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Vox: Bernie Sanders is the Democrats’ real 2020 frontrunner

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Healthcare, jobs, criminal justice reform, trade deals gone awry, climate change, etc.

You know. Shit that fuckin affects people's lives?

They HAVE been talking healthcare and climate change though?? I don't think you understand that an opposition party can't set the national agenda. They literally can't because they have to try and stop the GOP from executing theirs.


I mean, I'd gladly vote for Sanders over Trump (or really any Republican), just as in '16, but I do think he's too old. I thought both candidates who ran in the primary were a bit too old, and it'll be even worse now. That and as far as a primary candidate goes, I prefer other people who I think tend to be a bit more pragmatic. Sanders promises a lot, but I'm forever skeptical of his ability to deliver.

We'll see, of course. The field is going to be a lot more open in 2020.
I really do think the only reason that Bernie isn't talked about more is because of this age, which is more fair of a reason than some of his most ardent supporters would be willing to admit.

He probably would start 2020 with much higher name rec and in a much better position than 2016 and could focus most of his energy on outreach to the areas in which he didn't compete in (the South, for one).

But it might be better for everyone if he stayed out and just played kingmaker.
I feel like 1/3 of the posts in here are from one dude propping up a candidate with no chance of being viable.

Hopefully the Dems have something better.


I don't think he should run. But I'd vote for him of course.

Hopefully the Left has somebody likable that the middle folks can stomach enough not to vote for a racist again.


They HAVE been talking healthcare and climate change though?? I don't think you understand that an opposition party can't set the national agenda. They literally can't because they have to try and stop the GOP from executing theirs.
Cool- let's see how being purely opposition in 2018 and 2020 helps them
We need a young anti-establishment candidate for 2020, who precisely stands by the "idealistic" (aka craved by the young and the independents) proposals for America.

Accept it GAF... your true FIRST female President:

If you want a woman of color in the progressive faction of the Democrats who supported Bernie running, Praymila Jayapal has actually managed to get elected to an office higher than state senator.'

Sometimes I feel like you're so dumb you have to be a plant.
If you want a woman of color in the progressive faction of the Democrats who supported Bernie running, Praymila Jayapal has actually managed to get elected to an office higher than state senator.'

Sometimes I feel like you're so dumb you have to be a plant.

He is a troll, just add to the ignore list
One thing that nobody has mentioned in this thread yet is the fact that Bernie is really old. Pretty surprised that hasn't come up.
If you want a woman of color in the progressive faction of the Democrats who supported Bernie running, Praymila Jayapal has actually managed to get elected to an office higher than state senator.'

No thanks, I'll take a DC outsider with the fighting spirit, the smarts, and the principles that resonate with progressives, the young, and the independents. That person is Nina Turner.


No thanks, I'll take a DC outsider with the fighting spirit, the smarts, and the principles that resonate with progressives, the young, and the independents. That person is Nina Turner.

Nina Turner will end up the least qualified person on the debate stage, if she somehow makes it that far. Well, it will be between her and Zuck.
I was for Sanders last time. I mean, I still like him and I'd definitely vote for him if he ran again. ...But he is going to be 80 years old. Statistically, minds start to go well before then. His health isn't great. His ideals can certainly live on in all of us, but it would be irresponsible to run him, and I bet he'd think it'd be irresponsible to run.

Instead, let's get a younger firebrand in the house. Younger the better. Someone with experience, someone loud and angry, and someone whose improprieties are likelier to win points in independents than lose them in democrats.

So I mean, I'd donate to Kamala Harris, for instance. I think she's in her early 50s, been in politics for 30 years or so in 2020, with no notable problems that I can see.

Bernie needs to say the bolded. I love his ideals but even he should have the foresight of his own health as he ages with respect to a very stressful position.
Shallow me says find someone charismatic, fit, handsome, and around 46 years old. Make sure they have a consistent voting record and no history of corruption. Give him the same outlook Bernie had and you'll win.
Sorry, I'm behind several weeks.

