I just finished Corpse Party: Book of Shadows and really wanted to do a little writeup/review here to sort of talk up the game.
Corpse Party: Book of Shadows
I should open by saying I'm a huge fan of the original Corpse Party. It is by far one of my favorite horror games. It manages to bring tons of tension and freights all while being mostly a mix of VN elements and a 2D adventure game. That's quite an accomplishment. Book of Shadows, however, is a bit different. Instead of telling one full story, the game is a bunch of small vignettes that take place after a few of the "Wrong Ends" from the first game as well as a few side stories. It also ditches the 2D adventure game aspect almost entirely. Sure, there's a bit of exploration still, but it's all menu and pixel hunt based. These two things create the main problem for the game. Without the adventuring aspect, the game just doesn't have the same tension of the original. It's the same problem with the division into small vignettes. The tension is lost because so much of the story is taken up by reintroducing us to the new premise. That's not to say there isn't stuff to like here, a couple of the stories in particular are really interesting and well done, but the game can't reach the heights of the first because of this. Looking at each chapter:
Seal: A quick reintroduction in to the Corpse Party world. It doesn't do anything that special. While it has it's moments, it feels more like a chapter cut from the original. A bit too repetitive of the old story and brings not much new to the table.
Demise: A really interesting side story that reinforces the sense of death from the original. It's a fun little read, but still not much special.
Encounter: The worst story in the game. It covers the past of the only adult of the group from CP1, Ms. Yui, but most of it is taken up with this really forced slice-of-life romance section. It's also introduced with some awful fan-service. Even the horror sections barely add anything to the mythos of the world. Just really boring and unnecessary.
Purgatory: A story that should be really fun, but isn't. I love the idea of covering the beginnings of the whole Corpse Party story through the eyes of the Naho side character from CP1. It should have been a great way to tell a side story and add to the world. Instead, we get a very strange relationship between Naho and her friend Sayaka, very little new info and a POV that confusingly shifts several times throughout the chapter. The most disappointing story of the bunch.
Shangri-La: The largest and by far the most freighting tale of the game. It's probably my favorite of the main chapters. It puts you in the mind of Moshige, one of the most interesting and hard to understand characters from the original game. It's the first chapter that really felt like it added something to the world.
Mire: I don't know how to feel about this chapter. It's scary, sure, but it feels needlessly cruel to Yuka. I don't need to see a little girl played with and tortured. It was a bit much, even for Corpse Party. Suigita killed it as his performance of Yuuya, though. The chapter was worth it for his stuff alone.
Tooth: A side story that covered the other group of high schoolers you briefly meet in CP1. It's interesting enough that I feel like the whole game should have been this perspective. In the end, their story feels too small and cut short, but still a very effective horror tale.
Prologue: Blood Drive: Holy shit this was good. Easily the best thing here. The game was worth playing for this alone. It really gives a nice peak of where they're going with the Vita game and I cannot wait to get my hands on it. It also contains the single most surprising moment in the game. What a note to end on.
I enjoyed it as a Corpse Party fan, but I can't help but feel a bit let down. Sure the game is filed with bonus content, but none of that seems that interesting. The game was very slight and just felt like a major tease for Blood Drive. That being said, it did it's job there. I'm incredibly excited for Blood Drive. The direction they seem to be taking that story looks amazing and I can't wait to return to the old adventure format.
Overall, I'd give the game 7/10 (For Corpse Party fans). If you liked the original a lot, you'll find stuff here that interests you. If you were lukewarm on the first or just sort of enjoyed it, you might as well skip right to Blood Drive as nothing here is a must see.