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Video shows police tasing a bloody, restrained man in the testicles before his death

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So.. all the people who have been talking about mental health reform.. where are they now?

Shouldn't mental health reform involve training with law enforcement on how not to take aggressions against you personally? Someone who is bipolar may become extremely agitated with police and might not comply. Police need to be trained to understand this and not take micro aggressions personally. Someone tries to resist against 3 huge men and they feel compelled to punch and beat the shit out of the guy. It's crazy.

- J - D -

I'm amazed (and despite the horrible circumstances, thankful) that the recording actually exists. Assuming for a moment that the cops involved aren't complete idiots on top of being murderous scum, they would've known that they would be recorded, no? I'm surprised it wasn't scrubbed to destroy evidence.

Who has access to the video once the tazer camera is triggered?


Water is not wet!
The training excuse is just further confirmation that police reform will never come outside of violent uprising. The chaos to be born out of what law enforcement is doing right now will last generations.


The involuntary manslaughter charges on the two deputies are rather lax, there is video evidence, and the coroner's report ruled the death a homicide. If the trial ends without a conviction...

Imagine regular citizens doing this to someone. The nation would be horrified. If it is cops, it barely makes the news.
I pose a question to you. Why should they even give a shit if they get caught?

You sue them for brutality, they don't pay it. They don't even live in the city that pays it so their taxes aren't even used.

You fire them, they go get a job in another jurisdiction and keep going.

You try to charge them and hold them accountable, the DA fights like hell to not charge them or doesn't charge them with everything and the kitchen sink like they would an indignant defendent.

You try to change them from the inside, the cops launch a conspiracy against you to have your name smeared and you committed to a hospital.

People like Darren Wilson who get thrown off the force and stay off are fucking unicorns. Good cops in the US are largely a myth. It's open fucking season for being racist in the shadow of McCleskey v. Kemp so I ask again,

Why should they even give a shit if they get caught?

This is a great post.


As far as I'm concerned, every police badge should have a camera embedded in it set to record at all times. These "incidents" occur way too frequently to be attributed to a few bad apples.


Water is not wet!
As far as I'm concerned, every police badge should have a camera embedded in it set to record at all times. These "incidents" occur way too frequently to be attributed to a few bad apples.

i used to think this before i found out that even having HD video meant nothing.


As far as I'm concerned, every police badge should have a camera embedded in it set to record at all times. These "incidents" occur way too frequently to be attributed to a few bad apples.
Its a start but not even close to the answer seeing that even with video evidence these officers still get off.


That is horrifying...

Are the police not aware of the fact that their tasers are recording, or were these cops just completely stupid?
Criminals are dumb. Just these thugs know they can get away with this.

As far as I'm concerned, every police badge should have a camera embedded in it set to record at all times. These "incidents" occur way too frequently to be attributed to a few bad apples.
If America doesn't care about someone being chocked to death in front of the entire world, they won't care here.

Rather this or 20 dead children, Established America doesn't give a shit.


I just got my eyes checked a few months ago, yet I keep reading these titles wrong :/ I read tasting instead of tasing.
Shame how often this happens to the mentally ill. Police need better training.

Why do they need better training?? You and I know this isn't how you treat a person. I didn't need training to figure that out! The police force needs a sea change, and they need to stop hiring violent bullies.


Jury Acquits Jail Employees of Serious Charges in Inmate Death

All three have been acquitted of involuntary manslaughter.

The jury convicts Deputy Jason Kenny with one count of cruelty to a prisoner. Kenny is looking at possibly 1 to 3 years as a result of this charge.

Corporal Maxine Evans is found guilty of falsifying public records. The prison time for falsifying public records could amount to 2 to 10 years.

Jail nurse Gregory Brown was already acquitted of involuntary manslaughter earlier in the trial by a direct judgement of Judge Bass Jr.. The jury brought down a conviction that Nurse Brown is guilty of perjury during the trail.

This charge comes after his claim of checking in on Mathew Ajibade when security camera footage at the jail shows the nurse never made such check on the inmate. The perjury charge could result in upwards to 1 to 10 years.
CNN Correspondent, Nick Valencia spoke with Ajibade’s cousin Chris Oladapo who said ” I am not surprised by the verdict. I knew that that same system that failed Mathew would not be the system that got him justice. I had already warned my family not to expect anything. We expected nothing, and we got nothing.”


It appears as though the use of force was within the limits of what the situation dictated. Looks as though they were following procedure. If any wrongdoing were committed I'll wait for the investigation to bring it to light. /patrol

Edit: well that's just bullshit. Wtf does it take to make this pieces of shit have to take responsibility for their actions?


As much as I hate to say it, at least they have been fired and are going to jail. That's (sadly) more than you can hope for in most of these cases.


Gross, this is like a scene from Hostel or something. I can't even imagine how helpless this man felt until his death. The lack of respect for human life in this world is truly appalling.
i've been taken to the hospital for mental health issues by police several times - once in handcuffs. it was awful, but i can't even imagine this happening to me.

beyond fucked up


Honorary Canadian.
I'm surprised there aren't any vigilantes starting to come out of the wood work with stuff like this, to be honest.
Jury Acquits Jail Employees of Serious Charges in Inmate Death

All three have been acquitted of involuntary manslaughter.

So perjury and falsifying records are more serious crimes than cruelty to a prisoner. Good to know.

To the shock of no one the police are acquitted. The system is working as intended.

If only there was a camera...
Same as it ever was..

Red Mage

Among many other things, there needs to be an equivalent to disbarring for cops, where they can no longer go from district to district after getting canned.

They didn't mean to kill him, just give his nuts a good tazing

You know how it is

Actually, the coroner's report said that he died from blunt force trauma, which means that they beat him to death.
You try to change them from the inside, the cops launch a conspiracy against you to have your name smeared and you committed to a hospital.
Why should they even give a shit if they get caught?

Relevant to the inside thing.
One more reason for STAY AWAY FROM AND AVOID ALL COPS! I used to only avoid them in Mexico, hell, there you only get some money taken, here, they go even as far as torture you and kill you... just as certain infamous groups in Mexico... mmmmm.

And I'm traveling to Tucson next weekend... great, a Mexican guy, in a southern state, with a blonde boomshell of a fiancee.... I'll be extra, extra cautious....


If the officers who perpetrated this act don't go to jail, I will have further lost any sense of justice I once had in this country. Absolutely disgusting behavior by these scumbags.

Edit: Fucking goddamnit. Just read the update about the trial.
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