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Video game piracy in broad daylight - how is this legal?


Syckx said:
nm. I get what you're pointing out now. I love my Xbox. What can I say?
"I love my way, way, way Gamecube more" and/or "Nintendo DS won't leave me anytime for Halo 2" ;)

edit: yeah, I was getting at the games deal, not really the job, don't know what tangles of game/retail/rep industry involvement you have, but if you're a Nintendo rep questioning DS -:mad:


Well I do love my Gamecube much more ;) I'm just short on money with all the great Nintendo's titles coming out for GBA and Gamecube, that if the DS launch is lacking I may have to just focus on other parts of NINTEDO's business.

Halo 2 is a gift to my relatively uneducated and primative brother.
Wario64 said:
I think I've seen these 'consoles' in the mall before. I think I'll report them just to make my walk to the movie theater easier. Muahaha

I believe your talking about Oakridge Mall on Blossom Hill Road Wario64? I was thinking of going down there Sunday actually myself.


Damn you snitches, I guess I'm gonna have to go to the mall sometime soon.

WHAT? I want my cinnabon dammit!! Then I'm gonna go to one of these kiosks and knock over their ROM-azine Racks!


Lost Weekend said:
Keep piracy in the internet, and off the streets! :)
Exactly...the difference is when people dload stuff it's for personal use, what these people are doing is trying to make a proffit...



Gold Member


You may see cheap imitations of our products in different stores or web sites. Our promise is that we will provide you with the best quality of products for very reasonable prices.

:lol - go meta-piracy! Pirating the pirated goods! Who's gonna save these poor immigrants pirated products from being pirated?


Do video game designers have a fixed income (I think that's the term)? If they do, who the hell cares? Not like they'd be losing money over them.

If not, and since some games still are selling, I know I'd be pissed at someone taking money from my pocket for something I worked hard on to make money off of. Then again, the games which are still selling are doing so since they are popular and would have sold either way- so the developer/team is probably well off anyhow.


As long as it's not putting people out of jobs (and some who may be living their dreams), I think it's fine. Doesn't make it right though.


DrGAKMAN said:
You can hate Nintendo, you can even tell them to their face that they suck...but you f*ck with their money and you're in for it. I remember when AOL had a "free" Mario 64 ROM to download on their frontpage. No credit to Nintendo...AOL just openly did it knowing it was wrong, knowing they didn't have permission. I e-mailed Nintendo about it and that was the quickest responce I ever got from them...within the half hour the link was GONE and wouldn't you know about 3 months later AOL & Nintendo did some kind of partnership thing (the fruits of which we STILL don't know). Nintendo is *serious* about this issue and it's one of the reasons they went with their own GOD format with GAMECUBE.
Wait... AOL actually linked directly to a ROM? You have to be shitting me. What was the context?


FoneBone said:
Wait... AOL actually linked directly to a ROM? You have to be shitting me. What was the context?

"Play this classic Mario masterpeice"

Showed a pic of the Mario 64 title screen with the morphable Mario face. No permission from Nintendo...and no mention of them either even when you clicked on the link. I didn't download it 'cos after I e-mailed the link to Nintendo I went back to see what was up and BAM...it was gone. This was soon after AOL Time Warner merged together...they probably thought they could do whatever they wanted and get away with it.
Saint Cornelius said:
It's like you've all turned into Goodcow Jrs.

I certainly hope this does put an end to all the rampant piracy that is destroying the youth of America!

Oh and after you're done calling the Police Department & NOA on these evil kiosk owners, make sure to let the Feds, et al., about something called "IRC" on the, uh, 'intarweb' or something like that. Supposedly *whispers* there's a lot of pirated stuff there, as well!

Go get 'em boys!

:lol :lol :lol



Junior Ace
I dunno about your mall, but the kids working that booth at mine are the scumbags who drive the shit cars found in NFSU and the like. Guess they need the $6 an hour to afford that new spoiler for their Neons.


When Nintendo goes 3rd Party in 2009, we can all look back to this thread and point to it as the pivotal downfall of their videogame empire.


Tag of Excellence
If it makes anyone happy all the little stores in the most popular malls in the Miami area seem to be clear of these machines.

I actually enjoyed taking a stroll while shopping and playing some classic NES games for a break or two. :(

Sho Nuff

Raoul Duke said:
When Nintendo goes 3rd Party in 2009, we can all look back to this thread and point to it as the pivotal downfall of their videogame empire.

fennec fox said:
Wow! Considering all the game-mp3 threads there are a lot of people on GAF concerned about copyright all of a sudden. Maybe the story's different once Nintendo gets involved, like it is with everything else?
Things reach a new level, though, if a guy at a mall kiosk is selling a band's entire musical output on MP3 for $5.