Can someone explain how campaigning on single payer would have won GA-6 and not just move it from +25R to +5R?
This whole Bernie situation has gone on way too long. This guy helped shape the anti-establishment narrative that certainly played a part in Hillary's downfall, and now there is this talk of him running in three years. We need youth in order to beat Trump because he could easily walk away with 2020 just like he won last year. IMO, he is in over his head and never showed me he was quite sure on how to follow through with his idealistic promises.

Hillary was getting knocked on anti-establishment sentiments during the 2008 primaries. It helped Obama that he was relatively unknown to the general public and was considered a Washington outsider. The Bernie campaign didn't create the anti-establishment movement. They tapped into the underlying mood of the country and the frustration of Washington politics. Same with Trump and the Republican primary.


No Scrubs
Hillary was getting knocked on anti-establishment sentiments during the 2008 primaries. It helped Obama that he was relatively unknown to the general public and was considered a Washington outsider. The Bernie campaign didn't create the anti-establishment movement. They tapped into the underlying mood of the country and the frustration of Washington politics. Same with Trump and the Republican primary.

Trump didn't tap into an anti-establishment mood, he was blatantly racist and it turns out that's what the GOP wants.
It helped the GOP plenty in 2010 and 2016!

2010, arguably. 2016, not so much.

Trump ran on opposition to Obama, of course, but he also ran on actual policy ideas. Terrible, stupid policy ideas, of course, but he didn't stake his entire general campaign on "my opponent is a monster and I'm not" like Clinton did.
I'm not angry at either of you, but your routine of "go into vaguely political thread, complain about 'HillGAF' with no substance" is old.

Again, the dude popped in here and said Bernie Sanders should die and you have nothing to say about that. Me saying "this is tasteless" is what elicits a response from you.
Also make sure that the platform is based around technological fear. The fear of being left behind by the rest of the world who are accelerating forward. Show idealistic future forward images from China, Taiwan, South Korea, and around Europe. Cut that together with American smoke stacks, dirty oil, and tanks firing in the desert. Show the robots, cell towers, communications, and have your candidate be the one who will navigate the country out of the dirt and rubble of contemporary American policies into a new future.
2010, arguably. 2016, not so much.

Trump ran on opposition to Obama, of course, but he also ran on actual policy ideas. Terrible, stupid policy ideas, of course, but he didn't stake his entire general campaign on "my opponent is a monster and I'm not" like Clinton did.

Hey, I'm not saying the dems shouldn't campaign on policy. Of course they should. But crying about the dems acting as an opposition party between elections instead of a legislative party when that's the reality we're living in right now feels pointless.
2010, arguably. 2016, not so much.

Trump ran on opposition to Obama, of course, but he also ran on actual policy ideas. Terrible, stupid policy ideas, of course, but he didn't stake his entire general campaign on "my opponent is a monster and I'm not" like Clinton did.

Crooked Hillary? Emails? etc.

People have short memories.


I can very much see Bernie as a Ronald Reagan figure on the left.

I do think his age is an insurmountable barrier, though. Trump and Reagan demonstrate just how dangerous it is to have someone in terminal decline in the presidency.
Nina Turner will end up the least qualified person on the debate stage, if she somehow makes it that far. Well, it will be between her and Zuck.

People don't want folks with bad experience and critical errors in judgement. We saw that last time.

Zuckerberg, Turner and anyone else who's eligible should get up there if they have good policies and rhetoric that is looking to help Americans. Dummies and politicians who fail their way up the ladder need to get the boot.
Get liberals out of power in our government.

Nah... it was about supposedly cleaning DC from lobbying and the influence of money in politics (laughably). He stole the entire shtick from Bernie, because he knew anti-establishment populism was the flavor du-jour for the entire 2016 election.
"supposedly"? like how nina turner is supposedly this wunderkind true progressive candidate who can't seem to win a race outside of a D+20 seat on the east side of cleveland?
Again, the dude popped in here and said Bernie Sanders should die and you have nothing to say about that. Me saying "this is tasteless" is what elicits a response from you.

No, you continuing your dumb little routine of going into threads for the sole purpose of calling out imaginary HillGAF is what elicits a response from me.

Continue to act like you're the victim here in all of this if you want, I guess
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