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Video shows white teens driving over, killing black man, says DA

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Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Getting killed by some randomness like this... My God...

Can't even imagine the amount of disbelief and sadness washed over the victim's families/friends. Is human life really that cheap.........? My God.


Nix said:
Fucking scum. Rape that little shit up the ass some in jail. Hope he gets life, seriously, what the fuck is wrong with kids these days.

Also, I like your avatar OP; very classy.

Wishing someone get raped isn't morally or legally right...

It's probably not a healthy to think in "eye for an eye" concepts like that.
InertiaXr said:
lmao what? So if I take the word filthy out of it then it's all fine. I'm just trying to communicate what this guy is probably thinking and what I have heard people say and type in real life and on the internet. The word filthy is 'prepended' (never heard this word before) in this context quite frequently, I don't care to come off as post-racial whatever that is but simply trying to communicate my point. If it scars your eyes so then hopefully a mod will edit it out if deemed necessary.

Read what you wrote. Read that and tell me you would say something that idiotic while sitting across the table from a black person. I'm not offended by words, just calling out ignorance.

Next post "some of my best friends are black."
makingmusic476 said:
I hope they get raped by white people in prison.


Chris R

Why does the CNN video say "Hate Crime?" Is it really a question? I mean sure it hasn't been proven in a court of law, but really now.

Escape Goat

rhfb said:
Why does the CNN video say "Hate Crime?" Is it really a question? I mean sure it hasn't been proven in a court of law, but really now.

I don't think credible news outlets should be reporting assumptions as facts.

Jea Song

Did the right thing
Lionheart1337 said:

For some reason these people think they are the superior race of mankind. I can't seem to understand why. Is it the bald head? Maybe the tattoos? I'm not convinced.


MikeOfTheLivingDead said:
Read what you wrote. Read that and tell me you would say something that idiotic while sitting across the table from a black person. I'm not offended by words, just calling out ignorance.

Next post "some of my best friends are black."

What are you on about?


The comment sections on news sites are always terrible.

Hope the family gets justice. Fuck the asshole kids who did this.

Jea Song

Did the right thing
why is it always the whites doing these types of hate crimes? Why don't you ever hear in the news about black men, or hispanic men, or asian men, beating the crap out of white people, or killing them based on their race? And exclaiming (insert color here) Power?!


Jea Song said:
why is it always the whites doing these types of hate crimes? Why don't you ever hear in the news about black men, or hispanic men, or asian men, beating the crap out of white people, or killing them based on their race? And exclaiming (insert color here) Power?!
It does happen

Escape Goat

Jea Song said:
why is it always the whites doing these types of hate crimes? Why don't you ever hear in the news about black men, or hispanic men, or asian men, beating the crap out of white people, or killing them based on their race? And exclaiming (insert color here) Power?!

Gang of black men beat a gay man at a gas station in South Carolina. It happens. You just aren't paying attention I guess.

Jea Song

Did the right thing
Teh Hamburglar said:
Gang of black men beat a gay man at a gas station in South Carolina. It happens. You just aren't paying attention I guess.

I mentioned nothing about sexuality, but rather race.


Clydefrog said:
Sadly, this.
No, not "this". "This" is nothing but pure fucking stupidity and ignorant stereotyping, not too far removed from the fucked mentality of those teens that killed that man.

This is nothing to do with the "south", and everything to do with being a fucking hate-filled racist and a sociopath. And in case you fucking morons that blame the "south" are unaware, racists and sociopaths exist in all corners of the U.S., and in every country on the planet.

Always fun to see oh-so-tolerant, enlightened and progressive GAF aim its prejudices and hatred on an entire region because of the actions of a few.




how are you, B!TCH? How is your day going, B!ITCH?
Jea Song said:
why is it always the whites doing these types of hate crimes? Why don't you ever hear in the news about black men, or hispanic men, or asian men, beating the crap out of white people, or killing them based on their race? And exclaiming (insert color here) Power?!

It's probably because they aren't spectacularly violent crimes. If the victim wasn't killed in this case, we probably wouldn't have heard about the beating.

