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Waco Police: Fully Loaded Handgun Found in Female's Vagina

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Waco Police: Fully Loaded Handgun Found in Female's Vagina

WACO -- Waco Police discovered a large drug stash during a traffic stop and a fully loaded handgun hidden in the female suspect's vagina.

The incident occurred Monday night shortly before 11:00 p.m. Waco officers stopped a vehicle for a traffic violation and discovered a large quantity of Methamphetamine.

During the arrest a male and female were taken into custody. While transporting the suspects it was discovered that that female had concealed a fully loaded Smith and Wesson .22 cal. Semi-auto handgun inside her vagina.

Officers had initially stopped a 1998 Toyota Land Rover at 15th and Blair in North Waco. After the traffic stop the Hispanic male driver, Gabriel Garcia, 30, was found to be in possession of 2.7 grams of Methamphetamine that he had concealed under his driver’s seat. Garcia was arrested and charged with Possession of Methamphetamine in a Drug Free Zone. The stop was within 1000 feet of West Elementary School.

During Castaneda’s transport to the jail she told the officer that she had concealed a handgun inside her vagina. Officers immediately stopped and a female officer searched Castaneda discovering she had in fact placed a loaded Smith and Wesson pistol inside her body cavity. The weapon had a round chambered and a full magazine of bullets.
I thought this was quite common (well, not common, but not news worthy?) I have heard about a few just on the podcast Sword and Scale. One woman had a stolen gun hidden in her vagina, and the original owner said he wanted it back when the cops were done with it, but he was going to wash it in bleach. Classy ladies.
Now that's what I call feminine protection, amirite? High five up top, don't leave me hangin...

Also, am I the only one tired of the usage of "male" and "female" in the police statement? Why can't they use "man" and "woman"? The suspects /are/ human, after all.


To be the female officer that pulled that out...

If there was ever someone more deserving of a kickstarter...
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