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Video shows police tasing a bloody, restrained man in the testicles before his death

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Umm. Can someone post a link to the video where he was tortured? The only video I see is the one where he resists. Please don't tell me this is the one folks are outraged about.


I seen the second video. WTF were they doing to him?
Umm. Can someone post a link to the video where he was tortured? The only video I see is the one where he resists. Please don't tell me this is the one folks are outraged about.
Yeah. How dare people get outraged at an incapacitated man being tasered in the testies after being beaten half to death.


Tagged as I see fit
Definitely not watching that video, but I will wait to see how this thread develops. So far, so good.

Edit: Oops.
I has come to the point where I am not even shocked anymore. Your police force there is playing a game where you are the "man" by showing those "bastards" who's boss.
I am sure next week or even tomorrow we will see another case of this and the cycle continues.
This isn't involuntary manslaughter. This is murder. I don't see why anyone involved is not indicted and tried for murder or accessory to murder.
I mean this is nothing new in America. And don't let it be a Black cop, they'll go harder on you just because they either think "You're a disgrace to the race" or just for a chance to eat table scraps from White cops table and be accepted as "one of us".

But historically this is nothing we ain't been saying for we'll over a century. Nice we finally have evidence and more and more people will believe us.
Torture, murder and cover up, right on the homefront, administered by the protectors of the peace.

That hammer needs to come down so hard that there's nothing left of that department standing. Roll all of the heads.
This is one that really makes you sick to your stomach.

You can't even claim bullshit excuses this time. It wasn't a bad split second judgment. It wasn't a he said she said moment. He wasn't armed. He was already detained and immobile. He wasn't a threat.

It's state sanctioned torture. The people doing this thought they were going to be granted some sort of immunity.

And people are still baffled as to why people have a distrust for the police. It's never simply been a matter of, "Comply and you won't die"

This story truly does make me sad.


That was like a fucking horror film. without hyperbole i think this is as bad if not worse than whats going on in syria. At least in the sick twisted minds of a terrorist they think theyre doing right. This is just torturing an innocent man to death because, why not?

Did the cops know there was a camera in the taser? Is that a standard thing now?


Meyers testified she heard Ajibade say, “I can’t breathe, help. I heard him cry” at about 11:50 p.m. on Jan. 1.

“I want to say I heard him sniffle. He like whined,” about 12:35 a.m. on Jan. 2.

Fuck them all.
There is literally nothing an american cop could do to make me think worse of them at this point.

They are literally the scums of the earth.
Just a couple of bad apples right guys? This is the type of shit that cops think they can get away with when they all have got the goods on each other so no one will ever rat out on one another. Just a bunch of power tripping assholes, absolutely disgusting.


Water is not wet!


The involuntary manslaughter charges on the two deputies are rather lax, there is video evidence, and the coroner's report ruled the death a homicide. If the trial ends without a conviction...
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