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Video game piracy in broad daylight - how is this legal?


works for Gamestop (lol)
I think I've seen these 'consoles' in the mall before. I think I'll report them just to make my walk to the movie theater easier. Muahaha


Saint Cornelius said:
I'm just amazed at how excitable people are getting over this. The same people that are going to email & call their local NOA reps - I'd love to know what else can motivate them to action! Feeding the homeless? Working with cancer patients?

Probably not - they're too busy HELPING NINTENDO.

I think that's the most fucked display of ethics that I've yet to witness. But, good for you, citizens! You're doing the right thing!

RevenantKioku: I'm sorry that I can't be as decent and respectable as you are, oh great one. Sorry for interrupting your day of performing miracles with my ass bag replies.

EXACTLY. i mean...

"They might know about it, but not all locations. So I don't see how this isn't helping.

I really can't believe our society has turned to this tripe."

WTF? there are things far worse in our society than freakin pirate games. geez.


Teddman said:
Portability is the reason that Nintendo is able to sell one classic NES game for $20.
It has just as much to do with the fact that the graphical standard for the system is not very high. People won't accept archaic-looking titles for full price (or even heavily reduced price) on a console, but they will do so on the GBA. But even that platform has its limits, and you won't be able to sell standalone 2600 games.

And as I've already noted, these products will interfere with the marketing of console-based compilations as well...


BeOnEdge said:
WTF? there are things far worse in our society than freakin pirate games. geez.

The DEGREE of its wrongness is not the point!
Grah! I give up!


Ferrio said:
Well maybe if Nintendo didn't rely on games that were 15 years old it wouldn't be a problem.

That's kinda like saying 'Maybe if you didn't give birth to him I wouldn't have kidnapped your baby' :D
It's funny to see those things being sold at the mall...in fact, I saw those at the local mall (AZ Mills) just the other day. Still, I saw things just like that in Akihabara in the shops that seem to specialize in American 'imports' and whatnot. Who cares. Funny thread, though.


I doubt I'm going to report anything to anyone, but I do think it's kinda fucked up since it's such a cheap, piece of shit cash-in. They could at least sell something cool, like NES PC Kits loaded with ROMs. :p
I saw a couple of versions of these units at the Mall here near Orlando just about a month ago. My firends and I thought it was the IQue at first glance. I knew it wasn't an IQue because of the N64 shaped controller though. I haven't seen them there again so I guess they got shut down.
They had that Power Player at Golf Mill last night. I was really surprised. Even more surprised that they want $49.95 for them on SALE. They're normally $79.95.

I wonder how many of the games are just repeats.


In the Philippines, all major stores sell 500-in-1 GBA games and all other kinda of pirated bullshit, even in commercial zones. Just sad.
ya thought the same thing about move piracy, I was on my way tot he zigfield to see X-men 1 right around Raido city a guy was selling...X-men on VHS as well as every current movie out. A cop comes walking down the street the guy takes off. I ask another guy selling the same stuff what that was about he tells me he didn't ahve lincense to seel on the street. Same thing with CD's...the govenrment making shit about some kid using kassa for private use yet nothing about the 1001 vendors in chinatown selling copied CD's and movies....BAGH!


I was bored today when I went to the mall with my finacè's son until I saw one of these kiosks selling the N64 controller thing. I was toying around with it and an employee asked me if I had a question.

Employee: Do you need any help?

Me: Yes, I do. I'm a representative for Nintendo of America (which I am), and I am having a bit of difficulty finding our copyright information on these products you are carrying.

E: Ummm, well...

M: Is this something I should ask our legal department about?

E: You should talk to our manager.

M: Could I? I would appreciate that.

(Manager and mall security comes over)

Manager: May I help you?

M: (Reiterates what is said to the employee)

Mgr: There is nothing illegal about these products.

M: Really? Perhaps you would like to speak with my area manager.

Mgr: I don't have time for that.

M: I'm sure the security officer would like to since the mall is liable for any activity on their property.

(I call my area manager and she tells them it is piracy and that Nintendo is very aggressive regarding their intellectual property, etc.)

Security calls the mall manager and he says to shut the kiosk down, and to get him the number of the person who rents the spot.

The crowd disperses, the kiosk is shut down, and I get my future son some cookies at Mrs. Field's.


