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Virtua Fighter needs more pizazz to be successful in today's climate of fighters

I think VF6 needs to be top notch graphically as all the others game of the series before

Its needs a fotorealistic look, incredible animations and some kind of interactivity with the enviroments.

The edge comes in form of Kiryu and Akiyama as guest characters

I'll take a upresed VF5FS in Steam tho


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
Has Sega made any strong implications they're even making another game?

strong implications? no. they listed the VF brand as one of ~5 of their most important IPs in a recent report, and the development of a new game has been rumored for a while. I'm optimistic and wouldn't be totally surprised if we saw VF6 this year.
Pizzaz? I think all they need to do is pick up where VF4:Evo left out. Have a nice Quest mode, similar to what Capcom did with World Tour Mode in SFA:3. I mean, VF can just have art stills with dialog honestly and tell a basic story with all our favorite characters. Have one final short CG ending by beating Arcade mode with all characters. Good netcode, same ranking system, and like usual, raises the bar in graphical fidelity, and I dunno, best 3D fighter ever?

I think Verendus may have hinted at VF coming back though, so we’ll see, I’m optimistic, Maybe Sony funds this one as well, I sure do miss VF, still nothing like seeing a high level Akira and Jacky go at it.
SEGA just didn't put much support behind it compared to Namco with Tekken.

You don't build a scene with such little support.

They put a ton of support behind it in Japan. Tournaments, flashy arcade installations with networked TVs showing matches from around the country, etc. But arcades were dead in the West by that time.

The console game just never took off in the Western tournament scene. Even Tekken struggles in that regard sometimes, but with VF however often it got a marketing push, people just weren't into it in a big way.
I adore VF. Been a fan since the arcade original. 5FS, though... Damn, what a depressing release. Digital-only. Anemic presentation. Launched with no fanfare. VF was my drug, and I couldn't get hyped because of how uneventful that was. This is coming from someone who bought a Saturn for 2, PS2 for 4, and a 360 for 5. Come on, Sega. Show some fucking excitement for your own work.


Naw son.

In both Japan and the states VF has a HUGE following that more than large enough to carry the series.

VF real problem is that it's made by Sega.

And Sega is fucking dumb.

If Sega saw the sales they needed, they'd presumably still be making VF.

I mean, Final Showdown for 15 bucks was fucking genius at the time.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
visuals of the impacts

VF has the best animation of any FG, and has paid a lot more attention to how characters take a hit than other games.


Has Sega made any strong implications they're even making another game?

strong implications? no. they listed the VF brand as one of ~5 of their most important IPs in a recent report, and the development of a new game has been rumored for a while. I'm optimistic and wouldn't be totally surprised if we saw VF6 this year.

Yu Suzuki talked about Virtua Fighter a few months ago:

-Q. In the near future, do you have any plan to release a fighting game similar to VF? Or to work with Sega for the next installment of the game?

-Yu: Right now Daichi Katagari is the one who is overseeing the VF games. I handed over the games to him 100%. I will not be working with Sega for another VF game. But I might develop a brand new fighting game of my own.
I wish they'd go back to the aesthetics of 4. 5, although technically superior, just felt lacking and more plain in comparison. The combination of the art design and the music just gave each stage a really evocative mood.
VF needs more *existing* to be successful in today's climate. A new numbered entry would be great, but I'd settle for FS on PC like...today.


People always talk about how VF has to do this or that to reinvigorate itself for a new audience and blah blah blah but they always overlook the obvious first step: they have to release a goddamn game, any game, put it where people can play it and support it instead of forgetting about it for ten fuckin' years.

The digital release of VF5FS reviewed well and hit sales targets within a week, and the price/DLC model was spot-on, but how they did they capitalise on that excitement? They didn't--I mean, they ran a few tournaments with surprisingly nice payouts but those felt more like a self-indulgence than actual marketing. I guess we got a VF2 port (and another one inside Yakuza because why not?) but they treated that like a throwaway, too.

Put this shit on PC, at the very least.


They put a ton of support behind it in Japan. Tournaments, flashy arcade installations with networked TVs showing matches from around the country, etc. But arcades were dead in the West by that time.

The console game just never took off in the Western tournament scene. Even Tekken struggles in that regard sometimes, but with VF however often it got a marketing push, people just weren't into it in a big way.

I do remember when the released the first VF5 port on the PS3.

No online?!

Especially when DOA4 had online. It seemed to so backwards. The developers said it was impossible.

Then they did a total 360 (heh heh) and related VF5 online the Xbox 360, while never patching the PS3 version for online play.

It was a mess.


Yu Suzuki talked about Virtua Fighter a few months ago:

-Q. In the near future, do you have any plan to release a fighting game similar to VF? Or to work with Sega for the next installment of the game?

-Yu: Right now Daichi Katagari is the one who is overseeing the VF games. I handed over the games to him 100%. I will not be working with Sega for another VF game. But I might develop a brand new fighting game of my own.

