I still prefer VF5 over any other fighting game that exists, so i don't agree
It doesn't get much of a success because the game is really complex and learning one character is like mastering one martial art, and the game doesn't rely on juggles (yes, i'm trolling tekken with that comment)
I prefer Virtua Fighter over every other fighting game series also... but I definitely do agree with the OP's title. Not that the game should have a frickin playable Daytona car (that was cute in Fighter's Megamix, but mainline Virtua Fighter should never do anything like that), but they should definitely look to make the game appear less basic to anyone outside of the sphere that already appreciates the series' mechanics (which are actually substantially easier to get to grips with than the most popular fighters of today).
Making the game more visually appealing won't harm the rock solid gameplay that the series has, but could go a long way towards convincing people to try the game in the first place. I think they were on the correct path with Virtua Fighter 4, but then took at least 57 steps in the opposite direction with Virtua Fighter 5.
I mean... compare these intros:
Virtua Fighter 4
Virtua Fiighter 5
Now, imagine in both cases you've never even heard of Virtua Fighter before... how likely are you to look at Virtua Fighter 5's intro and think "yup.. this is the fighter I wanna play next!"? Not very likely I'd imagine.
Virtua Fighter's problem isn't, and never had been that it's too complicated. It isn't. Dead or Alive 5 is currently significantly more difficult to play to any decent standard than Virtua Fighter is. Virtua Fighter's problem is that it only ever "looks" good when played at higher levels, and even then it requires the viewer to recognise what's high level about it in order to appreciate it... whereas the more popular fighters look good to the average viewer even when the player is only able to perform the equivalent of a PPPK. If Sega makes a Virtua Fighter 6, and wants it to perform better, then they need to go back and iterate on the presentation style they touched upon with Virtua Fighter 4, and then also start telling the story of the character's in a way that won't be missed by 99.96% of all players. The gameplay is fine, they just need to dress it up nicer. Oh, and fix Vanessa back... wtf.
Yeah, but you can basically pull off that level of customization in KI
Nooooo you can't. KI's customization is multiple rungs below Tekken's, let alone Virtua Fighter's.