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Video shows police tasing a bloody, restrained man in the testicles before his death

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On New Year's Day 2015, Matthew Ajibade was arrested after a mental health crisis. Instead of being taken to a hospital, Ajibade, who was otherwise in perfect physical condition, was taken to jail—against his family's wishes. In a video we received last week, police are seen punching and kicking Matthew Ajibade in the face and head before restraining him.

Now, after Ajibade was stripped of his clothes and handcuffed to a restraining chair, we see the worst. The police Taser has a camera attached to it that is automatically triggered when the device is turned on.

Strapped to the chair after already being beaten and stunned with a Taser multiple times, we see a red light, the target of the Taser, continually pointed at Matthew's groin. The audio from the Taser camera is distorted, but we see little to no movement from Ajibade.

It gets much worse.

Soon, we see that the Taser is moving closer to his genitals. As the camera gets closer to his genitals, it is deployed. You hear the awful shock of the Taser, followed by the unforgettable screams of Matthew Ajibade. The video then ends—perhaps as the Taser is turned off, but we don't know.

What we do know is that Matthew Ajibade died in his cell, strapped to this restraining chair, soon after being Tasered here. The timestamp on the video states that it is 4:45 AM on the morning of January 2.

More info, plus the video which I won't watch, at the link.
This isn't a new thing either. It's just with cameras in every pocket and near infinite amounts of bandwidth it can be disseminated.
I swear to god if you read some of the stuff American police do in a dystopian novel you'd laugh cause it sounds so far fetched. Absolute psychopaths.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Wow just horrific.

Also one of the comments on the story is actually a good source of information

Prosecutor: Chatham County GA District Attorney - Meg Heap
Police Chief/Sheriff: Sheriff Al St Lawrence
Victim: Matthew Ajibade, 22 year old college student
Date of Murder: 1/1-2/2015
Location of Murder: - in custody at the county jail
Shown on: the murder is shown on a very very gruesome video

The crime: In what the attorney for family of the deceased called "disgusting and vile.....nothing less than torture...It was sadism [by the officers who tortured him to death while strapped to a gurney that held him immobile]." Matthew Ajibades' autopsy revealed blunt force trauma to his head and upper body. His death was ruled a homicide.

Actions Taken:

5/7/2015 - Nine sheriff's deputies in Georgia were fired over the New Year's Day death of a black inmate who had been placed in restraints, officials said.

6/24/2015 - - 2 officers were charged.

As of 10/13/2015 Two Georgia sheriff's deputies and a health care worker are currently being tried for involuntary manslaughter. A Chatham County grand jury also charged Jason Kenny, the deputy who used the taser, with aggravated assault and cruelty to an inmate. Defendants Cpl. Maxine Evans and Gregory Brown, a nurse at the Chatham County jail, were also charged with reckless conduct for failing to monitor Ajibade's status. No one was charged with homicide although the death was ruled a homicide by the counties elected coroner. 7 other fired officers were not charged at all.

10/9/2015 Trail Testimony:

Sheriff’s internal investigator Nicole Meyers told jurors that her use-of-force investigation left her with “some concerns about the use of the Taser” on Ajibade.

“Did you see Mathew Ajibade fighting?” while in the restraining chair, Assistant District Attorney Christy Barker asked.

“I did not,” Meyers responded.

“Did you see Mr. Ajibade acting what you would term combative,” Barker asked.

“No,” she replied.

Meyers testified she heard Ajibade say, “I can’t breathe, help. I heard him cry” at about 11:50 p.m. on Jan. 1.

“I want to say I heard him sniffle. He like whined,” about 12:35 a.m. on Jan. 2.
Watched the video. No doubt, some truly vile shit happened and I hope a bunch of heads roll for it, but I cannot see anything that looks like him getting tased in the testicles in that video. The article seems to imply that's what's happening, but I really couldn't see that from the footage. He's definitely getting tased and that alone is way too much (not to mention being stripped and eventually dying), but I'm just saying, the article didn't need to try to talk-up what happened. It was already horrific enough.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
That is horrifying...

Are the police not aware of the fact that their tasers are recording, or were these cops just completely stupid?