Racism is still alive. I have a friend (well, former friend) who actually fits the description of teens involved in this story. Just has an irrational hate for black people and Asians (she has something against Jews too but I didn't stick around long enough to get her to open up about that - I'm Jewish) despite massive amounts of evidence that contradicts all her beliefs. Yeah, I didn't put up with that for long. This girl is insanely stupid so whatever. No one buys into her shit. I just hope no one ever gives her access to a gun because she is the type that would act on her beliefs especially when she is drunk and being an idiot.


Jea Song said:
For some reason these people think they are the superior race of mankind. I can't seem to understand why. Is it the bald head? Maybe the tattoos? I'm not convinced.

Usually it's the anger, hatred, self-loathing and fear of an ever changing world that causes people to take up delusions of a higher station and actively or passively lash out and anything they see as a threat. Be it brown people or opinionated women or health food, it's destroying America. Wake up, white people. They're trying to rob you of your transfats.


Satyamdas said:
No, not "this". "This" is nothing but pure fucking stupidity and ignorant stereotyping, not too far removed from the fucked mentality of those teens that killed that man.

This is nothing to do with the "south", and everything to do with being a fucking hate-filled racist and a sociopath. And in case you fucking morons that blame the "south" are unaware, racists and sociopaths exist in all corners of the U.S., and in every country on the planet.

Always fun to see oh-so-tolerant, enlightened and progressive GAF aim its prejudices and hatred on an entire region because of the actions of a few.
Your attitude perpetuates racism. You can't fix a problem unless you admit you have a problem. And yes, Mississippi has a problem in being more racist than many other states.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Jea Song said:
why is it always the whites doing these types of hate crimes? Why don't you ever hear in the news about black men, or hispanic men, or asian men, beating the crap out of white people, or killing them based on their race? And exclaiming (insert color here) Power?!
You really don't pay attention to anything do you? You are also coming off as racist.

Really sad story. I feel bad for his family.
Holy shit, that is disgusting. I can't believe there are still pieces of shit like that in this day and age. I hope they rot in prison.

I feel so bad for the family. This is an incredibly heartbreaking situation no one deserves to suffer through. If I felt enraged just reading and watching the story, I wonder how the family's doing.

Oblivion said:
Why White?
So their White Power crumbles as their bodies get defiled by their own people.
Jea Song said:
why is it always the whites doing these types of hate crimes? Why don't you ever hear in the news about black men, or hispanic men, or asian men, beating the crap out of white people, or killing them based on their race? And exclaiming (insert color here) Power?!

Pathetic confirmation bias.


aswedc said:
Your attitude perpetuates racism. You can't fix a problem unless you admit you have a problem. And yes, Mississippi has a problem in being more racist than many other states.
LOL, fuck outta here with that shit. I don't condone, promote, or perpetuate racism. If it was up to me those kids would be dead already, and not because what they did was racially motivated. I'd feel the same if they killed a white person.

I'm talking about the brainless posts of "That's the south for ya!" The implication being that every white person in the south is totally cool with killing blacks for fun because hey, that's what they like to do down there, right??

Is there racism in the south? Yes.
Is there racism in the north, east, and west as well? Yes.
Does the south have a worse track record than other regions for racial issues and crimes? Yes.
Does this mean that the region is filled to the brim with nothing but hate-filled racists like the teens in the story, and that everyone down there condones this kind of crime? Of course not.

But you could be excused for thinking that if you accepted GAF's kneejerk bashing and stereotyping of the south as nothing but racists and backwards living troglodytes. It is nothing more than lazy condemnation and ignorance being passed off as insight or a keen observation.
Dram said:
Seems he's out on bond


Bond has been set for a Rankin County teen accused in a weekend fatal hit and run.

Eighteen-year-old Deryl Paul Dedmon of Brandon is charged with murder. He made his initial appearance in Jackson Municipal Court this morning. The judge set his bond at 50-thousand dollars.

Dedmon bonded out Tuesday afternoon.
Looks like we all got a target to run over. Dumb shit.
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