GAF, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but none of you have any say whatsoever in who will receive the nomination in 2020. That's because Hillary Clinton
is going to buy it again. She's going to use her shady connections to blackball her would-be opponents, her Clinton Foundation millions to bury the rest underneath a mountain of salacious attack ads, and her supporters on Neogaf will systematically single out, dogpile, ridicule, insult, shame, and, ideally, permanently ban anyone with the gall to mention her lifetime of documented unethical conduct. She's going to talk down to normal Americans about their values, divide us in ways we never thought imaginable and, ultimately, lose her third bid to seize the Presidency, for the second time against Donald J. Trump, of all people. And this time she won't blame sexism, Russians, or the DNC. She's going to blame you.
And there's nothing any of us can do to stop this from happening.