GOOD JOB!! Somewhere, somehow, Shiggy is smiling and jamming on his banjo, while a whole family of immigrants are going "well what are we gonna eat tonight!"

A winner is YOU!


And I was performing my job. If the only way a family of immigrants can make a living is to sell pirated items then they should starve. I have tuition to pay, and I don't feel like hearing about this if anyone finds out and I didn't report it since it is in an area I service.

Shuri, weren't you the guy with that girlfriend on the old boards? A Winner is you, man.


Junior Ace
Syckx said:
And I was performing my job. If the only way a family of immigrants can make a living is to sell pirated items then they should starve. I have tuition to pay, and I don't feel like hearing about this if anyone finds out and I didn't report it since it is in an area I service.

Shuri, weren't you the guy with that girlfriend on the old boards? A Winner is you, man.

Mind visiting my mall?


Syckx said:
And I was performing my job. If the only way a family of immigrants can make a living is to sell pirated items then they should starve. I have tuition to pay, and I don't feel like hearing about this if anyone finds out and I didn't report it since it is in an area I service.

Shuri, weren't you the guy with that girlfriend on the old boards? A Winner is you, man.

Your job as a Nintendo rep? I thought you worked at a Gamestop or something


I'm also a rep for K&M which works with Nintendo. Would you like me to scan a pay stub? Before you try and discredit me further; I also work at an elementary school as part of my credentialing program. And yes, technically, I'm not suppossed to work at Gamestop while I'm a rep, but niether party had an issue.

Edit: And oh fuck, I forgot. I work at VGpub.com as a writer. I'm sorry Shuri for misleading you. Point is, I live away from home and all my jobs are part-time, so I have a few.


Many people in this topic aren't very smart it seems. Impersonating other people, trying to act as high level Nintendo officers..etc.. You want to do something uselful? Go to the mall, indiscreetly take a couple pictures of the product with a digital camera, take down the kiosk info, exact address..and email the information to the Nintendo anti-piracy email places.

Let the people who get paid for a living handle this. Nintendo wont try to shut down these places on a kiosk to kiosk basis, they will gather info, probably do a sweep of all the places.

I wouldn't go through the hassle of doing this personally, but if you are going to, or feel it is your civic duty or duty in general as a proud Nintendo gamer...at least do it in a professional manner, with some common sense.


I can only assume you are reffering to me. Well, I only contacted my area manager and she spoke to the mall's security who then contacted the mall's management. The mall shut the kiosk down, not me or any other Nintendo person. If your statement is general then I apologize for my misunderstanding. I don't encourage anyone to act. I only did it because I work with the company as a rep in several stores, and we were told that we should report if anything along these lines are happening in our work area.

I was actually called by my area rep and was told not to speak to the employees of these places in the future. I should just get what information I can, and report it. I don't know why anyone is questioning my credibility on something so fucking trivial as an anecdote. I thought this would humor a few of you, so I posted it. If I didn't work for Nintendo, I could give a shit about these places. I didn't report it to Konami, or Capcom.


Syckx said:
I can only assume you are reffering to me. Well, I only contacted my area manager and she spoke to the mall's security who then contacted the mall's management. The mall shut the kiosk down, not me or any other Nintendo person. If your statement is general then I apologize for my misunderstanding. I don't encourage anyone to act. I only did it because I work with the company as a rep in several stores, and we were told that we should report if anything along these lines are happening in our work area.

I was actually called by my area rep and was told not to speak to the employees of these places in the future. I should just get what information I can, and report it. I don't know why anyone is questioning my credibility on something so fucking trivial as an anecdote. I thought this would humor a few of you, so I posted it. If I didn't work for Nintendo, I could give a shit about these places. I didn't report it to Konami, or Capcom.

Not directly to you, there were many in this topic that were more blatant in wanting to impersonate Nintendo reps.
shuri said:
I would actually love to be able to find those totally ghetto looking famiclones, for the fact that 1) they are so fucking ghetto 2) they probably work better than my old nes units.

I think there's bigger and more important piracy problems right now, aka guys selling dvdrs of xbox games and ps2 stuff on the street, in colleges, or anyone else. GBA Flashcart being so mainstream, cheap and available online. You can softmod a xbox and rape your local blockbuster using a memcard and splintercell. The games are easily available online from bittorent and other programs like that.

This is the real problem, guys.