Methinks Mr. Suzuki-san needs to dip into the old crowd funding well again and make us a new fighting game.

He'd have MY sword for sure.
Nah. People need to use the trend-setting customization features to make your character more purty-like.

I will save this GIF 100 times because it's fucking awesome.

BRAD! lol

Pure avatar material.

If anything it needs to lose its reputation as an 'impenetrable' or 'exclusively high level' fighter, because it's really not. Of course the ceiling is stratospheric if not limitless, but in terms of user-friendliness and getting results fast, it's probably the most accessible 3D series out there.

It shouldn't have to glam up with expensive CG movies, huge rosters, goofy characters and overt lore like Tekken (a series I adore equally) does, but it probably would have helped back in the day.

I think Sega could release VF6 and have it do well, but its chances of ever cracking the mainstream in the west are long gone.

Impossible, for people are often their own worst enemies.
People always talk about how VF has to do this or that to reinvigorate itself for a new audience and blah blah blah but they always overlook the obvious first step: they have to release a goddamn game, any game, put it where people can play it and support it instead of forgetting about it for ten fuckin' years.

The digital release of VF5FS reviewed well and hit sales targets within a week, and the price/DLC model was spot-on, but how they did they capitalise on that excitement? They didn't--I mean, they ran a few tournaments with surprisingly nice payouts but those felt more like a self-indulgence than actual marketing. I guess we got a VF2 port (and another one inside Yakuza because why not?) but they treated that like a throwaway, too.

Put this shit on PC, at the very least.

I agree with you & the rest about it. Sega were the ones who invented the 3D fighting genre with VF 1, as they were the first to do so. Then they just sat back & let other competitors like Namco steal their spotlight with series such as Tekken & Soul Blade/Calibur.

This is their fault to begin with.
Virtua Fighter just needs to be Virtua Fighter to be successful as it always has been.

I'll agree that if it shook that stigma of hard to get into then that would help.

For the record though, I've always been proud that the series has a real hill to competency that it proudly cherishes which is why I love it like I always have.

The series has everything it needs to be viable. It just needs more opportunities to do such.

I do wonder if the crossover with DoA did any good with getting somebody new to give VF a try?

As far as ports go, 1, 3, 4 Final Tuned & a true Final Showdown port.

So much of the extra cool stuff was missing from the FS release but you really can't lodge a complaint at superfluous things like that for a port that could've easily not existed at all.

VF's future is questionable with nobody to trust the franchise to the last time I checked. 6 would be amazing but if FS is where it ends then the everything of the 3D went out on as high a note as you can go out on.


Nah, if VF6 is to be successful what they need to go with is 'This is the Dark Souls of fighting games - the hardest one to master. Only the best need apply.' That kind of advertising works wonders with hardcore gamers. Trying to make it more visually exciting would change the core gameplay from what it is and it will still never look as cool as a Guilty Gear or what have you. You'd disgust old fans and make few new ones.

Visually, the answer is to let Team Ninja handle the graphics and let the old gameplay designers handle the gameplay design. DoA and VF are sister series anyway and DoA had 4 VF characters so it makes perfect sense.

Its too bad all the companies who make fighters are poverty now except for Namco and Microsoft now I guess. Were always questioning whether or not another part will be made. At least DOAX 3 may fund DOA 6.

No, DoA5's DLC will fund DoA6. It's the reason DoAX3 is being made in the first place. DoA5 did extremely well for them. 4 versions and still DLC coming out every month - problem for DoA6 is that DoA5 is still doing TOO well.


It's a sad state of affairs when a series with probably the most refined gameplay and easy to understand systems with incredible depth needs things like 'pizazz' and more customization to attract players. I see the sentiment on GAF all time from theoretical god-tier players who are only losing matches because of 'artificially difficult' links and 'unfair' vortexes. Well, if you want to be heavily rewarded for strong fundamentals, reading your opponent, and smart option selects, VF is the series for you. So where is everyone?


At this point the franchise appears to be so dead that I'd settle with a PS4/XBO port of Final Showdown. Even with a PC version and I don't own a PC. Crazy to think 10 years have passed since VF5.


I still prefer VF5 over any other fighting game that exists, so i don't agree :eek:

It doesn't get much of a success because the game is really complex and learning one character is like mastering one martial art, and the game doesn't rely on juggles (yes, i'm trolling tekken with that comment)
Wait doesn't VF5 have bounce too? And air combos while your opponent is floating awkwardly like he's falling on moon gravity? I'm sure I saw that happen more than a few times.


Honestly, just improve the quality of the voice overs and sounds would be enough for me. VF gets increasingly more detailed in the visual areas like graphics and character animations while it hasn't made any strides at all and sounds no better than VF2 does.


Virtua Fighter is one of the most respected but easily overlooked fighters because the developers have under developed the characters in game. Sega never even bother to give the games a proper narrative set up. They never even bother to create proper endings for the characters. It's a shame really. That little narrative effort goes a very long way.

