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Vladimir Putin orders creation of Russian game consoles

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Putin made the order following a meeting on the socio-economic development of Kaliningrad. The deadline for the government to come up with the plans is June 15, 2024. Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin has been appointed responsible for overseeing the task.

Putin's dream of a Russian gaming ecosystem to rival the likes of Valve, Sony, and Microsoft isn't going to be easy to achieve. As noted by Russian-language publication Kommersant, which spoke to industry figures including the product director at Lesta Games, it will likely take 5 to 10 years to create this entire system and it will still be around 15 years behind Western alternatives from a technical point of view. Being able to attain the necessary equipment will be difficult, too, though China will doubtlessly be willing to lend a hand.

Last month, Russia's Organization for Developing the Video Game Industry (RVI) presented a five-year roadmap to the government that laid out an 83-point program for developing video games in the country. It included re-establishing relations with various funds and international gaming organizations with links to Russia. The RVI said the creation of a full-fledged domestic game console is planned for 2026-2027.
Soon after it invaded Ukraine, Blizzard and Epic Games became two of the many gaming companies to suspend their services in Russia. In 2023, Nvidia announced its streaming service GeForce Now would be shuttering in the country over quality concerns and the political situation. The sanctions have led to almost 70% of Russian gamers pirating titles.

It's not just sanctions that are pushing Russia to expand its own gaming industry. The government is also concerned about "hidden inserts," likely referring to perceived pro-Western themes, in popular games that could influence the conscious and subconscious minds of players.

And here is the first image of the new console :messenger_beaming:

What a timeline. LOL

MS and Sony didn't take nearly this much time. Why on earth would you need 15yrs of prep work. I guess they figure they are going to build everything from scratch?
With China working on hw the timeline might not need to be so stretched. For China. They can do it probably more easy than Russia, which had no serious intent since forever in that area? China's 7nm process is supposed to be quite good, for not being EUV. The actual components might not be ready soon though, with that kinda embarassing MTT graphics card pushing Rage TNT or whatever performance. But their x86 stuff and ARM like stuff isn't that bad, I think. The West forced China for a bit longer to do it and Russia could just join their efforts in some capacity. I guess Russian programmers might be quite capable?
Even with the projections mentioned in this article, it sounds like wishful thinking. Will probably take em longer to get an ecosystem up and running that doesn't need to hide from the alternatives on the global market. I wonder if Russia really would be fine putting Chinese chips in there? That'd be just replacing one hardware level trojan horse with another, this time from a different country.

Who would have thought that Russia will fill the gap left behind my Microsoft when they exit the business.


Making hardware is one thing, who's going to make the software? Just put a Linux PC in a box and you're set. Maybe hire a few hackers to rip PC games.


There is very little chance Russia can evolve advanced semiconductor manufacturing ecosystem in its own.

The most likely outcome is Russia piggybacking on Chinese efforts and maybe try to build up packaging and older node manufacturing, which would still be quite important in the long term.

For the gaming console there are enough ARM based chips out of China that they could use.


Russian students are creating an “analogue of PlayStation” - the PlaySpace console
We currently have a prototype of the device ready. It is a mini PC with its own operating system on which you can play games.

CPU: Intel Atom X5
Memory: 4GB
64 gb, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi 2,4 и 5 Ghz, HDMI
Price: 500$ for now

Lmao they are funny :messenger_beaming:
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Gold Member
We already know how this will go.
In the 15 of June Russia will announce the console, they will claim it's the most powerful console ever with the best tech.
The Kremlin will allocate a few Billion Rubles, and some years from now we'll find out that all the money was stolen by Russian bureaucrats.
Then they will blame the West.


I think most of the IT guys who were not employed to the government, left the country to avoid the risk of being drafted into the army.
Yeah some gamestudios left country. They even make a criminal case for discrediting the army, on Indika creators


it will likely take 5 to 10 years to create this entire system and it will still be around 15 years behind Western alternatives from a technical point of view. Being able to attain the necessary equipment will be difficult, too, though China will doubtlessly be willing to lend a hand.
Sounds like the Epic Game Store.


Tears of Nintendo
What an effin' circus:messenger_grinning_sweat:

It's like we like to say it in Russia - it wouldn't be so funny if it wasn't so sad.

The more important thing is - плешивый и старый гбэшный гонодон won't survive the next 6 years✊:messenger_open_mouth:

Слава Украине!🇺🇦


What's the opposite of Metal Gear Solid's story? I'm curious to see it, I'll keep my expectations very low cause I didn't thought that Chinese games wouldn't be that impressive as I thought it to be, same story with Stellar Blade, I'll give my verdict on Korean games if I didn't like it, I hope that I'm wrong.
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