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Why does the article say nobody was charged? A different one I'm reading says that 9 deputies were fired and two of them plus a jail nurse were indicted on charges including involuntary manslaughter?

Either they are not aware of the fact or are playing Loosey Goosey with semantics. TECHNICALLY they weren't charged for the murder, they were charged with involuntary manslaughter.


Either they are not aware of the fact or are playing Loosey Goosey with semantics. TECHNICALLY they weren't charged for the murder, they were charged with involuntary manslaughter.

Too be fair it might just be reflex, seeing how often cops rape, beat, and murder people on camera and barely get a reprimand.


Jesus Christ ... Who are these people? What are the training requirements? What the fuck is management doing? Cover ups should mean heavy penalties, jail time, independent inquires ... The book should be thrown at these people and the institutions in these situations
That is horrifying...

Are the police not aware of the fact that their tasers are recording, or were these cops just completely stupid?

I pose a question to you. Why should they even give a shit if they get caught?

You sue them for brutality, they don't pay it. They don't even live in the city that pays it so their taxes aren't even used.

You fire them, they go get a job in another jurisdiction and keep going.

You try to charge them and hold them accountable, the DA fights like hell to not charge them or doesn't charge them with everything and the kitchen sink like they would an indignant defendent.

You try to change them from the inside, the cops launch a conspiracy against you to have your name smeared and you committed to a hospital.

People like Darren Wilson who get thrown off the force and stay off are fucking unicorns. Good cops in the US are largely a myth. It's open fucking season for being racist in the shadow of McCleskey v. Kemp so I ask again,

Why should they even give a shit if they get caught?


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Too be fair it might just be reflex, seeing how often cops rape, beat, and murder people on camera and barely get a reprimand.

I'm wondering if involuntary manslaughter charges are the result of giving them preferential treatment or because it's probably the most likely charge they can get them convicted with.
Kill them all. They don't deserve to live.

What kind of sick person does that shit to somebody they are suppose to protect and serve.

This is what happens when you know believe you can get away with this disgusting behavior.

Makes you wonder how many other people these fucks tortured.


Poet Centuriate
Why does the article say nobody was charged? A different one I'm reading says that 9 deputies were fired and two of them plus a jail nurse were indicted on charges including involuntary manslaughter?

Side-note, but the nurse was acquitted of the involuntary manslaughter charge today, though he still faces still faces the charges of public record fraud and making a false statement. The two former deputy's have not had a ruling yet.
From the other article:

Nine Chatham County sheriff’s deputies have been fired after a probe conducted by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. Two former deputies and a jailhouse nurse were indicted on charges last June that included involuntary manslaughter, cruelty to an inmate, and public records fraud. They are now on trial, facing a jury of their peers and forced to defend the indefensible.

Switch Back 9

a lot of my threads involve me fucking up somehow. Perhaps I'm a moron?
Black? check.

Mentally ill? check.

Corrupt cops? check.

Sounds like par for the course for American police.

At least they're getting charged, I suppose. My question is, how in the fuck is this involuntary manslaughter? Seems like it should be something a bit more serious than that. Why are charges against cops always toned down so much? Even ignoring the whole "getting away with it" thing, and that the charges don't often stick (which is obviously a huge enough issue on its own), why do they always seem to try the for the most lenient charge?
God fucking dammit this is so disgusting and infuriating.

This guy was just an artist going to school, and they tortured him to death. WHY???

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
This is completely fucked up. What the fuck is wrong with police in the US?


So the police tortured him to death.

Why are we just hearing this now?

The police and the prosecutors were fighting to keep the video hidden away from the public.

They knew exactly how people would take the video when they refused to even show it to the family,


Kill them all. They don't deserve to live.

What kind of sick person does that shit to somebody they are suppose to protect and serve.

This is what happens when you know believe you can get away with this disgusting behavior.

Makes you wonder how many other people these fucks tortured.

These kinds of emotional outbursts really don't help your argument dude. Just FYI.
US police, it was nothing but trash. On a more serious note, it's quite concerning how there are no checks and balances in place for the police force.
those cops need to be exposed and publically shamed. Their lives should be made to be many times worse than they were before this happened.
Bad apples, stuff happens
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