Illegal immigrants reselling crappy nes-in-a-controler with hacked nes roms dont have any freaking revelance or any impact on modern piracy

best post in the thread imo.

i bet these people who own these stands/kiosks dont even know what they are doing is illegal...

geezus, let them live and eat.



Fixed2BeBroken said:
best post in the thread imo.

i bet these people who own these stands dont even know what they are doing is illegal...

geezus, let them live and eat.


Let them get an honest job and stop ripping folk off.
Maybe the other one is more wrong, but that doesn't make this one right.
RevenantKioku said:
Let them get an honest job and stop ripping folk off.
Maybe the other one is more wrong, but that doesn't make this one right.

they probably dont even know what they are doing is wrong. Thats my damn Point.
You probably dont even know all the laws yourself.

I bet you break a law every now and then and dont even know about it.

I remember I had something hanging in my rearview mirror and didnt know it was against the law in my state till someone told me about it.

I mean christ, its just some Old ass games nobody really gives a shit about except super gamer nerds.

Its not like the majority of these people who own these kiosks/stands (and the majority tend to be foreigners) are given a Guide and Law Handbook and everything they can or cannot do and fully understand all the ins and outs of it.
You gotta look at peoples intentions and not thier actions sometimes.

you know what forget it..cause you're still gonna be captain-save-a-Rich-Company...and just spew a bunch of "it doesnt matter blah blah blah" crap. so whatever

Im with Shuri, BOE, and Saint on this one tho.


fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Wow! Considering all the game-mp3 threads there are a lot of people on GAF concerned about copyright all of a sudden. Maybe the story's different once Nintendo gets involved, like it is with everything else?


Ever heard the saying "ignorance is no excuse?" Just because they are unaware of our laws doesn't make them right; in fact it makes them very wrong. If you are going to open a business I would think you would make damn sure about the legalities of selling a product or service. It's illegal to have things hanging in your rear-view mirror in most states. Just because you don't know doesn't mean it doesn't apply to you. And some of these "old ass" games have just been rereleased. They are the respective company's copyrights, and they can do whatever they wish with them. I don't buy any of the NES Classics, but it is NIntendo rights to sell products based on THEIR intellectual property. The fact that some of us do illegal things every day is a stupid analogy. I am not advertising that I am speeding or running a red light.
fennec fox said:
Wow! Considering all the game-mp3 threads there are a lot of people on GAF concerned about copyright all of a sudden. Maybe the story's different once Nintendo gets involved, like it is with everything else?

Question: is it morally acceptable to download an MP3 rip of a Japanese-only videogame soundtrack ... if it's a Nintendo game???
Syckx said:
Ever heard the saying "ignorance is no excuse?" Just because they are unaware of our laws doesn't make them right, in fact it makes them very wrong. If you are going to open a business I would think you would make damn sure about the legalities of selling a product or service. It's illegal to have things hanging in your rear-view mirror in most states. Just because you don't know doesn't mean it doesn't apply to you. And some of these "old ass" games have just been rereleased. They are the respective companies copyrights, and they can do whatever they wish with them. I don't buy any of the NES Classics, but it is NIntendo rights to sell products based on THEIR intellectual property. The fact that some of us do illegal things every day is a stupid analogy. I am not advertising that I am speeding or running a red light.

naw, your just a hater.

a bunch of haters in this thread.

haters more anal than vida guerra...

well look, while your busting up these people, do me a favor and goto the "hood" and bust up all those drug dealers....while we get these pirated games off the streets, lets also get crack off the streets.

you could even give them a similar speech...

DrugDealers: Do you need any help?

You: Yes, I do. I'm a representative of My City, and I am having a bit of difficulty Seeing how it is legal for you to sell crack to these people.

D: what the Fuck?!

Y: Is this something I should ask our legal department about?


Y: Could I? I would appreciate that.

(DRugdealers pull guns out)



The crowd disperses, Syckx is shut down, and my future son gets some crack from the Drug Dealers.


