why even take sides on something like this at this point
That's what we do here
why even take sides on something like this at this point
Well, glad I didn't jump on the fire the teacher bandwagon.
If this is true then it makes the teacher look even more evil.Update
Well, glad I didn't jump on the fire the teacher bandwagon.
If this is true then it makes the teacher look even more evil.
'Im gonna make your son look like a fool because he didnt come to practice.'
You can tell that teacher is tired of that kid. She should find another career.
I don't even get why autism needs to be mentioned. If he wasn't supposed to be up there on the mic then he shouldn't get to talk. Simple as that.
Uh, yes. Someone who treats a kid like this shouldn't be a teacher.
Treat the kid like what? She took the mic off him.
She didn't fucking kick him in the belly and spit in his face.
.This thread and the backlash this teacher received without context exposes the scary underbelly of mass recording and Internet mob justice: any small mistake or misconstrued slight can make you a target for the rest of your life.
This thread and the backlash this teacher received without context exposes the scary underbelly of mass recording and Internet mob justice: any small mistake or misconstrued slight can make you a target for the rest of your life.
It's about integrity in elementary school plays.
You're going be lambasted for this post even though it's 100% true.
The teacher knows her students better than we do - sometimes you need to be strict. This is all assuming her grabbing the mic in that manner is even intentional which also isn't clear in the video. But yeah, sure. Fire her - ruin her life on the internet because she took a microphone from a six year old.
The teacher shouldn't be fired. But she should be educated on how to interact with autistic kids. You don't sound like you know much about autism at all. This boy is high functioning. He is a person with feelings. Most people with autism have normal higher-order brain function, and a good amount are very intelligent due to their inherent advantages in working memory.
Autism is a sensoriperceptual disorder centered primarily in the lower brain/brain stem that hinders a person's ability to filter and process the raw sensory information coming in from the environment via their senses.
This child is likely very aware of how he is treated by others, including adults and his teachers. It seems he knows he's been left out and wanted to add something to let people know he has a voice too. Something that small could mean a lot to him. And for the teacher to snub him like that to maintain appearances is really shitty.
I have a son who is 3 years old. He has moderate autism, but he is making good developmental progress with early intervention therapies. I've known from a young age that he is very bright, and that there is more going on upstairs than even many typical kids his age. He is very attuned to how people treat him, and gets extremely frustrated due to his awareness of his limited ability to verbally communicate since he has a speech delay. Autistic people have it difficult enough. People need not be so shallow as to conform strictly to the standards of what's considered normative behavior if it's going to deny kids like my child their voice and their chance to participate.
What a fucking bitch! Totally on purpose. Totally malicious. And you can hear folks laughing. Sad.