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Video game piracy in broad daylight - how is this legal?


Jesus christ some of you guys are lame, why would you bother, seriously?? Remind me to phone the cops the next time I see one of you old bags jaywalking.


saw some of these devices today in the middle of manhattan, around 40th and 5th. in broad daylight and all...big store was clearing out all sorts of merchandise.
some of the small devices look like xboxes and is called "x block", it has a gun and a controller, i assume has a flash rom with some games (old games obviously) hardcoded on it.
and also a playstation lookalike controller, with another small controller attached to it. the box contains pictures of KoF characters.
all are made in china.
Fusebox said:
Jesus christ some of you guys are lame, why would you bother, seriously?? Remind me to phone the cops the next time I see one of you old bags jaywalking.
This "let's compare trivial crimes to stealing" is getting really fucking old. Try comparing it to a similar act like: If you saw someone breaking into a car in your neighborhood, you'd call the police (if you don't that's pretty fucking sad).


Peddling 10 year old arcade games in malls is on par with jaywalking or pot smoking imo - different strokes for different folks.

I just reckon all the hysterical panic in this thread is hilarious, but in a tragically lame way, like how my grandma freaks out when she sees people underage smoking ciggies,
If you were Nintendo somehow I think you'd feel differently just like you'd feel differently if it were your little kiddies smoking the ciggies. It's all relative.
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