So youre saying that if the mexicans gave those nes clones for free, it would be okay? I guess all those copyrights laws to protect compagnies from having their brand name diluted are there for nothing :(

Videogames Mp3s are tolerated here because it's a form of piracy that is tolerated here because (some) admins here are into it. I dont exactly understand why linking to copyrighted mp3s of a Video Game soundtrack is tolerated but linking to a soundtrack of a movie (local or foreign) or linking to a full cd of an artist (local or foreign) is a bannable offense


shuri said:
So youre saying that if the mexicans gave those nes clones for free, it would be okay? I guess all those copyrights laws to protect compagnies from having their brand name diluted are there for nothing :(

Videogames Mp3s are tolerated here because it's a form of piracy that is tolerated here because (some) admins here are into it. I dont exactly understand why linking to copyrighted mp3s of a Video Game soundtrack is tolerated but linking to a soundtrack of a movie (local or foreign) or linking to a full cd of an artist (local or foreign) is a bannable offense

I guess it wouldn't be OK, but I wouldn't mind it as much. I mean, even if they were to do that, I know I'd buy some games like the NES-Classic editions on the GBA anyway.

That said, the practicality makes this scenario impossible for now, as nobody is going to manufacture this and give it away for free.


I'm writing a story about these guys selling at the local mall for my school paper (University of Iowa). Could any of you want to help a fellow gaffer out in his pathetic journilistic career by telling him the names and locations of any malls these guys are selling at, I would be forever grateful. :) Thanks


not an idiot
efralope said:
I've seen these for sale at both the mall in my hometown and college town, very obvious and stuff, there was even one with a light-gun thing for duck-hunt...


I actually plan to call the mall hopefully this afternoon and pretend to be part of some organization and ask stuff like "Does management approve of the selling of unlicensed/copyright-infringing products?" or something like that.

Nintendo fanboy through and through lol. ;)
DrLazy said:
I'm writing a story about these guys selling at the local mall for my school paper (University of Iowa). Could any of you want to help a fellow gaffer out in his pathetic journilistic career by telling him the names and locations of any malls these guys are selling at, I would be forever grateful. :) Thanks

I've seen these kiosks at:

The Great Mall - Milpitas, CA
Westminister Mall - Westminister, CA
Main Place Mall - Santa Ana, CA


My sister-in-law got me one last Christmas from a mall in Utah. It comes with a junky N64-like controller (that even has a analog stick that doesn't move -- just for looks!), a Genesis like controller, and a gun. I too was amazed that they were selling them in the mall, because there was no way they were legal. It is quite funny though -- they come with a small piece of paper that has the instructions on it written in broken English. And even on the controller there are useful labels such as, "put cartridge where cartridge goes" with a little arrow pointing to the port. :) Oh, and they are also being sold in the Charleston, West Virginia mall. They are all over, and I think it's time Nintendo cracks down on this problem before more companies start making products like this.


Thanks for the help guys. When I began to write this story, I felt bad for the guys selling them, but as I've learned more about them, and there **ahem** criminal connections, I don't really feel bad. A tad bit scared... but not bad.


works for Gamestop (lol)
TWO, I repeat, TWO kiosks at Oakridge Mall in San Jose, CA are selling the same product. I forgot the name of the product, but I mentioned it in this thread so dig up my post if needed


Might as well join the fun.

(Part of the Simon Collective) Lenox Mall; Atlanta, GA has 'em, and I am duly impressed for what they are. But in the end the GameStop (with cool cool employees) gets my business.