Thank you for that, really. Because he has the authority to do that?
Hey, one day you may work for a company. That company may pay you money for your services. I'm tired of this "Fight the man, down with companies." shit. I get it from one of my friends all the time. Then I have to remind his dumb ass that he works for a company, and they pay him so that he can live.
Maybe you gotta sell drugs off the street. Fuck man, you gotta do what you gotta do right? But you can't go fucking crying when you get busted for doing something illegal. What, the judge will go easy on you because you were buying food for your starving baby? You could have gotten that money through plenty of legal means. What the fuck am I even talking about now?
Here's the difference between you and me, I find out I was breaking a law I didn't know, I change my way, because obviously the law was instated for some reason. And usually, its not that big of an inconvenience. Illegal to talk on a cellphone while driving in the state now? Okay, I'll pull over. No big deal.
Good people do bad things from time to time. It happens. Doesn't make them a bad person. Lots of people don't get that though.

Although with that last post, I don't know why I bothered to take you seriously.


So are you trying to say that crack dealers don't know it's illegal to sell crack? I'm not seeing the correlation between me doing something I was asked to do for a company that I receive work from, and something that is a police matter.
Syckx said:
So are you trying to say that crack dealers don't know it's illegal to sell crack? I'm not seeing the correlation between me doing something I was asked to do for a company that a I receive work from, and something that is a police matter.

theres a different correlation there. this where you are super human crime buster..and im saying hey...do this too while your at it you great neighborhood hero.
RevenantKioku said:
Thank you for that, really. Because he has the authority to do that?

hey...if the army called for him to fight for his country...he would have to.

He is a Citizen of the united states....He Represents us...He has the Authority to Fight Crime EVERYWHERE! You TOO!

Lets start making a Change in this world...starting with these Piraters selling these nintendo games....After that we gotta move on to bigger and badder things such as Crack, Murders, and your mama.



Fixed2BeBroken said:
hey...if the army called for him to fight for his country...he would have to.

He is a Citizen of the united states....He Represents us...He has the Authority to Fight Crime EVERYWHERE! You TOO!

Lets start making a Change in this world...starting with these Piraters selling these nintendo games....After that we gotta move on to bigger and badder things such as Crack, Murders, and your mama.


And then we can crack down on joke accounts, maybe?
Fixed2BeBroken said:
they probably dont even know what they are doing is wrong. Thats my damn Point.
WTF is up with all this pity towards piracy and ignorance.

Fixed2BeBroken said:
naw, your just a hater.

a bunch of haters in this thread.

haters more anal than vida guerra...

well look, while your busting up these people, do me a favor and goto the "hood" and bust up all those drug dealers....while we get these pirated games off the streets, lets also get crack off the streets.

you could even give them a similar speech...

DrugDealers: Do you need any help?

You: Yes, I do. I'm a representative of My City, and I am having a bit of difficulty Seeing how it is legal for you to sell crack to these people.

D: what the Fuck?!

Y: Is this something I should ask our legal department about?


Y: Could I? I would appreciate that.

(DRugdealers pull guns out)



The crowd disperses, Syckx is shut down, and my future son gets some crack from the Drug Dealers.
Jeezus fucking Christ! He works for Nintendo and was doing his goddamn job! He didn't even go to the mall with the intentiall to do what he did. Your attitude towards this whole issue is retarded. BTW, Did you know that if an off duty police officer were to see an illegal activity (like the one you described above) it is his DUTY to do something about it? He is a cop 24 hours a day, regardless. Again: IT'S WAS HIS FUCKING JOB! Now kindly STFU and get back to selling your pirated shit, downloading ROMS, ISOs, or what the fuck else you pirates do.
nice to see your live up to your name.

are you gonna help Captain-Save-A-RichCompany and the Neighborhood Hero?

Mr.Furious would fit right in....

Captain-Save-A-RichCompany, the Neighborhood Hero and Mr.Furious to the Rescue!


Syckx said:
I was bored today when I went to the mall with my finacè's son until I saw one of these kiosks selling the N64 controller thing. I was toying around with it and an employee asked me if I had a question.

Employee: Do you need any help?

Me: Yes, I do. I'm a representative for Nintendo of America (which I am), and I am having a bit of difficulty finding our copyright information on these products you are carrying.

E: Ummm, well...

M: Is this something I should ask our legal department about?

E: You should talk to our manager.

M: Could I? I would appreciate that.

(Manager and mall security comes over)

Manager: May I help you?

M: (Reiterates what is said to the employee)

Mgr: There is nothing illegal about these products.

M: Really? Perhaps you would like to speak with my area manager.

Mgr: I don't have time for that.

M: I'm sure the security officer would like to since the mall is liable for any activity on their property.

