintendo will NEVER issue $20 standalone NES titles for the GameCube. Every classics collection for home consoles offers multiple titles for a reduced pricetag, like the recent Midway collection or Megaman Collection.

Portability is the reason that Nintendo is able to sell one classic NES game for $20.


What amazes me is that not only are they sold in major malls, but suprisingly
I've seen them advertised on TV, being sold on the TV shopping network and one model
had in fact "AS SEEN ON TV" logo on the box.
Pay with your credit card now, and you'll recieve an add on cartridge with an amazing 100 games. There's never been an offer like this before. You get the TV game device an extra cartridge yadda yadda that's an amazing total of 300 video games. CALL NOW


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
T-1000_Model3 said:
None of them never mentioned contacting Konami,or Capcom,or any other 3rd, only Nintendo. You think I was singling a company out? I was referring to the company that they were planning to contact-Nintendo And yeah,some of the fanboys are that infatuated with the company,thats why I made the claim-stock holder like fans. It was a tongue and cheeck joke. It was clear who the ones who were planning to take action were vindicating-Nintendo. I never once read about a 3rd party being vindicated in the topic. Only the stock holding fanboys who were in abit of rage from this news.

The original post mentioned third party games as well as nintendo made ones, later Konami was mentioned in reference to Yir Ar Kung Fu and their retro collections, then Capcom was also brought up with regard to Mega Man Collection. Nintendo is likely being mentioned most since this is a nintendo system that's being emulated... imagine that.
levious said:
The original post mentioned third party games as well as nintendo made ones, later Konami was mentioned in reference to Yir Ar Kung Fu and their retro collections, then Capcom was also brought up with regard to Mega Man Collection. Nintendo is likely being mentioned most since this is a nintendo system that's being emulated... imagine that.

Actually I've seen SMS & Genesis collections, TurboGrafx, and you know Konami wants a cut from the ping-pong game using its "Police 911" technology!!!!1

It does seem like it's the Nintendo fans that are the most upset by this, giving these matters that additional grossness that inspires me to comment.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
is that ping pong game actually fun?

I get the idea that nintendo bias is assumed a little too much by people here, not you though saint.
Teddman said:
Some of you guys remind me of the man with the bullhorn who "unofficially works for Wendy's" in those commercials. LOL

Jesus fuck is that an apt description for some of the people that have posted on this forum

I should change SolidSnakeX's tag to 'I'm Unofficial'
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