What I'm hearing in this thread is mostly one-sided. The 'screw the rich, support the poor' view (or the other way around) doesn't always work. In this case, it shouldn't be hard to admit that if you see a company you care about get screwed, you'll get pissed. Most people in the lower class have lots of companies they care about. How in the hell does that equate to ignoring the needy? And who says poor people are the only ones in need? Money doesn't take care of everything (abuse, alcoholism/drugs, mental problems, etc.). The extreme side of that is if we cared about the needy enough, we'd never play games and Nintendo wouldn't exist. It's just a stupid argument. It's like saying, 'get off the internet and go help the needy.' That's stupid because the internet does serve the purpose of educating, perhaps finding or reaching those in need. It's obvious to me that in this argument, the 'screw Nintendo' crew is either confused, or they hate Nintendo and/or its fans.
Erimgard said:
What I'm hearing in this thread is mostly one-sided. The 'screw the rich, support the poor' view (or the other way around) doesn't always work. In this case, it shouldn't be hard to admit that if you see a company you care about get screwed, you'll get pissed. Most people in the lower class have lots of companies they care about. How in the hell does that equate to ignoring the needy? And who says poor people are the only ones in need? Money doesn't take care of everything (abuse, alcoholism/drugs, mental problems, etc.). The extreme side of that is if we cared about the needy enough, we'd never play games and Nintendo wouldn't exist. It's just a stupid argument. It's like saying, 'get off the internet and go help the needy.' That's stupid because the internet does serve the purpose of educating, perhaps finding or reaching those in need. It's obvious to me that in this argument, the 'screw Nintendo' crew is either confused, or they hate Nintendo and/or its fans.

who exactly is saying screw nintendo?

I bought one of these things awhile back and I have to say, these are the most shoddy pieces of crap I've ever used. All the buttons seem as if they could come off any minute, I have to press left on the D-pad really hard, otherwise it won't register, and the little chip is unprotected, and as such it stopped working after about a weak. My brother got one of these to for my cousin and it broke within a week to. They don't even offere refunds.

They had different deals, I think it went something like this: get 20 games, $30, get 30 games, $40, get 50 games, $50. I don't think they're the exact prices though.

Where do they get the people to sell these things anyway? It's not like their a big company you can just go in and apply for.


DrLazy said:
Thanks for the help guys. When I began to write this story, I felt bad for the guys selling them, but as I've learned more about them, and there **ahem** criminal connections, I don't really feel bad. A tad bit scared... but not bad.

You should post the story here after it's written and run.



Erimgard said:
It's obvious to me that in this argument, the 'screw Nintendo' crew is either confused, or they hate Nintendo and/or its fans.

Yes, they obviously hate Nintendo. After all, those crappy pirate systems are seriously endangering the future of the company, right? :p When you consider that even the janitors at NOA probably live far better on their salaries than the poor immigrant bastards hawking shoddy pirate game systems at mall kiosks, I have a hard time feeling sorry for the Big N. These systems probably put a vanishingly small dent in Nintendo's profit margins, but can make all the difference in the world to some guy relying on a mall job to survive, especially with jobs being the way they've been over the past couple of years. But when anyone here points this out, the zealots just shrug it off like it's nothing. Sorry, but I don't have much affection for anyone who puts the profit margins of some huge corporation ahead of the livelihood of struggling immigrants. I may not hate Nintendo, but with attitudes like that, this thread's certainly teaching me to despise its fans.

So go on, have fun with your witch hunt. Just don't expect people who aren't rabid Nintendo zealots (and actually have consciences) to pat you on the back and tell you how wonderful you are for putting people who need jobs out of work.
Uh, these aren't petty little immigrants running these kiosks. Don't give me this, "they're victims of our economy" bullshit. These are business men that know damn well what they are doing and can make an easy living doing so. I honestly don't understand how you can have such sympathy towards these people trying to "earn a living" illegally yet won't consider hundreds of Nintendo's employees that work just as hard, if not harder to provide the content that's being stolen. Just because Nintendo is a successful company doesn't give anyone the right to turn around and rip them off, regardless how little you may think it affects their profit margins. You're obviously anti-corporate which causes your view to be completely skewed regarding this matter so I'm probably wasting my breath here (again).
Wario64 said:
TWO, I repeat, TWO kiosks at Oakridge Mall in San Jose, CA are selling the same product. I forgot the name of the product, but I mentioned it in this thread so dig up my post if needed

I found about 10 websites that are selling the Power Player one night and emailed the list to NOA legal. I actually got a personal reply thanking. You can view a transcript I had with one webmaster who had all her instant messenger contacts on the site here. I am Berto2K.

I mentioned those 2 kiosks in Oakridge Mall also (don't remember the names either) in that email and they asked for the contact info for the mall. I replied with that info, and got another thanks.

I'm thinking of stopping by tomorrow after my work meeting and try to get some more info on em, maybe even talk to the employee there.


Mr_Furious said:
Uh, these aren't petty little immigrants running these kiosks. Don't give me this, "they're victims of our economy" bullshit. These are business men that know damn well what they are doing and can make an easy living doing so. I honestly don't understand how you can have such sympathy towards these people trying to "earn a living" illegally yet won't consider hundreds of Nintendo's employees that work just as hard, if not harder to provide the content that's being stolen. Just because Nintendo is a successful company doesn't give anyone the right to turn around and rip them off, regardless how little you may think it affects their profit margins. You're obviously anti-corporate which causes your view to be completely skewed regarding this matter so I'm probably wasting my breath here (again).