(I call my area manager and she tells them it is piracy and that Nintendo is very aggressive regarding their intellectual property, etc.)

Security calls the mall manager and he says to shut the kiosk down, and to get him the number of the person who rents the spot.

The crowd disperses, the kiosk is shut down, and I get my future son some cookies at Mrs. Field's.

Haha! Rock on man. One more for the good guys.


Fixed2BeBroken said:
nice to see your live up to your name.

are you gonna help Captain-Save-A-RichCompany and the Neighborhood Hero?

Mr.Furious would fit right in....

Captain-Save-A-RichCompany, the Neighborhood Hero and Mr.Furious to the Rescue!
I try :p He was simply doing his job. People need to work and the Nintendo rep did what he was supposed to do. You can't blame him.
Syckx said:
The crowd disperses, the kiosk is shut down, and I get my future son some cookies at Mrs. Field's.

Which mall was this, anyway? I assume you're in the greater Seattle area if you work for NoA. For whatever it's worth, I was just at Northgate last night and the rom kiosk was up and running. You might want to give 'em a visit if you are indeed local. :D


You can hate Nintendo, you can even tell them to their face that they suck...but you f*ck with their money and you're in for it. I remember when AOL had a "free" Mario 64 ROM to download on their frontpage. No credit to Nintendo...AOL just openly did it knowing it was wrong, knowing they didn't have permission. I e-mailed Nintendo about it and that was the quickest responce I ever got from them...within the half hour the link was GONE and wouldn't you know about 3 months later AOL & Nintendo did some kind of partnership thing (the fruits of which we STILL don't know). Nintendo is *serious* about this issue and it's one of the reasons they went with their own GOD format with GAMECUBE.

These products sorta give a bad representation of the NES era as well. Cheaply presented generically and nothing official about it...it also gives the impression that Nintendo and other games from the era are taudry...which just hurts Nintendo's image even more. I wish Nintendo would see that there IS a market for this kind of gaming and do something with that. That's why I liked the e-Card thing. I mean alot of those Classic series NES games going for $20 I already bought on e-cards for $5. If there was a way to have a dirrect TV hookup e-Card/controller they'd run these lil' pirate biotches outta "business".


bobbyconover said:
Which mall was this, anyway? I assume you're in the greater Seattle area if you work for NoA. For whatever it's worth, I was just at Northgate last night and the rom kiosk was up and running. You might want to give 'em a visit if you are indeed local. :D

I live in Valencia, California. This was in the Antelope Valley Mall in Palmdale. I'm just a rep, not a Nintendo official.


Syckx said:
Employee: Do you need any help?

Me: Yes, I do. I'm a representative for Nintendo of America (which I am),

What games do you have pre-ordered thread

Syckx said:
Let's see...

Kingdom Under Fire: Crusaders (paid off)
Fable (paid off)
Halo 2 Collector's Edition (paid off as a holiday gift to my brother)

Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door (paid off)
Donkey Konga
Baten Kaitos
Nintendo DS (I may take it off, though, if the launch lineup sucks)

I preorder simply because it's a lot more convenient to walk into a store on launch day and know my game is there and paid off, rather than hoping we received enough copies -- some may laugh but it happens quite often (Tales of Symphonia and Metal Slug 3 being the more recent titles as well as the Madden Collector's edition). The paranoia some people have over preordering is quite amusing -- not directed at anyone in the thread. I work at Gamestop and some people genuinely think we are trying to pull something over on them when we ask if they would like to preorder a game. Thank god I only have a few more years of dealing with retail since I'm half done with my degree program.

edit: Shuri beat me to it, but actually, I'm just disappointed a Nintendo rep would be pre-ordering some of those titles and questioning the DS lineup when we know Nintendo games are going to be part of it.


efralope said:

nm. I get what you're pointing out now. I love my Xbox. What can I say?

If you are talking about the Gamestop portion, I posted this already when that was brought up by Shuri.

I'm also a rep for K&M which works with Nintendo. Would you like me to scan a pay stub? Before you try and discredit me further; I also work at an elementary school as part of my credentialing program. And yes, technically, I'm not suppossed to work at Gamestop while I'm a rep, but niether party had an issue.

Edit: And oh fuck, I forgot. I work at VGpub.com as a writer. I'm sorry Shuri for misleading you. Point is, I live away from home and all my jobs are part-time, so I have a few.
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