Cyber Caesar gets it on the nose, I think.

Virtua Fighter would be alive right now if there were actually Virtua Fighter players & not Virtua Fighter fanboys.

ice cold.

i played in 5 majors last year, in several (canada cup, ritt) we had more entrants than tekken.

my man.


VF is too good for us. We don't deserve it. Never did. We won't get 6. And if we do, yall better buy it may god have mercy on your souls.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
Wait doesn't VF5 have bounce too? And air combos while your opponent is floating awkwardly like he's falling on moon gravity? I'm sure I saw that happen more than a few times.

most combos in VF do not exceed 5 hits


VF is relatively classy, I like it that way. VF5 is way more accessible than VF's reputation suggests. If they continue in the Final Showdown trajectory I think they'd do okay without going full Tekken.


VF is relatively classy, I like it that way. VF5 is way more accessible than VF's reputation suggests. If they continue in the Final Showdown trajectory I think they'd do okay without going full Tekken.

It's the easiest fighting game to learn. It might tie with smash for easiest.

I wonder how it got the reputation of being so hard to learn. Maybe because the skill ceiling? Maybe the mysterious and underdeveloped nature of the characters? Any theories?


strong implications? no. they listed the VF brand as one of ~5 of their most important IPs in a recent report, and the development of a new game has been rumored for a while. I'm optimistic and wouldn't be totally surprised if we saw VF6 this year.

What were the other 4?
Somebody who still actually publishes video games should buy AM2 and the rights to VF like what WB games did with MK that's the only thing that could possibly save VF from purgatory.


Virtua Fighter will live on in Project X Zone. that's probably all we'll see of it unfortunately. but i wish their was another one, easily my favorite fighter.
"Wait doesn't VF5 have bounce too? And air combos while your opponent is floating awkwardly like he's falling on moon gravity? I'm sure I saw that happen more than a few times."

This is always an interesting comment to read because...what fighting game doesn't have moon gravity juggles? SF has them, KOF has them, and Anime fighters I don't even need to mention.

Bushido Blade? UFC and Fight Night?


OP really used Fighters Megamix as an example of what VF needs to do. Like, word?

VF shouldn't and doesn't need to go full Megamix but Sega should definitely put out a new game in that style: "Sonic & Sega All-Stars Fighting Megamix" or whatever.

Alternatively, they could stop wasting the Project X Zone setting on bad SRPGs and make the Namco x Capcom x Sega fighting game we've all been waiting for.


They basically just need to release iterations more often (similar cadence to other fighters with full sequels, not annual or anything) and push it as an esport. Back in VF4 days it felt like it had a passionate community, but it was strictly offline and streaming didn't really exist yet.

Even VF5 was before the FGC got huge with SFIV. Its strength is as technical, deep and pretty games that AREN'T too flashy. That don't feel like an anime, more like a martial arts film in CG.


Nah, if VF6 is to be successful what they need to go with is 'This is the Dark Souls of fighting games - the hardest one to master. Only the best need apply.' That kind of advertising works wonders with hardcore gamers.

I believe such marketing would backfire on Virtua Fighter (and arguably has so far). It may be an effective marketing strategy for the "hardcore" gamers... but I don't actually think this type of gamer tends to be naturally competitive. There's a big difference between playing a rather routine game on high difficulty, and actually playing to continuously improve against ever improving opponents. In thios manner, every fighting game would be "the Dark Souls of fighting games"... and that would even be selling most of them short.. and the types of players that actually play fighters, and care for a challenge will be aware of this.
It's the easiest fighting game to learn. It might tie with smash for easiest.

I wonder how it got the reputation of being so hard to learn. Maybe because the skill ceiling? Maybe the mysterious and underdeveloped nature of the characters? Any theories?

I wonder if something like DoA5's Core Fighters F2P set up would help VF shake that stigma. When somebody can walk into an arcade they can try the game for a small price but with arcades being limited to non-existent in most of the world the only way for someone to try it is to fully buy in whenever Sega actually feels like releasing them to home platforms. Just make sure the rotation doesn't end up with a bunch of difficult to use characters.

Edit: Oh, also bring back Quest mode and expand it. And make it more like 4 where you had to unlock new arcades and not 5 where they were all open from the get go. I think it's too late for VF to really go big on a story mode but they would benefit from a single player mode that has a sense of progression.
I wonder how it got the reputation of being so hard to learn. Maybe because the skill ceiling? Maybe the mysterious and underdeveloped nature of the characters? Any theories?

It's own community did that. The press/fans absolutely went ape talking about how deep it was. That is all you heard when VF4 was coming out on PS4.How games like Tekken weren't even close and that it was by far the most complex fighting game. VF fans have spent 20 years treating the game as a prestige game that is light years ahead of other fighters. It's no surprise people get intimidated.
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