Team Andromeda
You can't show the effect that VRR has, yet you post a picture of dropped frames LOL. Keep it comingYou can't show any "vrr effect" via the videos they produce. But everyone who uses a VRR capable display knows that dips and drops in games that run at a maximum of 30fps (especially down to the low 20's) are not salvagable by VRR. But yet, despite that you've attempted to claim VRR means you "didn't get any frame drops", which everyone knows is nonsense.
I don't need to play a game running at 30fps with dips to know is going to look like shit regardless, VRR or no VRR. I've seen and experienced it first hand prior to me upgrading my PC, it's not fun. If you're capabale of fooling yourself in to believing it's a good experience because you have no other choice and/or you have a duty to promote the console then that's your problem, not mine.
Maybe you need to play both Metro and Medium on a Series X with VRR and 120hz mode enabled and you might be surprised the effect VRR can have with a game, that's assuming you even have a Series X