Have you actually seen these guys? The kiosk workers I've seen certainly don't look like they're doing too well, let alone being 'business men' who are making an 'easy living', so don't give me any of your bullshit.

And maybe I'd be more sympathetic if the Nintendo fans in this thread weren't taking the attitude of, 'screw the guys who could lose jobs over this, they could die for all I care'. I'm not convinced that the livelihood of anyone at Nintendo is affected much by these guys one way or the other--if I thought Nintendo employees seemed likely to lose their jobs thanks to the kiosk workers, I'd probably feel differently, but I honestly don't see that happening. If I'm obviously anything, it's anti-human-suffering.
Tellaerin said:
Have you actually seen these guys? The kiosk workers I've seen certainly don't look like they're doing too well, let alone being 'business men' who are making an 'easy living', so don't give me any of your bullshit.

And maybe I'd be more sympathetic if the Nintendo fans in this thread weren't taking the attitude of, 'screw the guys who could lose jobs over this, they could die for all I care'. I'm not convinced that the livelihood of anyone at Nintendo is affected much by these guys one way or the other--if I thought Nintendo employees seemed likely to lose their jobs thanks to the kiosk workers, I'd probably feel differently, but I honestly don't see that happening. If I'm obviously anything, it's anti-human-suffering.

Its not that we are trying to screw over the teens and 20 somethings working there, its just that is the only sources we have at our reach. It sucks to lose your job, but when the boss kows he is doing illegal business its a little different.
Tellaerin said:
Have you actually seen these guys? The kiosk workers I've seen certainly don't look like they're doing too well, let alone being 'business men' who are making an 'easy living', so don't give me any of your bullshit.
Actually I have seen them multiple times in multiple locations and on the average they're of middle eastern or asian nationality and are in their 20s-30s. They look far from poverty. These aren't poor little unwashed immigrants with their whole family living in the kiosk on the brink of starvation so save the bullshit for someone else that's foolish enough to believe you. I live in Southern California that is rich with these immigrants you describe and they aren't selling pirated goods in malls. They're peddling oranges or flowers on street corners, hanging out in front of Home Depot hoping for work or slaving away at your local car wash. These are the people you should feel for.

Tellaerin said:
And maybe I'd be more sympathetic if the Nintendo fans in this thread weren't taking the attitude of, 'screw the guys who could lose jobs over this, they could die for all I care'. I'm not convinced that the livelihood of anyone at Nintendo is affected much by these guys one way or the other--if I thought Nintendo employees seemed likely to lose their jobs thanks to the kiosk workers, I'd probably feel differently, but I honestly don't see that happening. If I'm obviously anything, it's anti-human-suffering.
So it's the fanboys that cause your empathy towards the pirates stealing from Nintendo? Unfortunately, this piracy will need to affect Nintendo causing people to lose their jobs in order for your attitude to change which is moronic because proof of someone suffering is needed. If you are for anti-human suffering, shouldn't you be for people trying to preserve their livelihood, even if it is Nintendo, and not towards those trying to hurt them? I'm not saying that this damage is significant enough but it's stupid to ignore it until it gets big enough to have an affect on Nintendo (or any company affected by these pirates. There are non-Nintendo roms also stored in those devices, you know).


Robert-GCA said:
Its not that we are trying to screw over the teens and 20 somethings working there, its just that is the only sources we have at our reach. It sucks to lose your job, but when the boss kows he is doing illegal business its a little different.

Fair enough. I just wish more people felt that way. At least you're acknowledging the fact that by closing down these kiosks, some innocent employees are going to get shafted, and you seem to genuinely regret that even if you feel it's necessary. I think it's the gleeful abandon that the others are approaching this with that's really turned my stomach. :p


This rocks. This would actually make a good story (on G4 or a magazine or something)

Gaming-Age Forum Anti Piracy Ring or something :)


I saw it at Northgate Mall, Seattle WA just a few days ago when I got my haircut. I don't see how it has 76,000 games. Most are copies of the same game that was released elsewhere in the world.
I contacted Nintendo about the Oklahoma City/Norman ring about a month ago. I got a reply stating that they are in the process of taking down these mall kiosk but to this day they still remain in my malls. We'll see.
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