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Vollyball + 4 walls = FUN

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Unconfirmed Member
I played "Wallyball" with some friends and their co-workers last night.

Wallyball is just like vollyball, except you play it in a racquetball court and there is no out of bounds. All surfaces are fair to play off of except the ceiling (and the back wall on a serve).

It is hard to explain how something like this could be so fun, but realy it is. I had a blast. We played five on six, so there wasn't a lot of running "around" though you do move a lot. since there is no out of play area, and since the court is small, the game becomes a lot more fast paced than volly ball and you get more touches on the ball. The ball generally moves faster than in vollyball because there isn't as much bump-set-spike play, you deliver the ball to the other side on the first hit often because there is no danger of fucking it up unless you hit the ceiling.

Serving is a lot more fun too because you can play mind games and hit a few walls on th way over, though I almost got owned when some one on my team fucked up their fancy serve and the ball wizzed past my face.

If you have an opportunity to play, do it. You won't be dissapointed. I have never played with a new person who didn't enjoy it. Most places with racquatball courts should have nets and balls to play with and should let you play unless they are elitest dipshits.



Unconfirmed Member

guy: "LOL, this is more fun than singing showtunes guys"
guys: "..."


Flying limp dragon wrist technique!


Prov3 it on the court!!1 Xtreme WallyBallerz


*Fierce Kick* "Ughaahhhhh"


Some guy's picture that came up when I googled Wallyball. If you see him on the court don't play, because I bet he is totally pro skills!
I've only played this twice. I'm a volleyball purists, I guess you can say, but this was fun cause you had to be alert at all times. Kinda helped me out too, cause low serves towards the back wall became unfair.


haha, we used to play this once a week when i was back at school... good times. It was a lot of fun at the beginning when we weren't very good, but by the end we got super competitive and mad at each other. Still a good time though


I'm a sand volleyball nut right now but I do loves me some raquetball. I'll have to try this out sometime. I'm sure I'm on a large enough campus (Univ. of Wisconsin) that somebody is playing this.


Unconfirmed Member
Meier said:
Wtf, Wallyball? It's just plain ol "wallball" and yeah it rocks.
Not so says the American Wallyball Association.

I can see how the game could get competitive. I have only played like three times, the most recent being a few days ago. But I always found it to be a lot of fun.

I have pretty poor technique, so this is fun for me because I duff a lot in real vollyball. I can see how it might bother a purist, but its one of those great college games like broomball (which i never got to play cause I am a looser).


Desperado said:
Eh? Wallball involves a tennis ball and a brick wall...Used to play it way back in elementary school...

Is that where you throw it against the wall, then if it hits someone on the rebound, they have to run and touch the wall before you peg them with the ball?


Unconfirmed Member
^^^ edit: Yes.

Desperado said:
Eh? Wallball involves a tennis ball and a brick wall...Used to play it way back in elementary school...
Yeah that is what I was thinking as well. aka "Butts Up"
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