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w00t! Shuri just bought a xbl account along with..


Steel Battallion: Line of Contact! Cant wait to try it online. THing is i'm too busy with real life responsabilities to register until 2-3 weeks :( Are there any SB:LOC boneheads around here? I cant wait to own you! ;) I also pre-ordered Halo2, Burnout 3 and MK:Deception





seriously - fuck line of contact.



Not bitter, just unsweetened
i have steel battalion and almost every live game

when i avoid LoC you know something must be wrong :(


Quick! Trade it in for Crimson Skies or Ralisport Challenge 2!



... Or a pre-order for HALO 2. :)


shuri said:
.. you guys are scaring me now. WHAT THE FUCK IS THE PROBLEM
the game is totally fucked up. i'm sure someone else is typing up a post filled with the problems it has...it's just gonna take a bit, gonna be a huge post.

short version:

shit network code
easily exploited bug ruins campaign mode
finding other people to play with is a joke
you need a godly connection to get a full game going without any drop outs

i probably spent 7 hours with LoC, and of that, I played two matches. everything else was spent waiting in lobbies.

even if they fixed the lag - and by god, that'd be a shock - there's still the issue of the campaign mode bug, and the drop out issues.


There was lag at least year's E3 when it was 8 players on a LAN connection. I am glad I took that clue and waited for impressions.


shuri said:
Well this sucks.
yea. see my avatar? imagine you're the guy on the ground, and Capcom is the three dudes with bats. that's pretty much what it's like to pay for SB:LoC.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Wellington said:
There was lag at least year's E3 when it was 8 players on a LAN connection. I am glad I took that clue and waited for impressions.

LAG over LAN?
Wow, that must be an acomplishment


Party Pooper
wait a few years and ebay it.

i havent touched it in months, i suppose now that i increased my DSL speed, i should try again...

it'll probably still be shitty


I'm pwned. Local EB wont take back opened games. They'll only change it for a copy of the same game.

ANd its all because of those fucktards who used EB as a rental store.


shuri said:
I'm pwned. Local EB wont take back opened games. They'll only change it for a copy of the same game.

ANd its all because of those fucktards who used EB as a rental store.
There was a bit there that Capcom was willing to refund your money if you sent your copy of LoC to them. I don't remember the details, but it's worth cehcking out.


works for Gamestop (lol)
BuddyChrist83 said:
There was a bit there that Capcom was willing to refund your money if you sent your copy of LoC to them. I don't remember the details, but it's worth cehcking out.

I think they retracted that offer, or something. I just remember some thread on their forum being magically deleted that contained info about this refund
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