What a shame 
I liked it. The very end is a bit of a wet fart unless you like ultra-meta ends, but it's a wild ride.It's not. It sucks.
ZTD existence makes really hard to recommend 999 for me. You can't just tell people "Ignore the sequels" in a game like that.
I wish it had never been made.
But you can, because 999 had a completely satisfying ending that wrapped everything up.
Fata Morgana thisWhite Haired Chick is running some multi episodes-meta narrative scam, I'm telling you.
Wow... I'm fuckin' spellbound. Was gonna call it quits for the night on Fata Morgana, and then out of nowhere... NOPE. Not happening. Played through another hour.
This shit is legit.
Edit: I was gonna play more, but I have to come down from this. Man.
It's a lotta Korean hierarchy and sci-fi stuff but I enjoyed them both.both Analogue: A Hate Story and Hate Plus are generally viewed as pretty good right? thinking of grabbing them both while that steam sale on them is up
Fata Morgana
So this is like Chiru, but good?
Load a Door 4 save and check your backlog.
You can restart a chapter from the main menu once you clear it, I think.I only have one save in toward the end.
You can restart a chapter from the main menu once you clear it, I think.
NIIIIIICE. Was it translated for any previous release?
You guys make me wanna get Fata Morgana even sooner! ...but I must wait, between time, money, and backlogs :/ But I will when i can!
I don't think you'll be disappointed. I'd never really heard of it before and was blown away by how invested I got in it.
For just how good it is, it should have taken the VN community by the storm.It's too bad that it's still super-duper niche, and has flown under the radar by so many.
It's supposed to be good, but there's still no translation patch. The script is completely translated, but it is stuck for over an year at editing.So, uh, what about that non-Fate non-Tsukihime Type/Moon vn? Mahou something or other? The one about a witch. Is it good? Is it bad? Did it ever get a complete english patch?
I've never really seen anyone talking about it so I'm assuming it must be mediocre since otherwise Nasu fans would be shouting about it everywhere.
Audi disappeared from NeoGAF. Was he fired?
Steamspy isn't accurate enough in those ranges to use to use it to rank those games in sales. It's probably not their lowest selling title.
Steamspy isn't accurate enough in those ranges to use to use it to rank those games in sales. It's probably not their lowest selling title.
Wait, Higurashi ep 4 came out this week?!
My friend lent me Apollo Justice, not played any of the AA games after 3 until now (been along time since I have played an AA game) and I feel like Apollo Justice is a really good game. Not sure why people hate on it so much now aside from the protagonist change and some switch around on the characters but none of that feels as offensive, as say, how different some of the characters are in ZTD when put against their characterisation found in the other Zero Escape games. Anyway, it's really solid in my opinion and my friend who lent it to me (fellow Gaffer) was a bit down on it as well, not too sure why, none of the cases so far have been that bad (even Case 3 which everyone always bitches about is fine so far?) Anyone know why AJ is so controversial with the fanbase?
Also, The Silver Case is probably going to be my GOTY. A visual novel by Goichi Suda which is becoming more and more like Killer7 on one half of the game (main scenario) and more and more like Flower, Sun & Rain on the other (Additional scenario) with fantastic music by Masafumi Takada (Danganronpa series, killer7, No More Heroes) wrapped in fantastic artwork and presentation (probably the best I've seen for a visual novel; has FMVs and anime sequences which is unique for a VN). Some of the artwork is so creepy. The game is in turn funny (due to its satire and weird dialogue exchanges with its quirky cast), eerie as hell (creepy art galore), sad/tragic and bizarre/full of twists (this is a Suda game, after all). Honestly living up to the hype so far unlike lots of other games that I have played this year (hello ZTD and Mankind Divided).
After I'm done with The Silver Case & Apollo Justice, The House in Fata Morgana is next on the list, definitely.
Translation Status Update October 9 from /r/visualnovels
Originally from /jp/ on 4chan
Fuwanovel version
Decay: Please Bang My Wife is about a couple where the wife is discovered to be cheating. When the husband confronts her, she says its because the other guy can last for hours at a time in bed. The husband suddenly thinks that this is hot and asks to watch
Decay: a lovely little story
Tay: Then we find out the only reason why the wife enjoys frequent, hours-long sex is because cancer has thrown off her pain receptors, and shes actually been progressively internally bleeding with each episode of intercourse.
Tay: spoilers: she dies
Tay: the lover is convicted for manslaughter
Tay: the husband kills himself
Tay: the children spend their lives in foster care
Tay: the eldest falls into bad company, spends time in jail, works security for the rest of his life
Tay: the middle child, a girl, turns out alright
Tay: the youngest gets a girl pregnant in middle school and is dead from drug OD in his freshman year of high school
Tay: the dog dies from eating drugs left out on the counter
Tay: the womans mother spends her golden years crying quietly in a retirement home
Tay: the womans father breaks under stress and has his own affair. Thus causing the separation with his wife/her mom.
Tay: He regrets it and drinks himself to oblivion. By the time he comes out of it, hes paper-thin from a lung cancer he didnt know he had.
Tay: The cancer was benign, but hes left with emphysema and wastes away before our very eyes
Tay: he dies after his body literally eats itself trying to force his chest to breathe
Tay: He was in pain the entire time
Tay: It lasted twelve hours